
Feast (2)

Dion's curiosity had been piqued, but the bustling activity around them demanded their attention. Jayce, with a few polite words, dismissed the paladin for the moment. The time for such discussions would come, but for now, there was work to be done.

Turning his focus back to the task at hand, Jayce set about butchering the remaining oversized portions of the wolf. He was determined not to let any part of the majestic creature go to waste, considering the sizable crowd that would soon be gathering for the feast. With precision and expertise, he cleaned and prepared the offal, ensuring that everything was ready to be cooked.

Although Jayce had never personally cooked with entrails before, his trusty ingredient analysis skill took away any uncertainty. It not only guided him in the optimal ways to cook each part, but it also suggested recipes and even provided real-time temperature readings to help him gauge the cooking progress.

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