

Suddenly, the entrance gate to the secret laboratory was sealed off by a steel door. A voice spoke through the intercom, "Welcome to my humble laboratory, my friends. You arrived at a bad time. I would have liked to let you all go, but I am in need of new fresh test subjects to evolve my creations further, especially Enchantress, I need to examine that ancient magic you have hidden away deep within you, little June Moone."

"Come out here, shitty head sissister, I am gonna shred you to bits!" Harley screamed furiously as she aimed her mini-machine gun at the intercom.

The voice laughed in response and replied, "Feisty little lady, aren't you? What's your name again? Ah! The infamous Harley Quinn! The famous Clown Princess of Crime! Hahaha! I'm truly sorry for Joker's death, I truly am, but you see... It's for the better. With this, I can study a perfect specimen that was created by the combination of man-made and natural evolution."

"Shut it! You think I care about some frikin' liar? I would have smashed his head myself if it was up to me," Harley was furious, but Deadshot grabbed her hand and said calmly, "Harley, you gotta calm down! That guy is provoking us to see how we would react."

The voice on the intercom chuckled in amusement, "Bravo, I am surprised to see you still working for that crazy woman. After all, she did sell you to the CIA as soon as Joker died. But then again, that's how she operates. Once she is done with her pawns, she throws them away like trash. After all, what use are broken tools, hmm?"

"You talk too much," Deathstroke slashed through the glass tubes, destroying the creatures inside one by one. The green liquid gushed out like a fountain from the tubes. "Nice way to buy time until reinforcements arrive..."

"Impressive as usual, Deathstroke, you have a keen eye for detecting a hidden ambush." The voice on the intercom praised Deathstroke, "However, you should focus on what's right in front of you before thinking about other things."

A hidden trap door opened and a giant glass tube rose up from the floor with a burly creature inside, its arms and legs were chained tightly with metal shackles. The creature growled loudly as the chains broke apart.

"Ah! I was gonna save him as one of my trump cards, but I guess I have no other choice, hmm... Well, hope you enjoy your time with the new version of Sabretooth! A masterpiece by yours truly, of course, hehe..." The intercom went silent.

Sabretooth was freed from his shackles and roared angrily, "Rrrgh!" Then he jumped toward Deathstroke with a swift strike of his claws, but he blocked the attack with his katana. [Clank!]

Sabretooth's claws left deep scratches on his katana, but that was the extent of it. Deathstroke slashed at his right shoulder, drawing blood from the wound, but his injury healed instantly. Harley open-fired her mini-machine gun at Sabretooth. He didn't even blink as the bullets bounced off his skin harmlessly. His target was Deathstroke alone.

"Hmm, as expected of one of my best works... It looks like your attacks can't do more than give him minor injuries," The voice spoke through the intercom once again, "Don't die too early, or else I won't be able to gather data from this battle..."

"Shut your damn trap," Deathstroke growled as he ducked Sabretooth's clawed attack. He jumped back to avoid his powerful fist, but he couldn't evade all the shards of metal shrapnel that flew everywhere after Sabretooth smashed his fists on the floor.

"Be careful," Deadshot fired his bullets, which penetrated the armor and buried themselves in the Sabretooth's flesh. It was specially crafted adamantium bullets with a special coating to pierce through any armor and increase its penetrative ability. Blue blood gushed out of his wounds, but his focus was still on Deathstroke, not the person who wounded him. "Keep him busy. I will find a way out of here."

"I will take his head," Deathstroke dodged the oncoming claw strike with the agility of an acrobat. He thrust his katana and stabbed the sabretooth in his stomach. But it didn't seem like it hurt the monster, so he kicked him in his gut. Sabretooth grunted in annoyance. His speed suddenly increased. It was like a blur. Deathstroke couldn't even see him before the freak grabbed his waist with both of his hands before lifting him in the air and then slamming him against the wall. "Gaaahhh!!"

"Slade!" Harley gasped in horror as her friend was grabbed by that beast and tossed like a ragdoll. She charged at Sabretooth, firing her gun relentlessly, but it seemed to do little damage to his body. "Die! You frickin' freaky fucker!" Sabretooth jumped up and tried to smash Deathstroke under his giant feet, but he rolled over and avoided the attack just in time. "Harley, save your bullets," He dodged a barrage of fist strikes. "You might need it later, trust me..."

Harley nodded.

"Hey, guard June," Deadshot yelled at Harley, as he went inside the glass tube that Sabretooth just come out of. "I'll find a way out of here, wait for me, you two..." He pressed a button on his hacking device and the glass tube went down to the lower floor, "Don't die in this shithole," He sighed.

Harley rushed to the unconscious June and pulled her behind stacks of crates in the corner while keeping an eye out for trouble. While Deathstroke kept facing the insane beast.

"Tch... you are just an experimental subject. Yet your body's regeneration rate is something to be feared. It's just as powerful as my regeneration. Hmm... But I guess your mental capabilities aren't the best. It seems that you can only think about one thing, and target only one opponent," Deathstroke activated his laser sword. In normal circumstances, he would have fought with the regular one, but this situation requires certain improvements to his arsenal. "Let's dance, shall we?"

Deathstroke rushed in. Sabretooth blinked right before his face with his claws ready to rip apart his target, but Deathstroke flipped over his head, slicing his back open with his laser sword. Blue blood fizzled and splattered everywhere, as he cut through his back open like a freaking book. His internal organs were visible. It looked like a nightmare come true, but his sliced-up back healed instantly. Deathstroke didn't wait for him to recover and quickly sliced his legs, followed by a hard stab in his stomach...

"GAAAAAWWWRRR!" Sabretooth screamed in pain.

"Humfff!" Deathstroke sliced his belly open like a gutted animal with his laser sword. Sabretooth's blood sprayed everywhere as his internal organs fell out from the bloody mess in his stomach. Deathstroke jammed his sword under his chin, straight into his brain. Blue blood spurted and dripped down on his mask, painting it with a thick layer of dark blue blood. He opened Sabretooth's face, with half his flesh hanging like shredded rags, followed by a swift slice on his neck.

Sabretooth's head rolled on the bloody floor.

Deathstroke stood there with his sword, ready for another fight just in case the monster regenerated again. Smoke was rising from his red hot laser sword. "Huh?!" He jumped back a few feet from Sabretooth's body, hearing a weird sound coming from it. The sound of his bones creaking, the flesh tightening, the organs rebuilding, the torn skin regenerating. This went on and on until the monstrous freak sat up without a head...

Well, atleast not on his head, but in his open stomach. It was like a freak show. His intestines were coiling around like a bunch of snakes before wrapping around his newly grown freak head, finally attaching themselves to him like an elastic rubber band. A few seconds later. "GRUURUUULL" a bestial roar rang through the bloody laboratory.

"I'll be damned!" Deathstroke breathed deeply, as the monstrous freak was standing on his feet again, growling.

Sabretooth's skin began to burn away, revealing a new layer of gray armored scales. Deathstroke gritted his teeth behind his mask, "Tch! A fucking zombie!"


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