
Third Holy Mission (3)

Inside a room within the orphanage. 


Lily was standing in front of a group of children sitting on the floor and telling a story.


"3,000 years ago when everyone was living a happy and peaceful life, demons from another world opened a portal to our world…


"When they entered our world, they began doing all bad things to everyone, especially to us humans, even eating them little children…


"They also tricked other humans by offering them evil powers to help them do bad things to other humans…


"Seeing how many people have suffered, the Elements felt sorry for us and decided to help us fight against the demons by giving us magic…


"And one of those Elements was the Light Element or who we call the God of Light…


"The God of Light gave the people of this world the magic to cure and heal all wounds and sicknesses, and make everyone happy…


"As everyone from this world continued to learn how to use the powers given by the Elements, heroes also started to appear…


"Among the heroes, a man named N'eua who mastered the Light Element became the first Priest, the first Light Saint, the first one who wielded the power to bring anyone back from the dead, and founded the Temple of Priests…


"He built the Temple of Priests in order to help everyone from this world to fight against the demons and bring back the happy and peaceful lives of everyone…


"However, other bad things happened as well…


"As powerful and good heroes started to rise up to save the world from demons, powerful bad people rose up as well…


"And instead of helping people save the world from the demons, these powerful bad people used the power given by the Elements to do bad things to other people just like the demons…


"And among the powerful bad people are Necromancers…


"And their group is called The Cult of Infinity…


"There were also the humans who sided with the demons when the demons first arrived in this world and then later become into what we now call Demon-kin…


"Although there are a few good demon-kins out there, most of them would rather be friends with demons -- even act like demons by eating people, especially little children. And many of them aren't smart like humans. So most of them are dangerous…


"So children, if you know anyone who is a demon, a demon-worshiper, a demon-kin, or part of the Cult of Infinity, or anyone who is causing pain and suffering to others, stay away from them and immediately report them to the proper authorities, okay? You and your family and friends will be protected and will also be given a reward of 20 platinum coins that can help you, your family and your friends buy a lot of nice and delicious things."


"Yes, Priestess Lily!" replied the kids.


Lily turned her head to the side and there were 2 Priests wearing Brown Cloaks and 1 knight.


The 2 Priests were Vivian and another woman. Vivian was holding a pen and folder, while the other woman who was in her late teens with red hair was carrying a small basket that had a crystal.


As for where are the others, they were in the other rooms doing the same thing or at least something similar.


This was the sub-group that Vivian was assigned to with Lily as their group leader.


Lily made eye contact with the woman who was carrying a small basket with a crystal.


The woman nodded and made her way over to Lily's side.


"Everyone, this is Priestess Airie."


"Hello, children~!" Airie said as she waved her hand and flashed a very kind and warm smile.


And just like Lily and Vivian, Airie had an attractive face.


"Hello, Priestess Airie!" replied the children. 


"So can anyone here tell Priestess Airie what is the crystal that she's carrying on the basket?" asked Lily.


A little boy raised his hand.


"Yes, Ray?"


The boy got up.


"It's an Affinity Crystal?"


Clap, clap, clap…


"That is correct! Very good!" Lily said and smiled as she clapped her hands. 


The boy flashed a very proud smile before sitting down back on the floor.


"Can anyone tell Priestess Airie what can an Affinity Crystal do?"


A number of children raised their hands.


Lily pointed at a little girl.


"Yes, Darlene?"


The little girl got up.


"It checks a person's Affinity!"


Clap, clap, clap…


"Correct! Very good! My, my, so many smart children!" Lily said and smiled as she clapped her hands. 


The little girl raised her chin a little higher as she sat down back on the floor.


Lily turned to Airie.


"Priestess Airie, the Element inside this crystal is Light, correct?"


"Yes, Priestess Lily~! That is correct~!" 


Lily returned her gaze to the children.


"Children, I want you all to form a line and each touch the crystal to show you how this crystal works. After that, we'll have a snack break. And after the snack break, we will play some parlor games and then have another snack break."


"Yaaaay!" the children cheered, including Airie.


The children excitedly got up and started to form a line in order to touch the crystal.


As for Vivian who was holding a pen and folder on her hands while standing at the side with a knight, she swept her gaze around the room.


If she were to judge it, it reminded her of a nursery room.


She glanced at the children forming a line in front of Lily and Airie.


Her lips curled up into a small smile.


Really reminds me back in middle school and high school…


Back in her previous world, Vivian went to a private religious school during her middle and high school days. 


The school's religion was Trinity and its followers were called Trinitians. The religion's symbol was a "Y" shape which represented the 3 holy beings: Pater who was the creator, Filius who was the divine messenger and Telum who was the will of Pater. 


Studying in that school, part of their final project every semester for their Religion class was to donate money and things to the poor regardless of whatever their religion was. If they refused, they would receive an "F". And then in high school, apart from donating money and things, they were also required to go on a field trip where they would go to poor neighborhoods and public schools to teach about religion and offer food.


Furthermore, every week on a Thursday morning, a mass is conducted where all the students and faculty members are required to attend, including the ones with a different religion. And during the mass, although people are not required to donate, they are "encouraged" through praises and grades.


And as for where does all the donations go, that's something that only God and the faculty members knew.




12:41 pm.


Vivian and the rest of the Priests were heading back to the compound where the members of the Temple of Priests live.


All of the sub-groups were talking among each other.


And in the case of Vivian's group, Lily was talking with Airie, while Vivian just remained silent.


"Sister Vivian," said Lily.


Vivian turned her attention to her.


"Yes, sister?"


"Are you ready for tomorrow?"


Tomorrow, at a new location still within the city, Vivian will be the one presenting. Although she just started today, it was one of the rules that Melissa established if anyone wanted to be part of the teaching and feeding program conducted within the city.


Vivian took a quick glance at the folder on her hand.


"Yes, of course."


"That's good to hear. By the way, you have a copy of the list of children who have Light Affinity, right?"


"Yes," Vivian said and opened the folder. "I have it here. Do you want to see it?"


"No, I was just wondering just in case. It's usually just me and Airie in charge of entertaining the kids and we take turns on who gets to write down their names but I always mess up. So it's really nice that you're with us."


"I see."


"Sister Vivian, what are you doing after this?" asked Airie.


The teaching and feeding Holy Mission was only half a day from the day of Monar to the day of Fratur, making it 5 days a week with the reward of 5 coins. However, those who participate in the teaching and feeding Holy Mission conducted outside the city can get a bonus.


Vivian suddenly recalled the time when Marie asked to come along to do adventurer quests.


"I have some personal appointments to do."


Airie and Lily suddenly became excited.


"Like a date?!" asked Airie.


Vivian subconsciously leaned back. 


"No, it's business matters."


"Sister Vivian, do you have a boyfriend or are you already married?" asked Lily.






"I'm a busy person."


The excitement of the 2 girls quickly deflated and Vivian couldn't help but shake her head mentally.


Compared to her, both Airie and Lily were still in their late teens.


"By the way," said Vivian. "Tomorrow morning the meeting place and time is still at the Training Grounds before 8:00 am?"


"Yes, from the day of Monar to the day of Fratur," said Lily. 

I'm not gonna lie, I really enjoyed writing this chapter that it still brought a smile to my face even when I was editing it.

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