
Chapter 24

"What?!" Lin said shocked when she heard that.

"Yes. Your husband Zhang Huan was there when I had went to that company." Wen said to her calmly.

"But, why would he be there?" Lin asked shocked.

"Well, he wanted to see me fall and say to my face that you were the reason I was unable to get any kind of job. He said that no place would hire me because you had told him to make sure of that." Wen said to her calmly.

"I never said such a thing! Sure, I may not have treated you that fairly but I'm not that evil to do something like that." Lin said to him as she stood up with an angry look.

"Is that so? Then can you tell me who was the one who had told Mr.Bai to not give me any jobs?" Wen asked her calmly.

Lin was surprised when he asked that as she had a guilty look on her face.

"That was... me." Lin said nervously as she looked down.

"Why would you give him such an order, other than the fact that you didn't want me to get a job." Wen said to her calmly.

"I... I only did that because I thought you would get an easy job with your connection to Bai. You two were quite close. But..." Lin said as she looked at him.

"But?" Wen asked her curiously.

"It wasn't fully my decision per se. It was... Zhang Huan who suggested it to me." Lin said to him a bit hesitantly.

"So you decided to do as he said? Why? Did you trust him that much?" Yan asked shocked at the words of the woman.

"It's not that. At that time his words seem to make sense as well, I didn't have much of an opinion about you. So when he suggested that you would take advantage of your relationship with Bai to land yourself a new and comfortable job I wanted to stop you." Lin said to him as she looked at him.

"And why did you offer me those jobs after that?" Wen asked her calmly.

"Because I still cared about you. Despite the fact that I had coldly told you to divorce me. A part of me didn't want that. But I had ignored it because otherwise my families reputation and standing would be threatened." Lin said as she looked down.

Wen looked at her calmly while Yan was looking at her with a shocked face as she heard her.

"So you decided to just tell him to divorce you just for your families reputation!?" Yan said angrily as she looked at the older woman.

"Yes. There's no point in trying to get my way around it. I chose the rest of my family over my husband." Lin said to the girl as she looked down.

"Wha..." Yan said as she stumbled a bit.

She couldn't help but look at Lin with a flabbergasted face as she couldn't believe her ears at what she was hearing right now.

"H-How could you do that? Isn't a wives duty to support their husband. Maybe my brother didn't have much significance but he did work in the house to help you didn't he? So how could you do that to him? You said it was for your family. Well, he's your family too. So why did you do that?" Yan asked in rapid fire as she questioned the older woman.

Lin felt guilty when she heard that but she also had an image to maintain and she also had to tell her side of things as well.

"Look Yan, I know that what I did wasn't one of best things but I had to do that. I am a member of the Xiao family and I have to make sure that our reputation and standing in society doesn't fall. It's not like a normal family like yours, we have branch families as well and loosing our standing in society could be a problem for our social lives and dignity. As a member of this family I had to make a decision like that." Lin said to her a bit calmly.

"So what you're saying is that if there came a time when your families reputation was at stake, you will even sacrifice your husband, sister and parents so long as your families reputation persists. Is that what you're saying?" Yan asked her with a glare.

"That's..." Lin said as her eyes went wide when her sister and parents came.

"Well, answer me. Would you have sacrificed your sister and parents like my brother!?" Yan asked her as she stood up and glared at her.

"I... I wouldn't have sacrificed them. I couldn't do that to me own flesh and blood." Lin said before giving up and admitting it.

"You... You're nothing more than just a hypocrite. You would be willing to sacrifice my brother but not your sister and parents. If you weren't going to take your marriage seriously then why did you marry him?!" Yan shouted at the girl in anger with some tears in her eyes.

"Look Yan, Iโ€”" Lin said as she turned to the girl.

"I think you two should stop right now. I didn't come here to see the two of you fight." Wen said to the two of them with a calm tone.

This caused the two woman to stop and look at him. They glanced at each other before they turned to face him.

"Sorry, but I did care for your Chen. I'm sorry about my decision." Lin said to him as she looked at him.

Yan just grumbled some things at her words but Lin didn't say anything even though she saw and heard her grumble.

"Well, as you had just said you were willing to divorce me if it meant that your families reputation will become better, isn't that right?" Wen said to her calmly.

"Yes. That is what I said." Lin said to him with a nod.

"Okay. Then you might want to take a look at this file." Wen said as he took out a blue file from his clothes and placed it on the table.

"What is in it?" Lin asked curiously as she looked at the file.

Yan was also eyeing the file curiously and wondered the reason as to why her brother is showing it.

"Why don't you read it? Perhaps it might shed some light on some things that you might be ignorant to." Wen said to her calmly.

Lin was surprised at his words and then picked up the file and opened it before checking it's contents. Her eyes widened when she read what was printed on it as she looked at him shocked.

"I guess it helped." Wen said to her calmly.

"Where did you get this from?" Lin asked shocked.

"I have my ways. But what are you going to do now?" Wen asked her calmly as he drank his juice.

"I..." Lin said a bit hesitantly.

"If you want to do something or find something then you should confront it head on Lin. You were never someone who would back down." Wen said to her calmly.

Lin looked at him surprised before she looked down with sadness in her eyes. A tear appeared on her right eye but she wiped it off before she looked at him.

"I know that I was the one who asked for this meeting but, I feel like I need to go." Lin said to him as she looked at him.

"It's fine. As I said , I don't care much about it." Wen said to her calmly.

Lin felt sad when she heard that but she pushed the feeling down and nodded to him. She looked at Yan but decided to stay quiet.

"Can I, ask for your number? To call you in the future?" Lin asked him nervously.

"Okay. As long as you promise to not share it." Wen said to her.

"I won't. I promise on the Xiao family." Lin said to him seriously.

Wen nodded and gave her his number. After that she gave a 90 degree bow to Wen which surprised Yan.

"I'm... truly sorry for what I did to you." Lin said as her voice cracked a bit but she hid it well.

She then walked out of the room with the file in hand and closed the door. After which she leaned on it as she looked down as she grit her teeth.

Soon she had returned to her house and when her park reached the house she immediately got out of the car and walked with a certain fire in her eyes. She entered her home and saw her parents and sister sitting on the couch. They were surprised to see her as they looked at her.

"Where is Zhang Huan?" Lin asked them seriously without missing a beat.

"Uh, he's in your room right now." Jie said to her surprised.

"Okay." Lin said before she made a beeline to her room as her family watched her in confusion.

She reached her room and entered it and saw Zhang Huan sitting at the edge of her bed. He smiled when he saw her and his smile grew when she locked the door.

"Lin, I didn't think you would be this forward with me. Finally decided to get an heir?" Huan asked with a smile.

But Lin didn't answer as she has a furious look on her face and her eyes exuded sheer anger as she looked at the man. This of course caught him off guard as he looked at her surprised.

Lin however took the papers from inside the file and threw it at Huan's face surprising him as the papers hit his face.

"Hey! What's the big idea!?" Huan asked shocked and angry.

But she grabbed his collar and pulled him up a bit and glared at him with anger and hate in her eyes.

"You bastard! You're the reason my family lost our reputation!?" Lin said as she glared at the man with hate and anger in her eyes.

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