
Violet: You Can’t Give Up Now

It was not enough.

As Leo had predicted, King Edward took each of the young princes aside and questioned them until they both broke down and admitted having lain with Sancia. Two scared boys were no match for a cunning, experienced king who could sniff out a lie like a hunting hound on the trail of a fox.

Leo returned to their shared apartments later that day, his face nearly black with rage. He promptly proceeded to kick the door leading to their bedchamber with such force, the heavy timber began to splinter. Not satisfied with that, he bellowed curses without pause.

"Husband." Violet deliberately kept her voice even. She knew she had to make sure Leo saw her as an ally and a confidant, never as the enemy. "Please tell me what happened. I want to see if I can help. And I don't want you hurting yourself."

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