

The rest of the weekend passed by like a blur and before I knew it, it was Monday all over again. I adjusted my bag pack over my shoulder and walked out of my house. The warm soon-ending summer sun kissed my skin in a comforting manner but was immediately replaced with a somewhat chilly breeze. Autumn was coming soon.

"Morning sir!" Startled, I looked at the aging man with a hat over his head. He was clearing the compound full of leaves from nearby trees.

"What are you doing here." I questioned in irritation. No one was supposed to be here without my permission. Especially not one of the men that used to work for Derrick.

"Mrs Brown asked me to come in because she hasn't found a new gardener yet." I scoffed at Nonna's new tricks to spy on me and got in my car. I caught the man's view in my rear mirror and he was still standing like a fucking statue.

"The leaves aren't going to remove themselves." I half-yelled in irritation. Afraid, he started sweeping the place whilst looking at my car.

I drove out of there and made a beeline for school. I reached over at the radio and turned it on, my head bobbed up and down at the song playing. I slowed down at a red light and sighed. An old man and a somewhat light skinned girl crossed the road. I watched her help the old man with his things and my thoughts immediately drifted to the little doe eyed beauty from the party. She felt so delicate, sweet and innocent, someone.... nice-- something great to ruin.

I shook my head at the thought and as if realising it now, I noticed that I wore the same jacket I had on yesterday night. I sniffed myself and behind the usual cologne, lay her sweet, fresh lavender smell. A little smile creeped it's way onto my lips, remembering how intimidated she looked. Her 5'3 doing nothing to ease her nerves. I frowned, recalling how she ran away and into that bastard's arms. I felt anger rush in my veins at how that fucker was quick to take her away as tho I had something horrendous but what do I care anyway, she's just any other normal girl who'll be begging for my attention the first chance she gets.

"What the fuck are you still doing in there!" Ace exclaimed hitting my jeep. I glared at him from the passenger window and got out. I looked around the busy school parking lot and sighed. As if on cue, Phraser drove through the overly grand school entrance and manouvered his way around the other students' cars to park beside mine. He got out and fixed his sunglasses up his nose.

"Morning!" He grumbled bringing his empty bag pack closer to his shoulder. I snickered at his hang-over state and walked towards the main entrance. I ignored all the stares and whispers and walked through the crowded hallway to my locker that I used on very rare occasions. I opened it and retrieved my Geometry text book.

":-would you quit it! You got drunk, so did I. It's no big deal." Ace hissed at Phraser. He huffed and slumped on the locker beside mine.

"Damon didn't." He said like it's the most obvious thing. Ace laughed, turning a few heads.....not like they weren't looking already and used Phraser's shoulder as support.

"He got rejected by the new girl." He said still laughing.

"Shut up!" Phraser gasped, putting a hand over his chest.

"You should have seen his face. He has never been rejected in his life, he looked like Tom Hanks in Cast Away." They both burst out laughing, clutching their stomachs. I rolled my eyes and flipped them off.

As if luck wasn't bitchy enough, Blossom walked through the double doors with the dimwit by her side. My gaze turned to digust at the sight of him, I immediately looked back at her and scoffed at how scared she looked. Her hair was in a perfect bun, matching with the blue jeans and tank top she had on. Beautiful was an understatement.

"Speak of the angel and she will appear." Phraser mumbled under his breath, looking her over. I obviously wasn't the only one who found her attractive.

There we're quiet murmers among students at the sight of her with Jackson. She was, after all, possibly the only black girl I'd seen in school. It's no secret the principle is a tab bit racist, nothing too concerning tho...atleast not to me. I believe in equality and treating people all the same but it doesn't mean that if a person does not share the views as me, I'll condemn them for it. People are different and if the principle is racist, then so be it. As long as it doesn't affect me or my brothers, it's non of my business.

"They are coming here." Ace hissed under his breath and straightened his posture, bumping my shoulder in the process. I realised that my locker was still open and I closed it shut, my eyes never leaving her.

"Morning." Jackson said to my brothers to which they replied the same. Ace excused himself and ran to his class whilst Phraser and dimwit engaged in a conversation. All this time, she never looked up at me. It was starting to piss me off.

"Sick game right Damon!" My gaze snapped to Jackson's. I leaned against my locker a little roughly and glared at him.

"And why exactly would I care to watch whatever you're talking about!" My gaze flickered to her before going back to Jackson.

"He's talking about the Lakers D." I hummed at Phraser and went back to looking at Blossom. Her skin looked so smooth and I imagined how it would feel like to touch her, her lips so plump and full everytime she bit on it it was like she was calling for me to kiss her. And her body, that sa:-

":-Bloss that's you're locker. You can keep anything you want in there." She nodded softly and looked up. As soon as her eyes looked up at me, so full and innocent. I recalled how she pushed me away when I almost had her lips on mine. I smirked, thinking over everything I could do to make her beg me for a quick fuck...and that is exactly my plan. She walked past me and infront of the locker beside mine, I almost laughed at the irony.

"Have a great day Blossom." She looked up and offered me a nervous smile. I looked her over once more before making my way to class.

This will be fun!

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