
Safe Zone?

Clementine was glad that she was with Samantha because she gave her cover credibility.

They were headed to the military base and Clementine hoped that she would find Sam there.

The state she found the military base that Sam was supposed to be in told her that things didn't go as planned but it would be logical for Sam to find the next base to establish the chain of command. This was standard procedure because if the chain of command stll existed, Sam needed to regroup to find out what his next orders were.

He was a soldier through and through so she hoped that Sam would be here.

They walked for quite some time and they saw 'dead' zombies everywhere.

The army had clearly been at work considering the amount of zombies they saw.

They didn't dispose of the bodies and it was like the bodies led a trail right to them.

Clementine knew that these people were establishing a safe zone as anyone would be curious as to where the bodies led to.


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