
Chapter 24

<Author's 10 Thoughts: I'm posting an extra chapter today to celebrate reaching more than Power Stones. Thank you, Jitna. I really appreciate what you did>


Vivian was eating her meal as slowly as she possibly could without appearing strange and was all alone at her table.


Although she looked like a sorry sight, she didn't mind because her main goal right now was to discreetly listen to the conversations of people in order to gather more information about this world that she transmigrated to.


She strained her ears, trying to pick up any interesting topics.


"...tomorrow, let's try that."


"Should we really, though? Hey, Taren. What do you think?"


"I'm busy tomorrow. You guys can go."


"Well, that's just us then."


"I'm not interested. Let's just go to the usual."


"Aren't you sick of it?"


"Why would I? It tastes great."


Vivian switched to another group.


"...that merchant. Maybe we can find something there that's useful?"


"Yeah, one time I passed there and I saw a cool-looking sword. However, at that time I already spent my coins on other stuff."


"Yeah, on women."




"You always do though."


Vivian switched to another group again.


"...trust me, I know a guy who knows a guy that knows a guy. It's true, I tell you."


"And you believed him?"


"Why wouldn't I? He's been correct before."


"There's no way anyone will give that kind of info in Lamba racing betting for free."


"Suit yourself. Just don't come asking money from me when I win."


Vivian switched to another group once again.


"...need to find another job. I can't stand that job anymore. Can you guys recommend me one?"


"Don't look at me like that. I've already told you so times that there's no vacancy."


"Same here."


"Come on, guys. Hey, hey, don't get up!"


"Waitress, one more mug!"


"Coming right up!"


Vivian switched to another group once again.


"...ordering this food."


"Hey, watch your mouth. If Shirley or any of the staff hears you, she'll ban us from here."


"I know, but I just hate this vegetable."


Vivian had enough and there was a dark expression on her face.


I can't pick up anything worth listening…


There was one about a cool-looking sword but then it quickly devolved about prostitutes…


Given that these people are adventurers, I was at least expecting I would be hearing about adventuring…


She looked at her plate and there was less than 25% remaining.


Four people suddenly came to her table.


"Here, take a seat," said a female voice.


Vivian raised her head and saw the waitress from earlier accompanied by 3 people -- a man and two women.


The man and women were in their late teens and were all good-looking. They were in gear and had weapons with them.


The man had blue hair and two swords.


One woman had green hair and a staff.


And the other woman had pink hair. She also had a staff but hers had a red gem on one end.


As for the pendants around their neck, it was colored silver engraved with the initials "I".


"Hi, please excuse us," the female with green hair said to Vivian with a smile.


Her companions sat down as well but only gave her a quick smile before turning to the waitress.


"The usual," the man said.


"I'll have 3 sticks of grilled Yellow Wako meat and 2 mugs," the female with pink hair said.


"Any meat stew for me," the female with green hair said.


"Okay," the waitress said and then left.


"There's not enough chairs," said the female with pink hair. "Where's Hazan and Iris?"


"Didn't they say they'll catch up after dropping the quest items at the guild?" said the man.


"Lorietta, you really need to pay attention to your surroundings," said the female with green hair.


Lorietta puffed her cheeks. 


"I'm too tired and hungry. And plus, we're in the city, there's no need to be that alert. You guys are too serious."


The female with green hair let out a sigh. Meanwhile, the man had a wry smile on his face and shook his head.


Vivian was finally done with her meal.


"Excuse me," she said as she got up.


Although she can order another meal, she doesn't want to because she has yet to establish a steady source of income and wants to limit her expenses for now.


She surveyed her surroundings to search for the waitress or any waitress.


All of the waitresses were busy at the moment so she went to the counter where the black woman that she met earlier was sitting.


What was the group…?


Did those people decide to team up together because of their looks or their skills…?


That was weird…


"Hi, need anything?" a female voice asked.


Vivian turned and saw it was one of the waitresses who just finished attending one of the tables.


She glanced at her neck.


No pendant...


So I guess she isn't an adventurer…


Or maybe she didn't wear it...?


"I'm here to pay for my meal. I ordered -- Um… I think it was called Paru meat stew?"


"Paparu meat stew?"


"I think that was the one. Three copper coins, right?" 




Vivian handed over the coins to her.


"By the way, I was told that water is free. Can I ask for some water to refill my water pouch?"


"Oh yes, just go to the kitchen."


"Is it okay to go in there right now even though you're busy?"


From time to time, the waitresses were coming in and out of the kitchen. Some were carrying food, others were carrying empty plates.


"Yes, it's not a problem."


"Okay, I'll go get my water pouch from my room."


Vivian left and climbed up the stairs.




A few moments later…


Vivian entered the kitchen.


"Excuse me, I'm here to get some drinking water." 


"Over there," a woman said and pointed.


When Vivian turned to see who spoke, it was the black woman she met earlier when she first arrived here at the tavern. She was currently helping with the cooking.


The woman went back to cooking and Vivian turned to the direction she pointed just a second ago.


There was a wooden barrel with a faucet on top of a large crate at the corner.


Vivian went over and filled up her water pouch.


I didn't expect this world to have faucets…


Thank God…!


If she were going to be honest, she thought she had to use a scoop or dip her water inside a basin or something.


After filling up her water pouch, she exited the kitchen and climbed the stairs to head back to her room.




Vivian closed the door behind her and swept her gaze around her room. 


Her eyes lingered a little longer on the winder where her underwear, the bandages and the fingerless gloves were being hung. 




She turned to the side and saw the empty bucket and the cloth.


She grabbed the bucket and exited her room.




When Vivian got back to the room, she was carrying a bucket filled with water and it was cold because she drew it from the well.


She closed the door behind her and made sure that the door was locked.

After confirming that it was indeed locked, she immediately began shedding off her leather armor and shirt.


I really have to wash this shirt…


If I don't and I wear this tomorrow, not only will it smell bad, it's also going to be itchy…!




A couple of minutes later…


Vivian was lying on the bed and using her satchel as a pillow because the room didn't provide one.


She was wearing nothing but her leather armor and pants. She didn't dare to go fully nude or at least remove her leather armor because she was new to this world, she didn't know anyone, this tavern looked very cheap and she was a woman. 


Had she still been a man like in her original world, she wouldn't mind being topless at all. And if the situation really calls for it, she wouldn't mind being completely naked.


Her eyes darted everywhere, but mostly at the ceiling.


I'm afraid to go to sleep…


Is someone going to attack me in the middle of the night…?


Was everything that happened today just a dream…?


If this is just a dream, then I wouldn't mind waking up to my original body…


I like the skills, the power, but it's not like my life was bad in my original world…


Her gaze landed at the door.


The door is locked, right…?


I think I've already checked it 10 times already…


Or was it 15 times…?


Her eyes glanced at the room key beside her.


Yeah, I think it's definitely locked…


Her eyes glanced at the walls.


Were there holes that I missed…?


What if there are trap doors…?


I think I've checked those already numerous times…




I really need a better place…


But I need the money…


I must start earning money tomorrow and buy a lot of things…


Should I buy a wea--…


As her thoughts kept running around, she failed to notice that her eyelids were slowly drooping and the next thing she knew she was already fast asleep.


Next chapter