
Human Transformer through the Multiverse

our main character is a reincarnate when he dies he gets a couple of wishes however many is necessary for this he wishes to be a Transformer with a shop system, the allspark as his heart and power source, the Forge of Solus Prime with a few tweaks as a soul bounded tool and weapon, a human form in which he is in essence still human so he can have kids in the future, the ability to travel the multiverse and maybe if whoever takes up this story decides on having a lover or going the harem route the ability to give his love or lovers the same abilities and to become a transformer same as himself just minus the shop and the forge. The shop system will be used for gaining new vehicle forms but he can still scan vehicles and vehicle blueprints to add them to his vehicle library if he can find them as well as actual vehicles, and abilities at first our main character starts off with 3 vehicle forms one land, one sea, and one air/space vehicle, abilities will be skills unlocked like the ability to learn magic and other things to help him in his adventures. The forge of Solus Prime will have the ability to change its shape and size so he can use it as a forge hammer in his human form to a large war hammer in any form be it his human or transformer form. His starter world will be Danmachi where he will join the Familia of Hephaestus maybe even get Hephaestus as a lover so he can learn skills on how to be a blacksmith as well as learn how to better use the forge of Solus Prime, he will still go in to the dungeon to train his combat skills. Next through the shop gain beast transformations what I mean is that during his time in danmachi he will unlock this store option either through purchase or he will visit the one piece world after or during his time in danmachi for a bit of time and either by eating or analyzing the zoan devil fruit will unlock this option in the store these will be mechanical versions of the creature like the transformers of beast wars with their animal forms for example like a mechanical snake or a mechanical fox but the cool part would be the special zoans that have abilities which he would gain as well but he can only unleash the mechanical beast form in transformer mode but can use both a hybrid mechanical beast form like mechanical fox ears and tails as well as the mechanical beast form if used in his human form each form will have pros and cons like if used in human form the beast form will be smaller, more agile but less durable but the transformer beast form will be larger more durable but be less agile so there will be pros and cons to both the human and transformer forms. The next worlds he can travel to can be the Tranformers movie series, Transformers Prime or any of the animated series these would be good worlds to gain more vehicle forms as well learn more combat knowledge on how to fight in his transformer form its up to whatever the authors who take up this story chooses for how long he stays in any of the worlds in this story. Other worlds he can go to can be other anime series like DxD to learn more magic, maybe even mecha anime so he can scan and gain new weapons and and new ways to modify his own transformer form. He will also go to the DC and Marvel worlds, near the beginning of young justice or a few months earlier so can start being a hero and then join the team for DC, for Marvel it can be with or without mutants like the x-men he will enter the world during iron man 1 he can help Tony and gain his friendship and openly influence the MCU world like S.H.E.I.L.D can come straight to Tonys house and ask our mc can you help us a hammer fell from the sky do you think you can help us and influence the world like that, or he can be a hidden hero helping in different parts of the MCU world influencing different Marvel movies staying hidden until avengers 1 where he finally reveals himself as the mechanical hero people thought were rumors except S.H.E.I.L.D was trying their best to find him and the Ancient One because well she's the Ancient One what do you expect. During these worlds he'll keep the transformer form hidden only bringing it out when he wants to go all and against large enemies, otherwise he's like Sari Sumdac from the Transformers Animated series with the ability to transform into an armored form and create weapons, our mc will use his human name like normal but he will have a Cybertronian name for his transformer form as well as use it as his hero name when in his hero persona during worlds like DC, Marvel, and the anime world My hero Academia.

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