
Useless Jets Pilots

A whole pile of gold lay before me. It's been two months since I started looking for gold. My team of archaeologists consisted of Yun, who was the secretary, Mr. Smith, who told me where to look for gold, and Alejandro, who was the translator and security guard. Since Yun and Mr. Smith did not know sign language well, they needed an interpreter.

Mr. Smith was a very intelligent man. He has progressed very well in these two months in learning sign language. When I looked at him, I was ashamed of my 3 years of education. I've always wondered what goes on in the minds of brilliant people. How is it when your memory is so good that you can remember everything from the first time?

When you have a good memory, so many possibilities open up before you. Such people can choose any profession and achieve success in it. Of course, sometimes you need to have talent in mathematics or other sciences to fully realize the potential of a good memory. But if it is difficult for a person to remember something, then even if a person has a talent in mathematics, it will be difficult for him to realize it.

Yun on the other hand often didn't understand what I was saying and she kept asking Alejandro to translate. She kept running to her room and working on the video she had made. She showed me her videos and they were pretty good. She somehow managed to film me from such an angle, where my every movement looked fascinating. It is not surprising that she became popular during this time.

I asked the base manager not to allow anyone else to visit the island without my knowledge. This request was valid while I was on the island and only for people not related to his work. When I'm not around, he can do whatever he wants.

Alejandro was a translator and bodyguard. But he is not a very good bodyguard. While the workers were taking the gold out of the ship, I occasionally saw their pockets filled with something. Even I knew what they were carrying in their pockets. I guess I'll have to fire Alejandro.

Although they work to clean the treasures from dirt, so maybe this is their wages.

I found the gold they're working on near the Philippines. It was an old Spanish ship, and Mr. Smith marked on the map the probable place where it sank. This ship has been wooden since the 18th century. It was a miracle that it didn't completely disintegrate into atoms underwater.

Only the part that was buried in the mud remained from this ship. Bacteria ate the rest. It was difficult to find because there was little metal and it was covered in dirt. I had to scan the ocean floor kilometer by kilometer to find it.

It was Spanish gold, and I was worried that the Spanish government would claim the gold. According to Mr. Smith, they got this gold from their colonies in America. Therefore, not only Spain can claim for this gold.

Away from sin, I decided not to play with this gold and give most of it to the Marshal. But first it must be cleaned. From the beginning, I only started this to increase the comfort level in my life, but I thought I would do it myself. It turned out that many people who were interested in this business had gathered around me.

I turned my head and saw a whole junkyard of old metal ships at the edge of the island. The largest of them was a battleship from the Second World War. I found the rest of the ships on the way to the Philippines. There was nothing of value in these ships except for historical value. And in each of these ships we found bottles of wine in the captain's cabins.

No wonder they drowned - with such alcoholic captains. Of course, this is just a joke. In fact, I feel sorry for the sailors who sailed on these ships.

"What shall I do with these ships?" They have already been inspected. Mr. Smith, together with his students, found the names of all those who sailed on these ships, and they were buried according to the tradition of sailors, and their relatives were given the surviving things. Now it's just old ships basking in the sun on my island.

A battleship could be turned into a museum, but no one wants to do that during a war with aliens. So I think I can decide what to do with them.

"Maybe I should melt them down and make myself some sort of weapon?" It sounded like a good idea, but a weapon without plasma blades wouldn't be very effective, though better than nothing.

"Oppa! Oppa!" Yun ran to me and called me. She started calling me "oppa" and I could only guess what that meant. Something to do with the brotherhood, it seems.

"Kaiju! The new Kaiju is sailing towards Japan, but it is said that it will most likely sail south of Japan and reach Korea. You have to help us! That other giant that appeared in China 3 months ago destroyed as many as 3 Jaegers. There are only old Jaegers left in our region. They won't be able to handle Category 4 Kaiju."

"Marshal asked to convey that he needs you near Japan." At this moment, the head of the base approached us and confirmed Yun's words. Looks like Marshall needs my help.

I got to my feet and was about to leave, but I stopped for a second and looked at the gold that was just lying on the ground. If I leave him here unattended, his numbers will be halved when I return.

I approached the giant brick, which I sometimes used to block the passage into my house, and made a hiding place 10-15 meters in diameter with my claws. Then picked up the brick and placed it directly on top of the gold. If someone wants to take it, he will have to overcome 20 meters of stone to do so. It was the most reliable safe in the world.

By the time the criminal digs through such a thick stone, Alejandro will already catch him. I hope…

I heard the disgruntled feedback from the workers and smiled at it. This was an example of a gold rush.

"Take care of the gold! It will be given to the Marshal to build new Hunters," I told Alejandro as I walked towards the ocean.

"Yes, boss!" he answered. Although I did not see him take the gold, but he allowed the workers to take a couple of coins. Guess I'll have to give them all some gold when I get back.

I really missed the jet pack. Constantly swimming across the ocean was no fun. It's nice when you're not in a hurry, but when you had to catch up to a Kaiju and intercept him in the ocean, you had to give 100 percent while swimming.

After one day of swimming, I felt this Kaiju. He changed his course and sailed south of Japan, after which he began to sail north directly to Korea. Yun was worried like that for a reason. This attack was aimed at Korea.

After people realized that the Kaiju attacks would not stop, real estate values across the Pacific region depreciated. Many people tried to move to the depths of the continents. Not everyone could afford it, but those cities, which had only 300,000 people each, in the hinterland of the continent turned into megacities in a couple of years.

Korea, as a country that had not yet been attacked by Kaiju, was also popular for migrants. Cities like Seoul were overflowing with people.

I couldn't swim faster. I swam at full speed, throwing water hundreds of meters around me. "Curse!" If I come back and my gold is missing, I'll put Alejandro in jail with the Caterpillar Kaiju. I changed my mind about making a new Jaeger. Let the Marshal make me a jet pack first!

POV: Jets pilots


A siren sounded at a military base in South Korea. It was a military airport, and the pilots who served here were already ready to take off. They had known for a long time that the Kaiju was heading for Korea and had been ordered to hold him off until Torterra could catch up with him.

All the pilots had depressed faces. They were once at the pinnacle of their countries fighting power, but now all they can do is hold the enemy back. Sometimes it costs more to train a pilot than the cost of the plane itself. Just to teach the basics of piloting, you need to spend 10 million dollars. Therefore, the life of a pilot is very precious.

They packed up and ran to their jets. Running at the beginning of the flight, they spread the blood around the body, preparing it for severe overloads during the flight.

At an altitude of 1 kilometer (0.6 mi), they saw the Kaiju approach the shore of the city of Seoul.

"Eagle! It's Needle. I can get it underwater!" said one of the pilots.

"Roger! Your exit, Needle." Needle was the call sign of this pilot. It had Harpoon missiles on board that could attack underwater targets.

Needle's plane turned sharply to the side and flew with its nose towards the water. Many rockets were attached to his wing, and two of them detached when he was close to the water. The pilot pulled the steering wheel towards him and his plane abruptly changed direction and began to fly parallel to the water.

The two rockets first fell in free fall, but then white smoke began to come out from behind them, and they sank into the water.

Bulk Bulk


Two explosions rang out under the water, raising the water into the air. A moment later, a gigantic monster rose from the water.


The monster screamed in anger. He stopped swimming and stood up to his full height. It was a giant 100 meters (328 feet) tall with large and strong arms. Large and thick spikes protruded from his shoulders. This Kaiju looked like a troll with its round and ugly belly. He looked at the planes with his green eyes, shouting at them, opening his giant mouth.

"Great, Needle! We lured him out of the water. Don't hold back guys!" The commander of this group of aircraft gave permission to attack.

All the jets flew in different directions and took turns firing their missiles at Kaiju.


Rockets were constantly exploding on Kaiju's body, not giving him peace for a second. It was the coordinated work of the pilots, which they had been honing for years.


The Kaiju screamed in anger. He tried to shoot down these planes and waved his arms to get them, but the pilots wouldn't come that close to him. They circled him, creating a dome of planes above him. When the plane attacked, it would break out of its row and head towards the Kaiju, dropping a bomb or firing a missile at him.

Kaiju was getting more and more evil. When a plane flew in his direction and was about to fire another missile at him, he scooped up water with his big hands. With a sharp movement, he threw this water into the plane. The stream of water could not fly far, but it was enough to bring down this plane.

A large mass of water hit the plane and knocked it off course. "No! What was that! I'm falling! The plane is out of control!" The plane began to circle and fall down. If this had happened at a high altitude, the pilot could have stabilized his jet and continued the flight, but there was no time to do so. In just a couple of seconds he was already near the water.

"Eject!" shouted the commander of the group. The pilot of the downed plane pulled a lever under his seat, and at that moment his seat was ejected from the plane.


The plane fell into the water.


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