
The Stone Clone

"Are you sure we should be going first?" A little scared-looking player asked as he ventured with his friend deep into the White Rock trial.

"We have to!" A player with speckles across his cheeks said: "No one wants to go first because this trial is so odd. This is a very luck-reliant trial!

"Whoever goes first has less luck than those who go after. However, just because we have less luck than others in this trial doesn't mean that it's impossible!

"We'll have to take this risk if we want to do well in the tournament!"

"Yeah, I know that…" The scared-looking player messed with his hair. "We risk getting nothing!"

"I don't want any scraps." His friend said sternly. "I haven't gotten a single position on the leaderboard before. If we get the first spot, just imagine!"


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