It was not apathy.
I know apathy, and despite what everyone thinks, I am everything but numb to the world surrounding me.
The struggle of heroes and the endless game they played with their villains.
The lives lost amid this pointless chaos.
Powerless civilians who happened to be at the scene were naught but nameless casualties that fuelled the never-ending resolve of the Ô so mighty and good-willed heroes.
Or so, the world thought.
They tend to forget that every one of them, be it the frightening Deadshot or the ever-present Flash. In the end, they all are humans, or at the very least, have a mind close to one.
So much in fact that, there is only so much that one can endure before snapping and turning into what they hate most.
"Yesterday, a bomb exploded in the middle of a Metropolis, irradiating several kilometers around the epicenter and killing approximately 11 million people. The responsible for the tragedy has been apprehended by the Justice League and is no other than the infamous Joker.
A few moments later, Superman surprised a second time for the day the world by executing the mad clown.
Although we mourn the loss of our loved ones, one question remains in everyone's mind. Where was Superman-"
I turn off the TV, having heard enough.
As I was saying earlier, it is not apathy.
Simply disinterest in things that would fail to have any bearing upon my existence.
The death of those people is, although tragic beyond measure, nothing that would directly affect me.
Harsh words that hardly set me apart from the ones responsible for it.
However... Am I wrong?
In a world on the verge of collapsing on itself, where the truth of the underlying problem within the whole hero/villain mechanism is exposed to everyone to see.
Villains are a threat that needs to be neutralized.
That is a fact.
However, who would do such a thing?
Then what would make them different from their sworn enemies?
Without the moral high ground, what makes them any different from threats, wielding powers capable of laying waste to a whole civilization if left unchecked?
If there is an answer, I am unable to come up with one.
I push myself out of my leather chair.
There is only that much that a man can take before falling into the deepest pits of the abyss.
And looks like Joker managed to achieve most of humanity's worst fear.
Shaking my mind clear of those problems, I walk outside my house.
Far from civilization, in a pocket dimension where I can receive signals, I stand there, observing the crackled sky.
The bomb weakened the stability of the artificial space.
I failed to foresee being at ground zero, but thankfully, despite my lowered guard it still failed to sufficiently damage my home.
Taking it head-on wouldn't have killed me but I took great care in watering my garden, I wouldn't want it to be destroyed because of some mindless clown.
"I should stop with those long naps, it makes my powers react in a very unpredictable way." I pondered to myself, waving my hand in the air.
At the same time, the previously blue sky sporting deep violet cracks returned to the same eternal cloudless blue.
The space was repaired, and I used my power once more to change my clothes, taking a much more professional attire.
The world is changing.
Fast, too fast even.
I dislike having to exert myself too much, but it doesn't seem like I would be able to sit this one out.
Not this time.
An all-black tri polymer reinforced with his very own spatial forcefield.
There was no need for a flashy costume with some kind of sigil to identify himself.
Hell, there weren't even any masks. But that one was mostly because I could more effectively hide my facial feature with my powers, making any kind of enhanced vision useless due to the distorted space.
I am neither hero nor villain, and to be honest I would have liked for it to remain that way.
But with Superman's probable insane future actions, it would be best for my own peaceful life if the status quo remained the way it always was.
I may understand his anger, but I don't excuse it.
My hand waved the air in front of me.
A rip into space opening, big enough for me to comfortably walk through.
In a second, the space around me distorted, the scenery changing entirely.
I was some kilometers above the city, the smell of ash and the metallic spice of irradiation momentarily made my nose scrunch in disgust.
Although immune to almost all harmful ailments known to humans, with some exceptions, I would far well better not be in this kind of environment for longer than necessary.
A noise brought my attention away from the grim scene below, my eyes lifting to see a helicopter nearing my position.
"The army? I thought they would be busy trying to fix that destruction, not wage war to any supes they see." I commented, looking at the missiles mounted upon their vehicle.
Solidifying the space below me allowed for a similar effect to 'flight'. I could do better but using it that way in a situation that is not a battle is more soothing for my brain.
Processing less information if you will.
"Identify yourself!" They shouted through their radio, the voice somehow surpassing the machine's rotors.
From their facial expression, they are wary.
Terrified perhaps, due to how Superman practically declared war on most countries if they stopped killing innocents in the name of some god-forsaken reason.
They are afraid of him for having the power to retaliate because they will certainly never heed his warnings.
Funny even.
But order has to be maintained.
It's nothing personal truly.
Perhaps my unmoving self being lost in thoughts brought them to think that I am preparing something.
That would explain the several missiles fired upon me.
Under their horrified eyes, however, they all stopped midair.
It's like telekinesy. Only there is no escaping from something you cannot usually feel.
My outstretched hand formed a fist, crushing every missile into nothingness.
No explosion, no sound, just pure annihilation.
Part of why I dislike using my power in a fight.
It's just too easy, like attacking children.
The fight is not fair and it eventually makes me feel like the bad guy.
Not that there ever was such a two-dimensional conflict.
I ignored the retreating aircraft, my sense expanding beyond the confines of the city.
Beyond, but not too far.
Seconds later, I found it.
"Everything's happening way too fast for me to keep up... heh." I commented, before swiping into the air once more.
This time, however, the scenery changed to a much better one.
The infinite expanse that is the ocean.
Below, however, the situation was chaotic.
The Justice League was busy confronting the army of Atlantis.
It does not make any sense.
Atlantis is separated from the surface world, as such they should not have been preoccupied by whatever has been taking place there.
However, almost immediately, some kind of war began out of thin air.
Is there more to the situation that I actually can see?
Is there someone manipulating things from above?
"The Kraken!" I hear Wonder Woman warn but much too late as several giant tentacles emerge from the deep grabbing any enemy they could identify.
Although most easily dodged like Captain Marvel or Green Lantern, Hawkgirl is not that fast.
The battle now happening beneath the surface made the struggle for the Justice League much harder than it originally was, especially since they were supposed to save the poachers despite the clear transgression to the rules imposed by the sunken kingdom.
A sonic boom echoed in the air, announcing the arrival of the Man of Steel.
Immediately, he flew to Atlantis' King, Aquaman.
"Arthur! Call it off!" He demanded, grabbing the blonde man by the throat.
As expected, his behavior is different from his usual self. Losing one's wife may cause such a thing.
A shame truly, I quite appreciated his whole persona.
"They attacked us first!"
"I don't want to hurt the creature further, but I will." He threatened.
"Fine." The kind replied, knowing that in such a confrontation he would be the losing one.
"I called for a ceasefire worldwide-" Superman tried to explain the situation to the king as his comrades were busy rescuing people.
"Even your voice does not reach into the deep, Superman. If you wish to rule the surface world-"
"I do not seek to rule, only to protect." The alien replied, his stoic face hiding the frustration he was feeling at the moment.
He was hiding it quite well but from the way he stiffen at the words pronounced by the king, it was hitting a sore point.
"I do not care if you see it or not, but your reign has begun. However, the sea is mine alone to command." The King impassively declared, not threatened by the constant glare of the deity-like alien.
"Oh?" I pondered aloud, seeing what was happening several kilometers from there and probably in the whole world.
The whole Atlantis army or at least a large part came out of the depth to effectively threaten the surface world.
And from how the heroes below were acting, they heard about it too.
"Arthur... What is this?" Superman asked, his glare more intense than before.
"A reminder." Aquaman replied, his arms crossed to show his stance.
"I am not some pathetic self-appointed leader of an insignificant country who can be bullied into submission. YOUR entire world is inside MINE.
Consider this a show of strength."
If that isn't some impressive kind of dick-measuring contest, I don't know what this is.
Now I wonder what will be their next move...
"I am NOT backing out." Superman said to Wonder Woman as they flew toward the location of Atlantis.
"Oh. Oh." I frowned, not particularly liking what was going to happen.
Wrapping myself beside the depth king, my spatial barrier revealed my presence by stopping blocking the light from reaching me.
"That may have been an error there, old friend." I spoke to him, my voice slightly altered by the space around my head to the point where it was unnaturally deep.
However, he was used to it and my words were clear enough to be understood.
Not very surprised at my presence but enough to raise an eyebrow, the king turned to me before frowning in worry.
"I know, Alexander." He replied before his eyes turned back toward Atlantis.
"Want me to do something about it?" I proposed.
Although an early confrontation with Superman and his gang would not be the most optimal route, if my friend was threatened in such a way despite my initial reluctance, I would have to step in.
"No. His next actions will represent his new rule, and I will act accordingly." He spoke, true to his royal title.
"... If you say so." I said after seconds of thought.
I doubt that he would launch an attack on the surface world. He is no mad king.
And like he said, observing the man of steel's mind when threatened in such a way would prove to be a nice occasion to learn.
Besides, I have to respect his wishes.
"I hope that I will always be welcomed in your kingdom, though."
"You will, my friend." He immediately replied, nodding at me.
"Now go. I have something to think about."
"If you need to, you know how to contact me." I reminded him, my body disappearing beneath the confines of space.
As disgusted as I was, I have to admit that Superman demonstrated that he had a bigger one.
And a much, much madder mind too.
Transporting Atlantis in the middle of a desert?
That has to be some kind of genocidal plan.
However, true to my words, I did not act.
Why would I?
The conflict ended before it even began.
Arthur recalled his army, and every contact beside myself and a few others he had with the surface had been cut off.
As soon as it has been revealed, Atlantis returned to its depth.
One of mankind's greatest allies, due to the planet they share, now refused to even acknowledge their existence due to some alien believing that he is a god.
A shame truly.
I stood still above New York City.
I had to think. Think about what to do.
The situation was more complex than I initially believed.
Something deeply hidden was orchestrating everything beyond the surface.
Otherwise, it would not have led to such fast chain events.
My watch beeped.
Transmitting a location.
One that I did not know.
Expanding my sense toward the location took me less than a second.
A frown appeared on my face.
Immediately after, I wrapped myself out of the sky, directly into the rumored bat cave.
"Never expected to be there without the bat himself." I said, looking at the monitor.
"Much less in a video call with him." I continued, sitting on the comfortable chair.
The man in the bat suit only glared at me before speaking.
It seems like he was in some kind of jet, which would explain why he was so short in his explanation.
"Aquaman told me how to contact you, he trusts you with his life." He began, to which I felt quite proud.
"I don't have time to do extensive research on you but from his words, you should be able to take care of Superman... Is it true?"
"No one's immune to space-time distortion. Not even that guy." I affirmed.
Hell, with a slight miscalculation, I could find myself missing half of my torso.
Not fun, hurts a lot.
"Good. You will remain on standby in case something goes wrong. Currently, Nightwing and I are headed toward Arkham Asylum. We will intercept them and try to make them let the prisoners stay there-"
"And not arbitrarily kill them." I added, to which he slowly nodded.
"Yes. Although I ignore what motivates you at the moment, I don't have any choice but to trust you. Don't make me regret this." He warned, with the rumored dark voice of the dark knight.
"You won't. I'll be there shortly." I managed to say before the communication cut off and the screen returned to black.
Arkham Asylum huh? Time to lea-
"Would you like some tea, Master Bright?" I knew that the butler was there, but how he referred to me quite surprised me, to be honest.
"... You know my name?" I asked, my distorted voice coming in an almost painful pace.
"Yes. Batman gave me your identity before departing. How much sugar in there?"
I knew that he was a good detective but that is much worse than what I imagined.
[3rd's person POV]
"Where are you taking them?!" Batman demanded to know, a scowl on his face although it was not visible behind his mask.
He did not know if that guy arrived or not due to the nature of his power but if he was then he was believing that the situation was not dire enough for him to intervene yet.
Cyborg was opening the cells' doors and the Flash was bringing them-
"A secure facility far away, where they won't be able to hurt anyone ever again." Superman replied, not feeling threatened at all by the two humans supposedly blocking their route.
In front of the combined might of Superman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, and the although much weaker, still as determined as them, Robin; Batman, and Nightwing could not do anything.
Or so he thought.
"No more doors, Cyborg. Only warning." Batman said, glaring at the metallic man beneath his mask.
"Time to go, Riddler. Doo-" Ignoring the Dark Knight's words, Cyborg began the process of opening the door through his cybernetic telepathy however his attempt was cut short by Batman that immediately pushed a button on his belt.
Simultaneously, the half-machine released a shout of pain before collapsing, twitching onto the ground due to some dysfunction of the artificial side of his body.
"What did you do?!" Superman demanded to know, glaring at the other hero.
"Nnngh... virus!" Cyborg managed to say between two spasms.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Robin exclaimed at his father.
"Stop this now!" Wonder Woman shouted at the impassive human, clearly seeing how in pain Cyborg currently was.
"I don't think that it is a good idea to make us look bad in front of literal psychopaths." Nightwing said, pushing on the same button Batman did earlier, freeing Cyborg from the virus' assault.
'No matter how hard I rack my brain, I can't think of a single reason as to why anyone would gain anything at that kind of Justice League.
A much harder and unforgivable League means less room for criminals to act. So there can't be many people that would do such a thing.
A country would also not win anything, since from as far as I know, its main goal is World Peace.
Although they failed to comprehend that even with a ceasefire, issues are still there and need to be managed, otherwise it's just pushing back the problem a little bit before it comes back in full force.
Was everything just an unforeseen consequence for Joker? Or is there truly something at work here? I feel like a conspiracy theorist trying to come up with an explanation that makes sense...' Such was the thought of Alexander Bright as he still sat in the cave.
The situation at the prison slightly degraded but there was nothing major to note, although he would have to intervene now.
Harley Quinn somehow got access to the prison's command and freed every criminal in there, forcing the present heroes to do crowd control against the mentally ill.
Worse than all, Solomon Grundy was rapidly approaching their position.
"Time to reign everything in." He said, his figure disappearing from the chair.
"Release him, creature!" Wonder Woman ordered the grey undead that casually gripped Robin's head.
She tried to make him release the boy but her sword stabbed into his forearm did not even make the huge creature twitch.
Without much thought, the grey creature punched Wonder Woman, sending her through several walls.
Superman was about to attack the mentally incapable monster before a voice coming from seemingly every direction made everyone on the floor stop their activities.
"Put your foolish ambitions to a rest." The voice made most vibrate in horror, not even understanding why.
Their eyes focused on his figure as he appeared into thin air, the few ones recognizing him being quite unsure of the reason for his presence, for his stance in the world was just as obscure.
Cyborg, due to his connection with the internet rapidly compared the newcomer's appearance with photos on the internet.
Very few traces of him were ever recorded.
The most recent one is a picture of someone that looks just like him standing on the surface of the moon, staring into something beyond the Moon's part lightened by the sun.
As such, he was innocently called by the niche community that is DEEPLY obsessed with heroes and the unknown, as...
"The Astronaut." One of the criminals managed to say despite the mental pressure he felt, threatening to suffocate him.
Something within the darkness of his invisible scuba that seems to merge with the air provoked within most people a profound sense of unease.
However, unlike the astronauts after which he was called, both due to his appearance and his presence in the natural satellite, his movements were anything but awkward.
The gloved hand lifted as did his right arm at his face height before another sentence was uttered, breaking the silence.
Immediately, every criminal on the floor found themselves back in their cells and with the door now melded into the ground, not allowing the same trick from earlier.
Everyone was surprised by the impressive showcase of power, but Superman notice how effortless he did so.
Besides, he also failed to see within the invisible scuba that hide his identity.
The only thing they know about him is some kind of snippets of his powers and his name.
"The Astronaut. What are you doing here?" Superman asked, his eyes not moving from the mysterious figure even as Flash and Wonder Woman came back into the room.
His words however seem to fall on deaf ears as the man remained standing above, unmoving.
The only proof that he was their view of him of course, but even that was removed as his body gradually disappeared, or rather, turned invisible.
At that, the Justice League members were immediately alarmed, even further when noticing that neither Batman nor Nightwing expressed confusion.
"As you can see, we have the means to stop your actions right now. It would be in your interest to leave the prison." Batman revealed, pointing at the previously disappeared criminals that were somehow transported back to their cells at the same time as the rampaging ones.
Even Solomon Grundy could be heard speaking nonsense below their feet, through the hole he made.
The state of his body was unclear but probably in a state that still allowed him to talk.
And to do so with someone as relentless as the undead man, it was frightening to be that efficient.
"Superman-" Cyborg tried to warn the Man Of Steel but the latter cut him, nodding at what he was about to say.
"I don't see him either... So either he is not there anymore or-"
"He is somehow escaping both of your visions." Flash finished, looking around at super speed.
Meanwhile, Batman was having an internal debate with himself, trying to see how the situation could resolve peacefully.
He ignored the limit or even the nature of The Astronaut's powers.
As such, a confrontation here may spell both his and Nightwing's end in the case where the man doesn't believe that it is worth still fighting while protecting them.
"He is bluffing." Wonder Woman said, carefully observing Batman.
Although she was as unsure as her companions, she refused to believe that someone capable of doing everything he did in under one second could have come without some kind of heavy weakness.
Maybe the cost of his power was the fact that he could not use it for a while between each use.
That theory quickly found itself to be untrue, as the deep voice from earlier came echoing once more, silencing the rising commotion of the indignant criminals.
"Leave this place at once. You are overstepping your rights."
Wonder Woman frowned, trying to come up with a plan to make him come out or even understand how to strike him.
He can't be seen, his position is unknown due to his disembodied voice and his powers involve teleporting people over great distances with great accuracy without much trouble.
As long as they can't understand what his powers truly are, he is omnipresent.
A feat that not even Superman could replicate or do anything against.
"You choose." Batman said, knowing that the situation seems as dire for him as it is for his friend, turned tyrant.
"Flash, take Robin. We are leaving." After a few seconds of thought, the alien decided that the risks were too high.
He would have better chances if he came back after learning as much as possible about the mysterious being known as The Astronaut.
"No need." The deep voice echoed once more before it proved its power.
The group of heroes was teleported several kilometers away from Gotham, faster than Flash could have run or that Superman could have flown.
"Wow. That was easy." Nightwing said, scratching his head at the awkwardness of the situation.
Emerging from nothingness, The Astronaut stood in space before he turned toward the stoic Batman.
His mind was in turmoil, especially with the treason from his son.
However, now was no time to grieve, the situation was much more dangerous than he initially thought.
"What's the plan now?" The man asked the Dark Knight.
Lifting his head to stare at the infinite-like darkness swirling within the confined space of the scuba, a quick idea formed in the greatest detective's mind.
"We prepare ourselves."