
I feel funny

There were five attendants. Three stood behind the food, dishing them out to the girls, while the other two were positioned behind two dispensers.

"What's that?" Ellie whispered to Ginger, seeing one of the dispensers giving out an orange-colored liquid while the other gave out water.

"Orange juice," Ginger answered, following Ellie's gaze to know what she was talking about. "You should try it. It's nice."

When it reached her turn, Ellie did exactly what she saw others doing, getting food from the first three attendants, before going toward the orange juice dispenser. In no time, a glass of juice was given to her which she dropped on her tray and moved out of the way for the next person, who she assumed to be Mary. Only when she turned around did she realize that it was Layla that stood behind her.

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