
Chapter 246:- John and Panther

"Panther, do not come out till I tell you." John warned Panther while staring at a Rabbit monster. This rabbit was three times bigger than the size of an average rabbit on Earth.

Instead of being cute, this monster rabbit looked very scary, with its red, glowing eyes and sharp teeth, which it used to eat other monsters' flesh.

The rabbit monster that they were targeting had snow-like white fur. This rabbit had the claws of a wolf monster.

"Stop treating me like I am a noob at this. There was a time when I used to teach you." Hearing this, John felt embarrassed. He pretended to cough and look away.

It was actually true. There was a time when Panther used to be his senior and regularly used to teach him. Panther is the one who teaches John tips and tricks about hunting monsters.

"Let's see just how much of my teachings you actually remember," Panther said with a proud smirk.

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