
Not All Women Are Conquests

William's mind screamed at him to keep his mouth shut. Anything he said at this point would only make him sound immature and jealous. It was just a round of archery, nothing more. King Edward himself had expressed disapproval of the princess spending day after day alone in her chambers, in self-imposed exile. She was finally starting to interact with other people and at least Francis was a gentle soul.

Despite this reasoning, the petty side of William wanted to lash out. Why had she been ignoring William all this time but was suddenly smiling away with Francis? Why wasn't she seeking William's attention? Granted, he knew he had other court ladies hanging around him a lot of the time, all clamouring for his interest. But shouldn't seeing that other women wanted him, serve to make him more desirable in Camilla's eyes? Why didn't she want to fight them for his attention?

Women were truly impossible creatures to figure out, he sulked.

But before William could say anything at all, it was Richard who spoke first. "I'm quite surprised to see you alone and unescorted here, Your Highness. You should have brought one of your maids to chaperone. Do you not care about what others will say about you?"

"But I'm not alone. I'm with Sir Francis."

Richard glowered. He thought very little of women's intelligence and hated when one spoke back to him. "Despite your precarious position at our court, it seems you're willing to risk your reputation and be considered a light woman. Are noble ladies in Moraigth taught no better?"

Camilla gave him a smile of piercing sweetness. "I'm not risking anything by spending time with a chivalrous knight. Sir Francis has been a perfect gentleman and I've enjoyed talking with him."

William didn't miss the subtle suggestion in her words, that there were knights she didn't find chivalrous or enjoy talking with.

"Thank you for your concern, though." Camilla aimed one final jab at Richard.

"Don't know why you're suddenly atop your moral high horse, Rich." Francis aimed a sour look his way. "Given you're always talking about the different wenches you're bedding, I'm surprised you have time to even finish your meals, let alone worry about who's talking to who."

Despite himself, William had to laugh at the retort. Francis and Richard had bickered since they were boys. Sometimes he felt stuck in the middle, having to act as a peacemaker. Other times, he found their clashes wickedly amusing.

Camilla's face remained placid as she handed her remaining arrows to Francis and carefully set her bow down. She smiled at him. "I'll leave you with your friends, Sir Francis. Thank you for a wonderful morning and for the archery tips. These have been some of the nicest hours I've spent since I arrived in Islia."

William swallowed the jealousy that was rising in his throat like bile.

Francis smiled back, blushing slightly awkwardly. "A pleasure, my lady. You've been a joy to speak with. I can walk you back to your rooms if you like."

"No need, Sir Francis. I know the way back." The princess bowed to the men and started languidly walking back to the castle. William stared at the line of her retreating back and the curve of her hips, swallowing hard.

"Aren't you delightful company today?" Francis grumbled at Richard once Camilla was out of earshot. "You literally chased a lady off. Nicely done."

"So what? As if her opinion matters! Why are you even spending time with that traitor's daughter, pretending to enjoy her company?" Richard challenged him.

"I do enjoy her company!" Francis, usually so calm, began to flush with annoyance. "I thought she might appreciate a friendly face, since most people here avoid her like the plague. It's not her fault her father did what he did. And it turns out she's very charming and interesting to talk to. If you'd just stop sulking for a moment because she's not interested in tumbling into bed with you and actually listened to her, you'd realise it too."

Richard dismissed his words with a lazy hand wave. "Why would I listen to anything she says? Men are for friendship, women are for fucking." He gave Francis a sly look. "Is that what this is? You want to fuck her, then?"

"No." Francis growled. "Not every woman is a potential conquest. I wouldn't expect you to understand that though."

Williams's eyes flitted between his two close friends. He knew that if Francis said he wasn't interested in the princess romantically, then it was the truth. Francis was honest to a fault. Richard on the other hand…

William and Richard had been the closest of friends and the fiercest of rivals since the nursery. As boys they'd often fought over the same things - the best practice sword, the fastest horse. As men, the competitive streak was stronger than ever. They had never really shared women through, as their tastes ran different.

Until now, perhaps.

Richard didn't seem the type to fixate on a particular woman, since he'd always believed they had only one useful purpose. He shamelessly pursued courtesans, castle maids, even married women. Afterwards, he'd cheerfully describe all his conquests as whores. Robin Sainsbury had joked on more than one occasion that anything with a pulse and a gown was fair game for Richard. However, William had seen how despite his harsh words, Richard's eyes had hungrily followed Camilla's slim figure as she walked away, like a bear about to maul his prey.

An uneasy feeling filled William's belly. He realised he didn't want to share this particular conquest with his friend. And if they did have to share, then William was determined to enjoy the young princess first.

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