
fake billionaire , damaged boyfriend 8


Alek clears his throat before continuing, "It's about a certain ping on my motherboard. Someone was able to access the inside mainframe from outside the office and my recorded devices."

"Trace it," Dimitri says simply. "Problem solved."

"Funny thing is, I've never had this happen in my decade of being in this industry. Never. So I hire this new computer whizz who quite literally rewrote my application test, and then I hear about you two leaving together the night that my motherboard was hit."

I bite my bottom lip, looking to Dimitri for answers. He leans forward, still as collected as could be, his hands folded in front of him while his elbows rest on his knees.

"Yeah, so? When is it a sin to hang out with your new hire, Alek? Your coding guys are constantly dating my workers and I think one of them got my secretary pregnant, so how is this an issue?"

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