
Chapter 10: Rank

Kai and Killua successfully finish their training with Zeno and express their gratitude for his teachings and advice. They have learned a lot from him, not only about nen and martial arts, but also about life and themselves.

They have learned how to control their aura, how to use their nen abilities, how to fight and win, but also how to face their fears, how to overcome their doubts, how to accept their flaws, how to follow their principles, and how to respect their opponents. They have grown stronger and smarter, but also more mature and humble.

They have improved their physical and mental skills, but also their emotional and moral values. They have become true nen masters and assassins, but also true friends and companions.

Zeno: "Well done, boys. You've completed your training with me. You've passed all my tests and challenges. You've shown me your skills and abilities. You've impressed me with your progress and potential. You've made me proud as your teacher and grandfather."

Kai: "Thank you, grandpa. We couldn't have done it without you. You've taught us so much, not only about nen and martial arts, but also about life and ourselves. You've helped us improve our strengths and weaknesses. You've guided us through our difficulties and struggles. You've inspired us with your wisdom and experience. You've been the best teacher and grandfather we could ever ask for."

Killua: "Thank you, grandpa. We really appreciate everything you've done for us. You've given us so much, not only in terms of knowledge and skills, but also in terms of care and support. You've given us a home and a family. You've given us a chance and an opportunity. You've given us a purpose and a goal. You've been the most generous and kind person we've ever met."

Zeno: "You're welcome, boys. It was my pleasure and honor to train you and teach you. It was also my joy and delight to see you grow and learn. It was also my duty and responsibility to prepare you for the world and its dangers. It was also my hope and wish to see you happy and successful."

They decide to resume their journey as Hunters and explore the world and its wonders. They want to see new places, such as exotic islands, ancient ruins, hidden cities, and mysterious lands. They want to meet new people, such as friendly locals, fellow Hunters, interesting characters, and powerful enemies.

They want to experience new things, such as thrilling adventures, exciting events, amazing discoveries, and unexpected surprises. They want to have fun along the way, such as playing games, making jokes, enjoying food, and sharing stories. They want to satisfy their curiosity, by learning more about the world and its secrets. They want to fulfill their desires, by doing what they like and what they want.

They want to overcome their challenges, by facing their fears and solving their problems. They want to achieve their goals, by pursuing their dreams and reaching their potential. They want to live their lives to the fullest, as Hunters and as individuals.

They also aim to increase their rank as Hunters, which determines their status and privileges in the Hunter Association and society. They want to prove themselves as worthy and capable Hunters, who can handle any mission or request that comes their way.

They want to earn more money and fame, by completing high-paying and high-profile missions and requests. They want to earn more respect and recognition, by impressing their clients and peers with their skills and results. They want to earn more influence and authority, by gaining the trust and support of the Hunter Association and its leaders.

They want to earn more access and benefit, by unlocking more resources and opportunities from the Hunter Association and society. They want to increase their rank as Hunters, which determines their status and privileges in the Hunter Association and society.

They learn that there are six ranks of Hunters: Rookie, Single-Star, Double-Star, Triple-Star, Quadruple-Star and Quintuple-Star. Each rank represents a different level of skill, experience and authority as a Hunter and grants a different degree of access, influence and benefit in the Hunter Association and society.

Rookie Hunters are the lowest-ranked Hunters, who have just passed the Hunter Exam and received their Hunter License. They have the basic rights and privileges of a Hunter, such as free travel, legal immunity, and information access. They also have the basic duties and responsibilities of a Hunter, such as following the Hunter Code, paying the Hunter Fee, and reporting their activities.

Single-Star Hunters are the first-ranked Hunters, who have achieved a notable accomplishment in their field of specialization. They have more rights and privileges than Rookie Hunters, such as higher pay, better equipment, and more opportunities. They also have more duties and responsibilities than Rookie Hunters, such as mentoring new Hunters, participating in Hunter events, and contributing to Hunter research.

Double-Star Hunters are the second-ranked Hunters, who have made a significant contribution to their field of specialization. They have more rights and privileges than Single-Star Hunters, such as greater fame, more influence, and more authority. They also have more duties and responsibilities than Single-Star Hunters, such as leading Hunter teams, organizing Hunter missions, and evaluating Hunter performance.

Triple-Star Hunters are the third-ranked Hunters, who have made a major impact on their field of specialization. They have more rights and privileges than Double-Star Hunters, such as immense wealth, more power, and more respect. They also have more duties and responsibilities than Double-Star Hunters, such as advising Hunter leaders, overseeing Hunter operations, and creating Hunter policies.

Quadruple-Star Hunters are the fourth-ranked Hunters, who have made a remarkable discovery or invention in their field of specialization. They have more rights and privileges than Triple-Star Hunters, such as unlimited resources, more freedom, and more honor. They also have more duties and responsibilities than Triple-Star Hunters, such as directing Hunter research, developing Hunter technology, and innovating Hunter methods.

Quintuple-Star Hunters are the highest-ranked Hunters, who have made a legendary achievement or breakthrough in their field of specialization. They have more rights and privileges than Quadruple-Star Hunters, such as supreme status, more control, and more prestige. They also have more duties and responsibilities than Quadruple-Star Hunters, such as representing Hunter interests, governing Hunter affairs, and shaping Hunter history.

They also learn that the rank of a Hunter depends on their achievements, contributions and reputation in their chosen field of specialization. They also realize that there are many fields of specialization for Hunters, such as Archaeological Hunting, Gourmet Hunting, Treasure Hunting, Blacklist Hunting, and more. Each field of specialization has its own criteria and standards for ranking up as a Hunter.

Archaeological Hunters are Hunters who specialize in exploring ancient ruins and civilizations, discovering lost artifacts and relics, and uncovering hidden secrets and mysteries. They rank up by making new discoveries, solving old puzzles, and revealing new information.

Gourmet Hunters are Hunters who specialize in finding rare and exotic ingredients, cooking delicious and nutritious dishes, and tasting different and unique flavors. They rank up by finding new ingredients, creating new recipes, and satisfying new customers.

Treasure Hunters are Hunters who specialize in locating valuable and precious items, collecting rare and unique objects, and trading different and diverse goods. They rank up by finding new treasures, acquiring new collections, and earning new profits.

Blacklist Hunters are Hunters who specialize in hunting down dangerous and wanted criminals, capturing notorious and elusive targets, and eliminating evil and corrupt forces. They rank up by hunting new criminals, capturing new targets, and eliminating new enemies.

They also learn that there are many more fields of specialization for Hunters, such as Beast Hunting, Contract Hunting, Music Hunting, Virus Hunting, and more. Each field of specialization has its own criteria and standards for ranking up as a Hunter.

They decide to specialize in Combat Hunting, which involves hunting down dangerous criminals, beasts and enemies. They decide to use their nen abilities and martial arts skills to fight and capture their targets.

Combat Hunters are Hunters who specialize in engaging in combat and warfare, using various weapons and techniques, and facing different foes and challenges. They rank up by fighting new opponents, winning new battles, and gaining new skills.

They decide to use their nen abilities and martial arts skills to fight and capture their targets. They use Kai's enhancer ability to increase his physical strength and speed with his aura, which allows him to punch harder, run faster, jump higher, and endure more pain. They use Killua's transmuter ability to change his aura into electricity or metal wires, which enables him to shock his enemies, manipulate objects, cut through obstacles, and create traps.

They also use their martial arts skills, such as Kai's boxing and Killua's assassination techniques. They combine their nen abilities and martial arts skills to create powerful and effective attacks and defenses. They adapt their nen abilities and martial arts skills to different situations and environments. They balance their nen abilities and martial arts skills with their aura consumption and output. They coordinate their nen abilities and martial arts skills with each other.

They decide to take on high-risk and high-reward missions and requests that challenge their limits and push their boundaries. They decide to make a name for themselves as Combat Hunters, who can handle any threat or adversary that comes their way.

They register themselves as Combat Hunters and begin to take on various missions and assignments from the Hunter Association and other clients. They receive their missions and assignments through the Hunter website, the Hunter hotline, or the Hunter bulletin board.

They accept their missions and assignments based on their difficulty, reward, and interest. They complete their missions and assignments by following the rules, terms, and conditions of the Hunter Association and their clients. They report their missions and assignments by submitting the proof, evidence, and results of their work.

They receive their payment, feedback, and rating for their missions and assignments from the Hunter Association and their clients.

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