

The two boys burst into the classroom, their faces filled with sheer panic. Without a moment's respite, Lumina's keen eyes fixated on them, and she subtly shifted her hand beneath her desk in anticipation.

With a surge of her newly acquired power, Lumina exerted her telekinetic force, like an invisible rope, obstructing the boys' path. Their bodies tumbled over it, their expressions frozen in shock as they crashed to the ground with a resounding thud, their school supplies scattering in all directions.

Unyielding, Lumina wore a mischievous smirk as she continued her actions, her gaze fixated on the tiny flask of ink that had been flung from Ron's hand. Employing her power, she propelled the flask through the air, accelerating its trajectory toward the black cat resting on the teacher's desk.

'Hehe, this will be magnificent.' She couldn't help but feel excited over her small stunt, already bathing in the atmosphere it brought.

The flask collided with the wooden desk, shattering into pieces, causing a splatter of black ink to cascade in every direction. Just in the nick of time, the black cat leaped backward, skillfully evading the impending shower of ink.

The room resounded with eruptions of laughter as all eyes turned to the duo sprawled on the ground, their faces flushed with embarrassment.


"So, this is the hero who saved us? Hehehe."

In an instant, the black cat transformed into an elderly woman, her stern cough resonating throughout the entire classroom, silencing the uproar.

'Will she shout at them?' Lumina could hardly contain her childlike excitement and anticipation. She could already feel the surge of negative energy coursing through her veins. Though not abundant, it was sufficient to heighten her mood.

The joy the students had at the failure of their classmates, and the fear and shock of the duo, all fueled her power reserves.

She grinned from one ear to another, her eyes gleaming in joy.

Her smile froze as the professor's gaze bore down on her, a stern and penetrating stare that made her retreat deeper into her chair.

'Does she know it was me?' A momentary panic struck her as what she considered to be a foolproof plan turned into a disaster.

"Truly childish, Miss Morningstar, to engage in such a prank. Transfiguration is a dangerous and profound subject that demands the utmost focus and there is no place for such a behavior."

The panic became even worse, Lumina's smile fully vanishing as she miscalculated, 'Ohh, no I truly underestimated the magic senses of senior professors.'

The elderly witch continued, her gaze almost drilling holes through the Lumina's soul, "Since this is your first class, I will be lenient. You shall serve one month of detention, reporting an hour early every Monday before the class begins. Additionally, I will deduct ten points from the Morningstar house.

"However, I shall award you five points for your remarkable displays of wandless and chantless magic. You should instead use your talent to study instead of your childish pranks."

Lumina sank even further into her chair, but the smile reappeared on her face. She harbored no regrets. 'Detention... bothersome but manageable. As for the points... they hold no significance.'

Being the sole student in her house, she harbored no illusions of winning solely by her own efforts, particularly with the blatant favoritism bestowed upon the golden trio, as depicted in the books.

Nevertheless, her pride forbade her from accepting mediocrity or languishing at the bottom of the leaderboard. She yearned to compete and vanquish her adversaries and show her father how amazing she was. 'In that case, I shall compete on my own terms. I shall amass the lowest score in history, plunging so deeply into the negative that it shall become legendary!'

It might have been a foolish and childish notion, but if the game was rigged, she would create her own rules.

'Father, watch as I make you proud. This entire point system is a fraud anyway...rewarding students for risky and dangerous behavior that should have no place in a school.'

Just then, a stern voice jolted her out of her reverie. "Miss Morningstar, retrieve your wand and proceed with the assignment."

'Huh? I should focus.' Even with her thoughts away, it didn't even bother her, her brain absorbing all the information she heard subconsciously like a sponge.

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