
Chapter 217: Suns Angel Vs Gang

"Alright, big boy, I've wasted enough time playing around with you; we've got a bet to win, so I'll have to take care of you now. However, I won't lie; I can sort of see why Diddy enjoys fighting, though only when my life isn't in danger." Remarked Freyja lightly as she shook her head while gazing at Urouge, who furrowed his brows while smiling, only to be taken aback when he saw her body transform into a large, muscular, hideous monster.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you; well, at least not yet." Added Freyja in a deep, monstrous voice as she stared at Urouge, who, despite smiling, was nervously sweating.

I was never a fan of this transformation, so I decided to end this quickly; with my now massively increased strength, I pushed off the ground and leaped toward Urouge, who swung his iron pillar at me, yet before it could hit me, I caught with my hand while clenching it, digging my sharp nails into as I landed on the ground.

"You get stronger the more damage you take, but there is a limit to things, and my senses tell me you've reached that limit." Said Freyja in a deep, rough voice as she faintly smiled, displaying her grotesque mouth full of deadly teeth, before pushing Urouge backward despite him using all of his strength to resist her.

Grabbing the iron pillar with both hands, I lifted it and Urouge into the air before violently slamming him onto the ground, creating a sizable crater while the entire area greatly trembled. Although I was slightly wrong since I noticed his muscles grew slightly, it was only slightly, and given the amount of damage he had sustained, he had definitely reached his limit.

"W-What strength." Muttered Urouge weakly while on one knee as he spat out blood before looking out of the crater and eyeing Freyja's large, monstrous figure.

"Heh, I appreciate the compliment, but it's still insignificant against my Captain. Now, be a good boy and go to sleep." Remarked Feyja lightly with a faint smirk as she suddenly flapped her wings, speeidly dashing towards Urouge and before he could react, she punched him in the face, slamming his body into ground, creating a crater within a crater.

Removing my fist from his head, I looked down at his bloody face and was decently surprised he was still conscious after receiving that; so after setting my fist aflame, I delivered a blow even stronger than the last, causing his body to go limp while his muscles reverted back to their normal size.

Doing the same, I returned to my usual beautiful self before reaching down and picking up Urouge and tossing him over my shoulder as I promptly leaped out of the double craters, only for my loveable Scar to toss me my jacket. Blowing him a kiss, I put on my jacket and was about to suggest we continue focusing on the bet, but before I could, I heard numerous people running to the forest in our direction, causing me to turn around and look at the dense vegetation, while Scar wielded his dagger.

"A-Are you sure this is where Captain is? I-I heard a whole bunch of loud explosions this way; I-I don't know if we should go." Stated a man as he emerged from the dense vegetation, stepping into Freyja and Urouge's battlefield, followed by numerous other men.

"I'll take care of them, Freyja." Stated Scar firmly as he looked at Freyja before dashing towards numerous pirates, who quickly noticed his speedy arrival.

"Be a dear and don't kill them; I'd like to heal myself after that fight." Said Freyja softly as she waved at Scar, who dived into the middle of the group of pirates.

Leaning against a nearby tree, I watched Scar skillfully defeat the tens of pirates with ease; I even saw him momentarily use tekkai to deflect a bullet right off his chest, only to throw a small dagger right into the man's eye socket. The battle was rather pathetic and was over within two minutes, which caused me to smile as I set Urouge down and skipped toward the beaten and unconscious men with a hungry gaze.

"I promise to be quick, only kisses." Remarked Freyja as she kissed Scar on the cheek before leaning down and kissing the unconscious men, causing their bodies to wither into malnourished corpses one by one

"Alright, let's continue searching for the source of this weirdness!" Added Freyja with a smile while in perfect health as she picked up Urouge and ran through the forest while Scar followed behind her.



Standing on the opposite side of the waterhole with Grand beside me, we stared at a short man in the distance, surrounded by numerous men wearing similar clothes with only different colors.

"Hmm, if I'm not mistaken, isn't that Capone 'Gang' Bege?" Muttered Grand lightly with a raised eyebrow as he glanced at the short, stout man smoking a cigar while squinting at them.

"Who?" Asked Mael with a raised eyebrow as he glanced at Grand and scratched his head a little before pointing at Bege.

"That man is Bege, a Mafia-don-turned-pirate, pretty much the same as Father, me, Scar, and Trenza. He's the Captain of the Fire Tank Pirates and is from the West Blue. He's also eaten a devil fruit that allows him to turn into a castle or something along those lines." Remarked Grand with furrowed brows as he gazed at Bege while rubbing his chin, his words slightly surprising Mael.

"That's quite a decent amount of detail; I wouldn't expect from you, Grand; you're more of the fight first ask questions later kind of person." Remarked Mael lightly, his words causing Grand to grunt before punching him in the face with his gauntlet-covered fist, only for it to phase right through his body.

"I am, but that doesn't mean I don't know things; I used to work as the doorman back in the Elegant gang so I was required to know a lot of important people, which included mafia's. Capone might've been in West Blue, but he was still big enough to deserve my attention; besides, Father mentions him frequently." Said Grand with a slight frown as he retracted his fist and folded his arm, only to turn and eye Bege in the distance.

"So, what should we do?" Asked Grand curiously, only to hear the sound of wind being cut along with intense heat that caused the entire lake to boil immediately.

"To fight them, of course; we're enemy pirates, after all." Stated Mael with a faint smirk as he held his golden axe, eyeing Bege, who sported an unsightly expression as he suddenly started to grow while his body slowly transformed into that of a castle.

I didn't immediately attack and instead watched as Bege grew until he finally stopped, standing at a massive size while looking like a castle-turned robot; he had numerous cannons jutting out from all over his body, while I spotted his men manning each one, ready to fire upon on in a moments notice.

"I call dibs on the castle; you can take on the people inside." Stated Mael with a smirk as he spread his wings while raising his axe into the air, his words causing Grand to give him a weird look.

"How am I going to do that? I need to get inside first?" Asked Grand, only for Mael to grab his arm before flapping his wings and swiftly flying toward Bege, instantly getting fired upon by the numerous cannons.

"Simple, I'll make a path." Said Mael as he engulfed his golden axe in plasma while the numerous cannon balls phased right through his body.

Reaching the gate on Bege's castle body, I swung my axe down, launching a deadly sharp slash of scorching plasma that cut right through the iron gate as Bege grunted in pain; quickly after, I chuckled Grand right into the hole, and a few seconds later, I heard cries of pain along with him yelling.

"I'LL TAKE YOU ALL ON!!" yelled Grand enthusiastically as he went on a rampage within Bege's body, taking out two to three men with a single punch.

With Grand taking care of the inside, I focused on Bege, who swung his large fist at me, yet all it did was make me dissipate before my body reformed when he removed his arm. Flapping my wings, I launched myself toward his face and punched him in the face, forcing him to take a step back, followed by a small explosion. Retreating, I raised my axe into the air, creating a cruel sun before chucking it at Bege, who tried blocking it, but the might within my attack was too much as he was forced onto his back.

'This is easy; fighting against someone who can't harm me is pointless.' Thought Mael with a faint frown as he floated in the air while gazing at Bege, who grunted while slowly standing back up.

"Whatever, this is good; we'll make this fight quick and return to searching for whatever makes this island weird. Though so far, it's been normal." Muttered Mael as he looked towards his right, spotting a large flash of lightning far off in the distance, only to glance back at Bege and notice he was chucking a small mountain at him.

Raising my hand, I narrowed my eyes before releasing a wave of plasma at the incoming mountain, causing it to instantly turn into lava as it fell to the ground, burning everything it touched.

"Let's finish this; I've got something to prove to my Captain and fellow crewmates." Said Mael with a hardened gaze as wisps of plasma erupted from his body while eyeing Bege.


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Elven Legacy (Chapter 249: Curse?) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 131: Fight! Third Guardian) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 227: Boring Buster Call)|| Marvel's Black Steel (Chapter 200: Anger Felt Round The World) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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