
Chapter 220: Chimera + Devil Fruit =

"I-I see, so essentially, that creature, or egg, is created from the combination of numerous different animals? I'm not missing anything, correct?" Asked Trenza lightly as she nodded her head while looking at the egg in the modern fridge, which was emitting icy frost as if it was the heart of a blizzard, before glancing at Sebas, who nodded.

"For a simplified version, yes." Replied Sebas softly with a nod as he looked at Trenza, who glanced back at the frozen egg, only for them to look to the right when they heard glass breaking suddenly.

"Did that scientist really think it was a smart idea to stitch its antlers with Gorilla arms?" Asked Diddy lightly as he glanced at a failed chimera experiment lying on the ground in a puddle of greenish liquid, which was a deer with muscular gorilla arms for antlers.

Reaching down, I picked up the corpse of what I assumed to be one of the scientist's chimera experiments and sniffed it, only to recoil in disgust as I swiftly threw it into the distance, smashing right through a few more test tubes housing failed chimera experiments that fell to the ground.

'Ugh, I don't know whether it's the green liquid or it's the chimera, but it smelled terrible.' Mused Diddy with a disgusted expression as he waved his hand in front of his nose before leaping out of the green puddle, landing near Trenza and Scar, who were both blankly looking at him.

"What? Why are you two looking at me?" Asked Diddy in slight annoyance as he folded his arms and eyed Trenza and Sebas, who both sighed to themselves while shaking their heads, causing him to frown before grunting.

"Hmph, whatever; anyways, Sebas, have you found anything interesting besides that so-called Chimera? It's interesting and all, but it doesn't seem like it will hatch any time soon, and any desire I had to eat it has vanished as well." Added Diddy with a scoff as he approached Sebas, passing Trenza, whom he hit in the face with his tail, causing her face to twitch as she nearly popped a vein.

"Sometimes I really just want to shove Sunaipu as far up your arse as possible and let off a few rounds." Muttered Trenza in annoyance as she unholstered Sunaipu and pointed it at Diddy's butt, only to click her tongue in annoyance while holstering her pistol once more, knowing it would amount to nothing.

"Anything interesting besides the Chimera? Hmm, no, not from what I can discern; the scientist had gone partially mad, so searching through his memories is harder than it would be for a sane person, but there doesn't seem to be anything remarkable or worthy of mention… Ahh, but something is interesting about this Chimera." Replied Sebas with a raised eyebrow and a thoughtful expression as he closed his eyes and rubbed his bearded chin, only to suddenly snap his eyes open with a faint smile while gesturing to the egg, grabbing both Trenza and Diddy's attention.

"We're listening." Said Trenza lightly as she neared the two, standing on the left of Sebas while Diddy stood on the right.

"The scientist wasn't originally from this island, as I'm sure you two have probably noticed, considering the lack of civilization. As for how he got here, I haven't yet found that within his unorganized mind, though I don't believe it is important right now. Roughly four decades after he arrived here, around the time he was creating the Chimera we're looking at right now; he had found bluish-white devil fruit hanging from a tree near the hatch to his lair…" Stated Sebas lightly as he paused to catch his breath before clearing his throat and continuing.

"…I have no idea what kind of devil fruit it is, but a year later, when he was close to finishing the Chimera, something went wrong, and just before he lost the egg, in a state of mad obsession, he started using anything he could find to help stabilize the egg, and that was the bluish-white devil fruit. Somehow, the Chimera, while still in the egg, ate the devil fruit, which instantly stabilized it, but it also began to release a freezing aura that caused anything it touched to freeze. It's been a few years since then, and ever since then, the freezing aura has only gotten more intense." Remarked Sebas softly as he, Diddy, and Trenza observed the egg in surprise.

"So, disregarding how the egg even ate the devil fruit in the first place, are you saying that the chimera inside the egg is getting stronger?" Asked Diddy with a smirk as he looked at the egg, listening to its ever-faint heartbeat while his eyes narrowed, releasing his predator's aura and causing the egg to tremble subtly as the frost it emitted grew in intensity.

'Heh, I'm even more excited than before; I can't wait for you to hatch.' Mused Diddy with a grin as he listened to the Chimera's heartbeat, which had subtly sped up, causing him to lick his fangs, before chuckling as he suddenly closed the fridge and retracted his predator's aura.

"It's decided; we're taking the chimera with us!" Stated Diddy loudly with a grin as he grabbed the fridge before ripping it from the wall and lifting it into the air.

"Eh, we're taking it with us just like that?" Asked Trenza lightly as she glanced at the fridge before looking at Diddy, who spun it on his nail like a basketball, earning slight praise from Sebas, who faintly clapped his hands.

Glancing at Trenza, I gave her a confused look, which caused her to sigh as she rubbed her head before pointing at the scientist with her pistol.

"I just that it was kind of ironic and weird that pirates killed the man's daughter, and now us, who are pirates, we're going to essentially kidnap and raise his child." Remarked Trenza with a weird expression as she looked at Diddy, who tilted his head in confusion.

"Raise? Who said anything about raising? I'm not raising any kids; if what pops out of this egg happens to be some child, I'm throwing them overboard. Do I look like a father to you?" Questioned Diddy with a confused frown as he shook his head while lightly tossing the fridge up and down, causing Trenza's expression to twitch.

"Haa, n-never mind, just… Just forget I said anything." Muttered Trenza with a sigh as she rubbed the bridge of her nose and shook her head before gesturing to the scientist.

"I'm assuming we're killing him as well?" Added Trenza lightly as he cocked the hammer of Sunaipu back, ready to fire at the scientist.

Glancing at the old scientist beside Sebas, I simply shrugged my shoulders. I didn't care what happened to that old man; I had actually forgotten about him; he was of no concern to me. Turning around, I headed towards the entrance while Sebas and Trenza followed, though not before a gunshot rang out, followed by a soft thud as the old man hit the ground.

'Hmm, I do wonder how long it'll take for Freyja and Mael to find this place.' Mused Diddy curiously as he carried the fridge through the passageway before flying out the chute while he, Sebas, and Trenza headed toward Pandemonium.



It's been a few hours since we returned. Sebas had already placed the fridge somewhere in the base atop Pandy, and currently, I'm laying in my hammock, waiting for the four to return to the ship so we can leave. Since Freyja had fed Pandy her log pose, we didn't need to wait for the stupid log pose to reset, and we could leave whenever.

Unfortunately, I had overestimated those four since we were required to wait at least another two hours before I finally inhaled that familiar yet arousing scent that could belong to only one person. Opening one of my eyes, I looked at the cliff-side of the island, where we initially landed, and spotted Freyja and Scar, along with a large dude with wings similar to Mael on her shoulder.

'Hmm, some kind of skypiean or could people?' Mused Didd with a raised eyebrow as he looked at Freyja and Scar, who both leaped atop Pandy's shell while the former tossed the unconscious man in a fit of anger.

"Tch, so who found it first, you or Sebas?" Asked Freja aggressively as she approached Diddy, who smirked before yawning and closing his eyes, entirely unconcerned with her aggression.

"How do you even know we found anything? I could've just gotten bored and returned to the ship; knowing me for so long, you should know that's not out of character for me." Replied Diddy lightly with a faint smirk, his words causing Freyja to scoff in annoyance as she folded her arms.

"Just because my senses aren't as acute as yours, Diddy, doesn't mean they're useless; I found that stupid lab and smelled your scent, same with Trenza's and Sebas's all over that place. So who was first, Sebas or you?" Remarked Freyja with a click of her tongue as she squinted at Diddy, who grunted before frowning and rolling on his side.

"Tsk, Sebas did. Happy?" Said Diddy in slight annoyance, his words causing Freyja to heave a sigh of relief as she grabbed her heart.

"Haa, I can live with that." Muttered Freyja with a small smile as she looked at Diddy before glancing at Scar and winking at him.


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