
The Forest of Memories (2)

The king walked through the hall with a light smile on his lips. It was a great idea to come to the ball tonight, he thought. Not only he enjoyed the dance and music after a long time, but he was also able to confirm so many suspicions.

He saw Luan Einar's carriage stopping by the palace gate and the silver-haired woman stepped out with him. This time, her face wasn't covered by the veil, and he felt like he was transferred to the past when his sister-in-law was still around.

"Your Majesty…" Sir Dewitt was nervous as he walked behind the king. "What you did today was very risky, we still haven't confirmed her identity."

Not only monarch did something out of character by attending the ball, but he also caused a lot of rumours to emerge by showing his preference for one person only.

The whole secretary department will have a headache tomorrow.

"There is no need to confirm it," the king said confidently.

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