
Everyone Heads Deep into the Continent

"You were joking, right?" Marshal asked me with hope in his voice. It was difficult for him to accept this idea. To be honest, I also doubted this plan, but I didn't see any other way.

Throwing a nuclear bomb there will not work, because the queen is hiding under a thick layer of ice. And even if she dies, a single nuclear bomb may not be enough to destroy everything lurking beneath Antarctica.

"If you have a better idea, I'd love to hear it. I think if I throw the meteorite first, I can use it to break through the ice, and then it will be my turn to fly there. My only concern is that the new jet pack will be destroyed."

"We made it so that he could land in the water by himself. You don't follow the engineers' recommendations and you don't land in the water. That's why we made it so that you can detach the jet pack during the flight. You can disconnect it after you enter the atmosphere. But that's not the problem! Do you know what the consequences will be if something like this happens?"

"I'm not sure, but I think the ocean level could rise if a large part of Antarctica breaks up. I don't see any more problems." I really couldn't imagine what could happen. The ice will reduce the dust from the explosion into the atmosphere and Antarctica is very far from the rest of the inhabited continents, so it will be worse for humanity if the Kaiju continue to breed than if the ocean level rises by 10cm.

The marshal thought for a while and continued: "You're right. The ecological consequences are nothing compared to the total destruction of humanity. I can only hope you don't die from it."

"I'm not sure myself, but I think the explosion from the meteorite will slow my fall..." Honestly, it's a stupid idea. Maybe I got overconfident, but I remember Ghidorah throwing Godzilla from a very high height and he survived.

I'm bigger than Godzilla from the movie now and have better armor so why should I die? Of course, putting your life on the line is not easy, and the more I think about the idea, the scarier I become. Where did I get that it would work? But I don't see an alternative. You can drop a few nukes and then I'll just drop down there from the sky, but the Kaiju will run away and the nukes won't break through 2km of ice that easily.

But when all this happens suddenly, then we will have a chance to succeed. Do not forget that radioactive dust after nuclear explosions can cover the entire southern hemisphere of the planet. This is not a joke. My version won't do as much damage.

"I will ask scientists to calculate everything. If you plan to fly into space, then you can take out the new satellites that have been developed in Great Britain. We wanted to use them to map the blue toxin contamination of the planet, but it will be able to see even the toxin in the blood of the White Thorns. That's one of the reasons we've all been waiting for you to wake up. We are developing a rocket for these satellites, but it is not ready."

"This is great. Then when should I fly? Jet pack ready?"

"We need to do a lot to launch it. In a week or two you will be able to fly."

We talked a little more until we were distracted by a person who quickly ran to us. The man was breathing heavily and seemed to be in a hurry. As soon as we paid attention to him, he immediately told why he was bothering us: "Sir! The White Spikes were able to pass through clone territory and are heading further north into the continent!"

After hearing his words, we understood what the rush was all about. According to Marshall, the main line of defense was close to the ocean because it was easier to get supplies there. In the depths of the continent, the armies of African countries were poorly equipped, so if the White Thorns went deep into Africa, they would easily reach the Mediterranean Sea.

Fortunately these creatures were not faster than cars and it would take them many weeks to cross the vast continent of Africa, but it was still faster than humans could build a good line of defense.

"Maybe it's time for me to fly to Africa." I said and started to get up. I was not satisfied with the development of events. In the movie, the people were in dire straits, but that only applied to the Pacific region. The rest of the world developed relatively calmly. Due to my intervention, the war spread to the other half of the planet, but I did not consider myself entirely to blame for what was happening. First, no matter what someone does, he is responsible only for his own actions.

Therefore, aliens were primarily responsible for the death of many people. The next people to blame were the people who decided to attack me and I had to sleep so long to recover. If I had been here when the White Thorns first attacked, I would have dealt with them immediately and the casualties would have been much lower.

But that doesn't change the fact that I needed to fly and restore peace there. It's hard for me to move on while the rest of the world is brought to its knees.

"Wait. Follow me." Marshal stopped me. He took me to some device that was covered with a tarp and asked the workers to remove it. Under the tarp I noticed what looked like a huge cell phone with metal straps. This device had a large monitor and many buttons that i could press with my claws.

"We designed this device for you to take into space. It is very strong and can withstand high temperatures and shocks, within reason, of course." Marshall smiled as he spoke of limits. He understood that no device was strong enough to survive a Kaiju fight or if I accidentally hit it.

 "Can you tell by it where I should fly?" I asked him. It is a good communicator and will be useful to me. It is for such things that I decided to cooperate with people. No matter what anyone says, but without humans, the Titans are just animals. A titan would never be able to do any technology with its crude fingers.

"Yes, flying into space is not an easy task, and even if you can fly there as you wish, it will be difficult for you to even reach the moon. There is a possibility that you will just miss and you will need to catch up it. And it will take much more time. Without navigation from the ground, it will be difficult."

I nodded to him and bent down to pick up the device. It was attached to my hand with several straps. These belts were made of metal and would better be called "chains", but they were wide and flat and looked like normal belts.

After putting it on, I turned it on by pressing the button with the bulging "on" sign like on computers, and the monitor lit up.

Knock Knock

"Carefully. It's very expensive, so don't test it for strength." Marshall told me as I tapped my claw on the monitor. There were no cracks, so I think its strength is satisfactory.

On the monitor there was something similar to the Android interface. There were several different program icons on the desktop. I suspected that each program was responsible for a separate function in the device. Navigation, chat, atmosphere scanner and even photos were built into the device. The icons of these programs were intuitive.

"Fine. It's time for me to fly. Get my old jetpack ready."

POV: Joao (several months before Torterra awakens)

After Joao and the other people hiding in the basement survived the fire, they were able to escape in armored personnel carriers. The clones went in the direction of the nuclear explosions and Jao quickly oriented himself and offered to find transport.

Most of the armored personnel carriers were serviceable. Except for the ones that were burned by the clones, the rest worked fine. In fact, the people inside died either from the acid or from the poisonous fumes. The armored personnel carriers themselves and even the tanks were in working condition. They had only a few holes in the body.

The boys did not know how to drive such complex machines, so they scattered around the territory, looking for survivors. After some time, they found the tank's crew alive. They had gas masks, so they didn't die, but their skin was burned by acid.

Having gas masks was helpful, but they couldn't save completely because the acid fumes also ate away at the skin. The acid weapons of the White Thorns were very terrifying.

Joao and the other survivors pulled the wounded tank crew out into the fresh air. They were able to learn the basics of operating such equipment and left this place. There was a lot of dead and a lot of blue toxin everywhere. It was dangerous to stay in such a place.

Radiation sickness was added to all the problems they had. They needed to get to a nearby town and get medical help as soon as possible.

After a day of driving, they finally reached the coastal city. There were many people here who were running away from radiation. The military hospital was overcrowded and the doctors did not know rest. Even on the street, there were many wounded people lying on the ground.

"Who are you and where are you from?" When Joao's column stopped near the hospital, a certain commander approached them and asked them.

"Sir, we are from the city of Maputo." Joao said because he was sitting on the first armored personnel carrier.

"We thought that no one had survived there. Fine. Get out, now the security will come to check you in. Doctors will help you first."

As the commander said, guards approached them and asked for their details. After some time, doctors came to them and examined them. They took the seriously ill and asked the rest to undress and throw their clothes into the fire that was burning nearby. When they did so, a tanker truck pulled up to them and started dousing them with water to wash off the radioactive dust.

After they were given new clothes, they were given some pills and bracelets with metal beads.

"What it is?" Joao asked the nurse who gave him all this.

"This is the Torterra`s metal. With it, the body is better able to repair damaged areas of DNA." That's all the nurse said. She was busy and had no time to talk. As soon as she distributed everything to everyone, she went to the other patients.

That was the end of Joao's adventures. He found a quiet place and sat down to rest. But he did not rest for long, because the commander came to him and took him away. The people who survived the battle with the White Thorns were worth like 10 rookies, so no one was going to let these soldiers go on vacation.

Joao was sent deep into the continent to Botswana.


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