

I forced Madelyne and Rogue to take a break from work and brought them for some fun... Where you ask? Well, we are about to skydive!

"I don't think this is fun, Brian," Rogue complained as she looked over the edge of the plane. Madelyne was also standing next to her, looking nervous as well.

"Yeah, you sure this is safe? You said no power. What if something happens?" Madelyne asked worriedly. Rogue nodded quickly at her question. We were currently high in the air with parachutes strapped on our backs. The pilot was waiting for us to get out, but these two seemed hesitant. She took a peek down, "Fuck! I can hear my heart hammering now." Madelyne clutched her chest tightly. I chuckled at their reactions and stepped forward, patting their shoulders.

"It's perfectly safe. Parachutes are checked thoroughly before use. You guys have nothing to worry about. Besides, what's to worry about since I am here?" I assured them. "Just take a deep breath and go for it. Come on, this is going to be a fun and new experience. And Rogue, you fought so many villains and you are afraid of heights?" I teased her. Rogue glared at me angrily and grumbled, "Shut up!"

Madelyne calmed herself down and smiled weakly, "Alright, let's do this." I grinned and gave her a thumbs-up. Rogue sighed and nodded hesitantly. I walked over to Madelyne first and helped her get ready. I stood behind her and instructed, "Bend your knees slightly and spread your arms and legs like a T when you jump." Madelyne nodded nervously and bent her knees. I fixed her posture a little bit and continued, "Don't close your eyes when you jump or panic. Just keep your breathing calm and enjoy the ride. I'll be right behind you."

Madelyne inhaled deeply and yelled, "Okay, here I go!" I nodded and patted her back lightly. Rogue watched as Madelyne jumped off with a yell and disappeared into the clouds. She turned around and asked anxiously, "Brian, you promise to catch me?" I raised an eyebrow and smirked teasingly, "What's that? Can't hear you~" She gritted her teeth and yelled, "You bastard! Promise me you catch me!"

I hugged her and jumped off together while laughing loudly, "Of course I will catch you. Don't worry~"

"Eehh?! FUCK YOU, BRIAN!" Rogue shrieked as we fell through the clouds and screamed, "BASTARD!!!" Madelyne was falling below us, enjoying the wind blowing against her face. She glanced above her and saw us falling together. Rogue was hugging my neck tightly while glaring furiously at me. Madelyne laughed loudly and waved at us excitedly, "WOOOOO!!!"

I released Rogue slowly and shouted, "Enjoy the ride!" she panicked and grabbed onto my arm quickly. I rolled my eyes and pulled her closer, "Come on, stop being such a coward. Enjoy the scenery already."

She huffed and loosened her grip a little bit while yelling, "This isn't fun at all!!" Madelyne heard her complaint and yelled back, "THIS IS SO FUN! THIS IS AWESOME!" Rogue gritted her teeth and yelled back, "SHUT UP!" Madelyne stuck out her tongue playfully and laughed happily. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around Rogue, whispering in her ears, "Relax already. If you relax, you might actually start enjoying it." Rogue shuddered and blushed slightly but did not push me away.

I gazed at Madelyne who was falling ahead of us and muttered, "She looks pretty cool jumping through the clouds without fear..." Rogue turned around and stared at Madelyne silently before mumbling, "Maybe... Maybe it isn't so bad." I smirked and pinched her nose teasingly, "That's the spirit! Let go of your fears and enjoy the moment!" She slapped my hand away and huffed annoyingly but didn't say anything else.

We free-fell for another few minutes before pulling the chute open. Madelyne pulled hers open first and exclaimed excitedly, "WOAH!" Rogue yelped loudly and closed her eyes shut when we jerked upwards. I sighed and pulled mine open next and shouted, "Open your eyes and look around already!"

Madelyne whooped happily while Rogue slowly opened her eyes and gasped softly. Below us, there were mountains and forests scattered everywhere. It was truly a beautiful sight. Madelyne yelled excitedly, "THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING!!!" Rogue gawked in shock and mumbled quietly, "This is... incredible..." I smiled proudly and replied smugly, "Told ya it would be fun~" Rogue punched my stomach lightly and huffed, "Shut up." Madelyne laughed happily and shouted, "This is fucking awesome! Thanks, Brian!" Rogue nodded slowly and mumbled, "Thanks..."

I chuckled and replied loudly, "No problem ladies~"

We drifted through the clouds for another ten minutes before landing safely on the ground. Madelyne ran towards me excitedly and exclaimed loudly, "That was fucking amazing! Thank you so much! Let's do it again!"

Rogue shook her head immediately and complained, "Hell no! Once is enough!"

Madelyne pouted sadly and whined, "Aww come on! Pleaseeee!"

Rogue glared at me and hissed, "Why did you bring us here?" Madelyne pouted even more and pleaded, "Please~" Rogue covered her ears tightly and refused, "No way!" I laughed and raised my hands helplessly, "Hey, I just wanted to try something new. Besides, it wasn't bad right?" Rogue clicked her tongue and stomped away angrily. Madelyne chased after her and begged, "Come onnn~ It's fun, right?"

I watched them bicker back and forth amusingly while thinking, 'Madelyne got over her fear easily, but Rogue still has a long way to go...' I shrugged my shoulders and followed them lazily. Rogue was complaining nonstop while Madelyne continued begging persistently. It was hilarious watching them argue. After a while, they finally stopped arguing and made up with each other.

We stayed on the beach as I made some mocktails for us. Rogue sat beside Madelyne under the umbrella while sipping her drink quietly. Madelyne gulped her entire glass down and sighed contently, "Ahh~ This is nice. Thanks for bringing us here, Brian." Rogue nodded weakly while staring blankly into space. I smiled and replied, "No problem~ Anything for my girls." Madelyne giggled happily and laid flat on her back comfortably.

I noticed Jubilee, Kitty, Blink, and Volcana coming toward the beach with a volleyball and they were in bikinis. Ahhh! What a pleasant sight! Rogue noticed them as well and whispered, "Here comes the problem maker."

"Ah, come on. Jubilee is just Jubilee." Madelyne defended her friend. Rogue rolled her eyes and retorted, "You mean troublemaker." I laughed loudly and explained, "Jubilee is just being Jubilee. There's nothing wrong with having fun. And yeah, she needs to stop exploding things though." Rogue snickered while Madelyne protested weakly, "But she doesn't explode things every time."

We watched them set up their stuff nearby and began playing volleyball.

"Which side you think will win? Jubilee and Kitty or Volcana and Blink? I bet Jubilee and Kitty!" Madelyne asked curiously.

Rogue yawned lazily and mumbled, "Doesn't matter. I am taking a nap." She laid on her stomach and rested her head on her arms before closing her eyes tiredly. Madelyne pouted cutely and complained, "Aww come on. Wake up already." Rogue ignored her completely and continued napping peacefully.

"My bet is on Volcana and Blink," I answered Madelyne's question earlier.

"Wanna bet?" She challenged mischievously. I chuckled and countered, "Sure, winner gets to request one thing from the loser. Deal?" Madelyne grinned widely and agreed confidently, "Deal! My Jubilee and Kitty gonna destroy Volcana and Blink!"

We began to cheer them from the sides. It's good to see them all smile and enjoy their lives without any worries. I am kinda glad that I was able to achieve the peace everyone desired. I never knew I had it in me to come this far. Started as a drifting soul waking up in a random stranger's body, became a superhero saving people, dating super heroines, crushing the Illuminati, time travel, a big harem, and finally, the one thing I desired most was peace which is impossible in this merged world of DC and Marvel. However, I will do my best to keep this momentary peace as long as I am around. And I have arranged some alternatives in case something happens to me.

"Go on, kick their asses," Madelyne cheered Jubilee and Kitty loudly. I joined her and cheered Volcana and Blink, "Come on, beat them already!"

Volcana served first followed by Kitty. They exchanged hits for a while until Blink spiked hard and scored the first point. Madelyne groaned frustratingly while I clapped loudly, "Good job, Blink~"

The game continued. Both sides were evenly matched. Since the no power rule applied, none of them could use powers, making it fair for both teams. Volcana served again, followed by Kitty. Madelyne cheered Jubilee loudly, "COME ON JUBILEE!! SERVE IT HARDER!" Jubilee received the ball and passed it to Kitty. Volcana blocked Kitty's spike and Blink returned it hard. Madelyne groaned frustratingly, "Shit! Almost had it!" Kitty received it again and passed to Jubilee. Volcana blocked Jubilee's serve and Blink returned it hard once more, but Kitty managed to receive it this time. Madelyne cheered Jubilee loudly, "THAT'S IT! SPIKE IT HARD!" Jubilee served it hard and scored a point.

Volcana served again followed by Kitty. Madelyne cheered Jubilee loudly, "COME ON JUBILEE!! SERVE IT HARDER!" Jubilee received the ball and passed it to Kitty. Volcana blocked Kitty's spike and Blink returned it hard. Madelyne groaned frustratingly, "Shit! Almost had it!" Kitty received it again and passed to Jubilee as she served hard scoring a point. Madelyne cheered Jubilee loudly, "THAT'S IT! SPIKE IT HARD!" Jubilee served it hard and scored a point.

The end result...

"Fuck!" I lost. Jubilee and Kitty won by one point. Madelyne pumped her fist victoriously and cheered Jubilee and Kitty loudly, "YEAH!!! THAT'S MY GIRLS!" Volcana and Blink approached us panting heavily while sweating profusely. Volcana plopped on the sand exhaustedly and complained, "Damn, why are they so good?" Blink dropped beside her and panted tiredly, "They are always playing whenever they get time... While we are bust teaching them and doing missions... Phew! I am pent up!" Volcana nodded weakly and mumbled, "Me too..." Madelyne grinned wickedly and suggested, "How about Brian help you guys release some steam?"

"Wha- What are you babbling about?" Volcana stuttered.

"Oohh! Someone got a dirty mind. I meant, how about Brian give you girls a massage?" Madelyne corrected herself innocently. Volcana and Blink blushed heavily and glanced at me shyly. I raised my hands helplessly and joked, "Only if you girls want one~" Jubilee and Kitty came over panting tiredly and plopped beside Volcana and Blink respectively.

"I want a massage," Rogue woke up and turned toward her friends. Madelyne clapped her hands excitedly and exclaimed, "Then it's settled! Brian, since you lost the bet, you will give massages to Volcana, Blink, Rogue, Jubilee, and Kitty~"

"Hey, what about me?" Rogue complained unhappily. Madelyne giggled mischievously and answered, "Maybe if you agree to dive once more, then maybe~"

"Fuck!" She stood up, "Let's go!" Madelyne laughed happily and dragged Rogue along.

As for me... Here I go too...


[3rd person pov]

While Brian and the girls are having a blast on the beach, Deadshot, Harley, Enchantress, and Deathstroke have finally discovered Mr. Sinister's hideout, or so they thought. They followed the nanites tracker in Abomination's blood and arrived near a mountain region in Switzerland. This area appeared after the merge of the two universes back then.

Deadshot activated his drones and scouted the entire mountain range carefully. He found multiple surveillance cameras hidden in bushes and trees, and some camo mutants guarding the area.

"The fuck!" He cursed noticing something off about these mutants. So, he activated the scanner, revealing their real identity. Deadshot frowned and mumbled, "Half mutant and half machine? Interesting..."


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