

"I guess this is it," Deadshot said as he reloaded his gun and faced Abomination, who was staring blankly at them like a puppet. They were completely surrounded by the enemies. There was no way out of there. So, instead of waiting for death, he decided to fight till the end. "So, Slade, How are we doing this?"

Deathstroke sighed helplessly as he looked at Floyd, "Let's take care of these pesky flies before we take on the big guy. Think you can keep up?" He smirked.

Deadshot grinned under his mask, "Bring it on!"

[Spruttt!] Before they could make their move, Abomination's body exploded.

"The fuck!" Both of them were stunned. There was a giant hole in Abomination's stomach. Blood gushed out as his entrails dropped onto the ground. Abomination collapsed to the ground lifelessly.

"Eew! Blue blood. Aukkk! I got some on my cape," A familiar voice flew before them, wearing a white costume with an 'S' sign on the chest and a red cape fluttering in the wind. Powergirl looked down at them, "Are you guys okay?"

Deadshot and Deathstroke looked at Powergirl dumbfoundedly.

"Yeah, thanks," Deadshot replied awkwardly. Deathstroke nodded at Powergirl gratefully.

Powergirl smiled at them, "No problem. Now let's take care of these freaks." She used her Heat Vision on the incoming monsters. Her Heat Vision burned their bodies instantly, turning them into dust. In an instant, the remaining mutated monsters were eliminated.

Soon, the rescue helicopter arrived. They got in and saw Harley and June were safe.

Harley was able to contact the Batman in that short amount of time which saved their asses. The other heroes arrived at the scene and sealed off the entire region to prevent unnecessary casualties in case more freaks were hiding in there. They recovered some data from the self-destructed lab, but most of the data was destroyed in the explosion. Batman collected all the data and forwarded them to the Cosmic Spectre's headquarters just at the nick of the deadline.


[Mr. Sinister's Hidden Lair]

Mister Sinister stared at the news blankly. His face didn't show any emotions, but deep down he felt annoyed. All his hard work was destroyed in one night. Not only that, Brian now has access to all that data. This was unacceptable!

He worked day and night to perfect those creations and yet it wasn't enough. He lost his finest creations and couldn't even capture Enchantress. After thinking for a while, Mister Sinister stood up from his seat and headed to the basement. He walked through a dim corridor, passing by hundreds of failed experiments until he reached a dead end.

"Open the door!" Mister Sinister commanded emotionlessly.

"Yes, master!" A robotic voice answered immediately. The wall split into two and opened up a secret passage leading underground. Mister Sinister entered the room and found himself in an enormous cave-like structure. Hundreds of pods filled with green liquid floated around him. Each pod contained a person inside. Their faces were covered by a glass mask and wires attached to their bodies.

Mister Sinister walked towards the center of the cave, where there was a massive cylindrical pod. Inside was a purple mutant was floating inside. Its eyes were closed shut, but it was breathing slowly. He stood silently for a long time as if he was reminiscing about something. His body was trembling as if the creature in front of him triggered something inside him.

After a few minutes passed, Mister Sinister finally came back to his senses. He took a deep breath and calmed himself down. He went on his knees and spoke, "I have failed, Master. I apologize for disappointing you."

[Booom!] A blast of energy hit Mister Sinister squarely in the chest. He crashed into the wall behind him violently. He coughed out a mouthful of blood as he struggled to get up. An ethereal figure appeared in front of him. It had glowing blue eyes and wore a black cloak. The man stared coldly at Mister Sinister.

"You've disappointed me greatly, Nathaniel! I gave you what you wanted. Power, resources, everything! Yet, you wasted it all," The man bellowed angrily. Mister Sinister shivered in fear. He tried to speak but couldn't utter a single word. "I need her body. Find Madelyne, bring her to me. Failure is not an option. Understood?!"

Mister Sinister trembled in fear as he kneeled down, "Y..yes, master. I will find Madelyne Pryor and deliver her body to you. But I need more power. I can not defeat Brian Lawson alone. He has become too strong over the years."

"Yet, in the end, he's still a man, not a God! So, just like every man, he must have a weakness. Find it, use it against him. And remember Nathaniel, I'm reaching my limits. Should you fail again, I will take over your body myself." The man threatened sinisterly.

Mister Sinister shivered uncontrollably. He knew very well how terrifying his master was. Even though his master granted him superpowers, he was still nothing compared to him. "Yes...master..." Mister Sinister mumbled weakly.

The man nodded slightly before disappearing into thin air. He left no trace behind except a crater where he stood.

Mister Sinister wiped away the sweat on his forehead as he stared blankly at the empty space. He clenched his fists tightly as anger surged within him. Brian Lawson must pay for ruining his plans! He thought furiously. He won't rest until he gets Madelyne Pryor's body before Apocalypse's resurrection date arrives!

He walked out of that cursed place and went back to his main lab where he performs all his main experiments.

"Fuck!" He screamed loudly as he smashed everything in sight. All his equipment was shattered into pieces after being struck by his punches. Glass shards flew everywhere. The walls cracked open due to the impact. Eventually, his rage subsided, and he calmed down. "If not for this seal..." He glanced at his left arm, where a strange mark was engraved on it. It's a mark of allegiance to Apocalypse. Without it, he wouldn't have gotten the resources needed to create such powerful mutants. However, it comes with its own restrictions. He can not do any harm to his master nor interfere with Apocalypse's resurrection plan. Otherwise, he would die instantly.

Mister Sinister gritted his teeth in frustration.

It happened two years ago when Mr. Sinister fell from his grace after losing everything and barely escaping from Brian Lawson's clutches. Then by accident, he came across to an ancient tomb where Apocalypse resided. At first, he thought it was abandoned and tried to open the grand tomb but Apocalypse woke up from his slumber and nearly killed him. Fortunately, Apocalypse sensed great potential within Nathaniel Essex and spared his life. He then sealed a mark on Mister Sinister's left arm as a part of their deal. Mr. Sinister will help Apocalypse regain his full power while keeping him hidden from the heroes and villains alike and in return, he will grant Mr. Sinister unlimited resources to pursue his research and promise to unlock his full potential once he regains his power.

Everything was going well for them. Mr. Sinister made a breakthrough and cloned a body from Jean Grey's DNA, but she somehow escaped after regaining her consciousness, destroying everything in her path. And to make things worse, she just had to go to Paradise Island where Brian rescued her, making it impossible for him to recover the clone.

Next, his plan to use Abomination and the other creations to lure Brian out has also failed with the unexpected arrival of the Suicide Squad. But he saw a chance, a way to escape Apocalypse's grasp. He wanted Enchantress's power. With it, he can remove Apocalypse's seal and gain full control of his powers without any limitations. He wore her down with hoards of his creations. Unfortunately, the arrival of Powergirl ruined his last chance. Now, he lost everything.

"Fuck!" Mister Sinister slammed his fist onto the table. If he fails Apocalypse this time, he will die. He has a choice to make right now since he's standing at a crossroads. He can either try to continue pursuing his research by somehow killing Brian and capturing Madelyne for Apocalypse, which is next to impossible, or betray Apocalypse and surrender to Brian. Since Brian is the strongest of all, he might be able to break Apocalypse's seal and free him, but there's no guarantee that Brian won't kill him on sight. Either way, death awaits him.

Mister Sinister contemplated heavily. He stayed like that for hours before coming up with a decision.

"Fuck my pride and urge for knowledge... Death awaits either ways... The choice is simple..."

Next chapter