
Cataclysmic Event

Looking at the Demon that had half its body out already, Midas estimated he only had half a megachronon until the moment he was slapped into meat paste.

Fucking wonderful.

He didn't have to look at Link to know that the man was still carrying the Anti Tech Pulsar at his waist, an object he had aimed at many times only to have Link dodge and manoeuvre away skillfully with a knowing glance.

Midas had tried so many times to take that thing, and by the time he had an opportunity to do so, he was too focused on killing Link to care about it anymore. Damn it! Missed opportunity, folly only fools could dream.

Midas had another opportunity now… but there was a problem. How was he going to move? And how would he get there? Midas racked his head, feeling the pressure grow every kilochronon as his neurons fired at superspeed supported by an EF that normally ran in the background.

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