

[Present Time]

"DIE! MOTHERFUCKING SNAKE FUCKERS!" I blinked before that green snakehead creature and ripped its heart out. However, his body just turned into a gooey green liquid, including his heart and the pungent scent was getting stronger with each passing second.

"Phyla," I looked toward her, "You want to cut it loose after sitting behind that desk and training kids for months, right?"

"You mean...?" She responded. I sensed a spark in her eyes. Oh, she missed the taste of the battlefield, alright. It's been months since we took a vacation, might as well share this world of death and bloodshed with my lovely girl. Besides, these freaks ain't your tax-paying citizens. These are fucking snakes abominations. And all abominations must die.

"Yeah, take out that Quantum Sword of yours and destroy this fucking place." I nodded, grinning.

"All out, eh?" Phyla's lips curl up, cracking her knuckles. "Al-fucking-right!" She took out her Quantum Sword and charged it up with her cosmic energy, giving off a destructive shockwave in the air, blowing up everything within that place. Dang! If this is the power just from charging up that sword, then...

"Humff!" She slashed it down at those bunch of slithering freaks. The impact of the sword ripping through the air alone shook me and our surroundings. Fuck! Was she always this powerful? Or did she absorb some energy for all these years of... You know, sex with me. After all, she can absorb the energy. But, hey, she is doing a great job of destroying this place to bits and pieces.

In a matter of a few minutes, Phyla decimated this entire place, and nothing was left. Even the rock ground was blown apart and the area has a large crater at the center. Magic or whatever shit there was was no more. The giant glass chamber was also shattered and completely vaporized after getting hit by her Quantum Sword. Those ungodly monstrosities were also wiped away and vanished into thin air, leaving no trace behind. The gooey green puddles were gone; finally, some peace.

Suddenly, a wrap portal opened up in the middle of that place, crackling with dark purple energy. We flew toward it and noticed that on the other side was the main lab with a few giant glass capsules. That must be where Apocalypse and his minions are regenerating. Well, not anymore. I glanced toward Phyla and gave a nod. Then we both rushed through it to the other side.

"Just look at this place," Phyla chuckled after stepping on the ground and looking at those capsules, "How pitiful, if not disgustingly repulsive. The said father of all mutants and his puny horsemen, all inside a glass tube, floating in regenerative liquid. They should have just lay in their coffin instead of trying to regain their power, don't you think so, Brian."

"Yep," I cracked my fist, staring at their floating figures in the greenish regenerative liquid. The blue guy was Apocalypse, the next guy with those steel wings, Archangel, and the guy on the right was... Wait a minute! Hank?!

"Why is the dumbass professor's henchman here?" Phyla narrowed her brows.

"My guess is, that's Dark Beast. That merge must have brought some more people we aren't aware of from other reality into this world." I stared at him. The guy's out cold, and his right half is missing. I moved on to the next one, this guy is wearing a weird costume with flames. Interestingly, those flames are burning despite him being submerged inside that regenerating liquid. "And this one is Sunfire. Interesting."

"Hey, take a look. This guy's Gambit. I thought he was at Paradise Island. Another alternate version?" Phyla touched the container at the end of the hall. "He got a big mustache though..." I blinked beside her and yup, that's Gambit, alright. After that, we moved to our last capsule, a lady this time. "And... Fuck! That's..."

"You. Your alternate version," I commented while staring at the figure inside. But even though I sensed the resemblance, she wasn't Phyla, I can say that without a shred of doubt. Her energy was different. "I guess, Apocalypse came to life during the universal merge and he's been busy, recruiting the evil versions of good people..."

"As they tend to," Phyla sneered, "Say, when the lady here wakes up and gets out of that regenerative tube, can we kill her? Just saying..."

"Ah!" I was about to say something, but she stopped me.

"I know what you are about to say and the answer is no," Phyla rolled her eyes, "Alternate version or not, we are not going to have a threesome with another version of me, alright?! No fucking way in hell! You heard me!" She kicked the capsule, cracking the surface.

"Jesus! Come on! Just an idea! Not like I'm taking any action on it. I was just, you know..." My eyes were on the alternate version of Phyla's boobs. Humm... She got bigger boobs than my Phyla. Wait! Is she...? "Wait a minute... Are you perhaps-"

"Not a single word. Nope," My Phyla covered her tits with her arms and frowned, "If I hear so much a word, this weekend's bonanza is off the table!"

"Ahem!" I smiled wryly, "Understood." Damn! Better not get her angry or I will have a long dry run in the coming days. I could have used my power to make her agree, but then again, nah, I am happy with all the girls I have right now. No need to meddle more in women's affairs. The current amount is already overwhelming enough for me.

Ok, time to get rid of them. I took out my Muramasa Blade and used my domain, just in case.

[Cosmic Domain] Now, I walked over to the glass pod where Apocalypse was sleeping. What a weak guy. I had a feeling that if I scratched him, he'd be dead. But who the fuck cares anyway. A fly buzzes and gets smashed, whether they are ants or apes. Nothing changes that. I slashed the pod in half along with the figure.

A purple blink...

"Of course, he would have protectors to save his ass," I looked back toward the alternate version of Blink standing behind us with Apocalypse's weak and thin body. That fucker is awake and this weird murky ghost-like thing was swirling around his body. "I don't know what he had offered you, but come with me." I extended my hand toward Blink, "I will free you from his clutches and send you back to your reality or you can live in my Paradise Island or where you wish for, without any restrictions or discriminations against you. As long as you behave yourself."

I won't deny I have a weak spot for girls, but if she refuses my offer, then... Well, I will have to kill her. She might be Blink, but this one is an aberrant with her powers. Besides, I can't be a jerk and leave her here with that shady asshole. God knows what manipulation that blue or purple fucker had put in her head.


Bang! The lab shuddered the moment Archangel slammed his hands on the broken glass wall of the regeneration pod.


Sunfire's fire burst open and began running amok in the hall, not that we give a shit about some low-class fire. But I don't want to kill them without knowing if they are under some kind of mind control or anything.

[Zoop!] [Ziiip!] In the blink of an eye, countless cards flew toward Phyla and me.

[Slash!] "How dare you motherfucker try to hurt my girl?" I sliced up Gambit in half. Blood spewed from his sliced-up body like a sprinkler as his entrails fell on the floor like a slob of pasta. His lifeless eyes stared up at the ceiling before his head crashed on the ground with a solid thump. "Whatever you do. Humfff..." I stomped his head under my boots, squishing his brains like a pile of melted ice cream on the floor, "I was planning on doing it as peacefully as possible, but it would seem, you inferior beings ain't gonna understand how it feels like to walk the top of the food chain until I teach you all in your flesh."

[Booom!] Phyla. Alt. broke through her pod and rushed toward us. But, my Phyla grabbed her by her neck and slammed her on the ground. She looked up at me, waiting for my response.

[Cosmic Transformation] I raised my energy output and transformed, "Now, I will kill that purple fuck, but I will give you three one choice. Throw that weak ass fucker, step back and wait. But, should you choose to not take my goodwill, then... Your funeral." My energy radiated through the entire room as I shifted the reality, bringing them up to the surface where the new teams were waiting for their first big battle.

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