
How Did You Get Here?

Gamera did not avoid the military. It rose rapidly to the surface of the ocean, where warships were patrolling. Emerging from the water at high speed, he showed all his strength and size. It wasn't just a way to say hello anymore, it was a way to scare. It was necessary to restore the relationship that existed before, and at the same time to say that he knew who was responsible for the attack on him.

Falling on his back into the water, he created large waves that dislodged the ships. Submerging again, he turned around and swam up once more. In this way, he floated out of the water several times, scaring the ships, which could not do anything. Because of the strong waves and the instability of the ships, they could not even stand on their feet, let alone lift the fighters into the air.

After finishing his performance, Gamera remained in place, rising from the water by a third of his body. He looked at the ships with anger and gnashed his teeth at them. But an angry look wasn't enough to get the message across. Now Gamera has become powerful enough not to fear anyone. He wasn't a stupid Kaiju putting his body on display to be shot at. If Gamera were evil, he would swim in the ocean and destroy cities with his fiery breath without even coming close to the shore. Kaiju with such guerilla tactics could do ten times more damage, but even so they could be destroyed with one large underwater bomb, but Gamer would no longer be intimidated by this.

What he wanted to convey to the military is that he is not afraid and that they will not be able to blow him up a second time. The military must have seen the changes in his body, and the scientists aren't stupid enough not to realize that what doesn't kill the Turtle makes him stronger. On the other hand, he didn't want to sink ships - that was the second part of his message.

There was just a little bit missing something for the final chord. Gathering air into his lungs, Gamera raised his head to the sky and released his most powerful weapon.


A powerful pillar of light orange flame rose up to the sky. There was no black smoke from it like before. This pillar of flame, despite the day, illuminated everything around in orange color. The temperature of the flame was so great that the people on the ships covered their faces with their hands to avoid getting burned. On the surfaces where the orange light fell, water began to evaporate, forming steam.

Gamera's flame began to look more like plasma than a normal flame. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that this attack could melt ships. It was an amazing phenomenon that spoke of the power of nature, a force to be reckoned with.

After finishing his presentation, Gamera calmly sank into the ocean, not wanting to "communicate" with the military anymore. From now on, if they hurt him again, he will defend himself.


It was just not interesting to swim aimlessly in the ocean. Now Gamera wanted to completely solve the navigation problems. He felt three beacons in the ocean. One of them was his safe place, the other two lighthouses were places where people used nuclear weapons. One such place was the portal itself. Radiation from nuclear weapons does not last forever, so he will have to find more beacons along the way. He could already feel the ocean washing away the radiation trail with water, leaving only the infected soil as a guide.

With these three beacons, he could navigate the ocean. When he found something interesting, he could remember the distances to the lighthouses. To find that place again, he needed to be the right distance from all three points. It wasn't exact, but it was enough to find an island or know where the coast of a continent was. All that remained was to find these interesting places.

He had an idea to write down all the coordinates on a stone, but for that he needs to build himself a house first. It wasn't necessary to increase his strength and impact on the war, he just wanted to occupy himself with construction in between Kaiju attacks. He also did not forget about training and hoped that building a house would replace his boring training.

For about two months, Gamera traveled the ocean, swimming from one end to the other. He even swam to the South Pole, where there was nothing but snow. It amused him. It was nice to play with the snow, or jump off the iceberg, creating big waves. This place was so clean and pristine, he wanted to make his home here, but he needed to be closer to the portal to react in time to the attacks.

In this way he managed to find most of the most outstanding places in the world. He saw a kangaroo when he came ashore in Australia. He immediately recognized Japan by anime advertisements everywhere. It was more difficult with China and other countries. But he knew that this was already Asia, so that was enough for him. He even found a place where he fought a tall and skinny Kaiju.

This is how he traveled and memorized distances and swimming times. It was very difficult, but constant repetition while sailing the endless ocean helped to become an expert in cartography.

Soon he sailed along South and then North America. As he sailed near Mexico, he came across a familiar town. Gamera is here, watching the people as he tries to figure out what world he's in. Next was the USA.

All was not well during the swim. He was treated differently in each place. Some ships simply escorted him, while others dropped bombs on him in an attempt to scare him off. But no one could do anything. Whether it was rockets from airplanes or torpedoes from submarines, Gamera ignored everything. He did not allow himself to be distracted. And his skin was hardened enough to withstand a few rockets.

These adventures brought Gamera a lot of pleasure. The world is so big and beautiful. Wherever he swam, there was something unique and new for him. People and nature, different cities and villages, mountains or deserts - everything was beautiful in its own way. This world was worth defending despite all the problems. This world was one big cradle for many peoples, here people are born, learn, do something and die, leaving the knowledge of their lives to their descendants. Problems will always exist as long as people exist, not everyone learns good things from childhood and not everyone takes good things to heart. But this is a life where the good things outweigh the bad a hundred times.

Contemplating the existence of eternally infinite space and time and its influence on the minds of people, Gamera sailed further along the coast of the United States. Soon he came across another nuclear power plant, but he did not stop and did not pay attention to it. These nuclear power plants around the world were a little useless for his navigation, the things glowed so dimly that he could only sense them at close range. But he no longer needed to look for his lighthouses, during his travels he found enough of them all over the world.

Suddenly, he felt the presence of a Kaiju, much to his surprise. First, the Kaiju was not far from the shores of the US, which begged the question. Second, he only felt it now, despite the fact that he constantly kept the location of the portal in his mind. Thirdly, there were still several months before the next attack (that is, if he was not mistaken in counting the days and nights). And the last thing that is surprising is that he did not see military activity. The ships just floated close to him and did nothing.

It was something strange, so it was necessary to prepare for any development of events. With a serious face, Gamera swam to intercept the Kaiju. He no longer warned the military because he was sure he could handle it himself. His fiery breath inspired heroic deeds.

After swimming to a beautiful beach town where people were drinking cool cocktails and sunbathing, he got out of the water. This was where the Kaiju was headed, so he wanted to chase people away so they wouldn't bother him. He slowly came out of the water, showing all the strength of his body. Strong and strong hands were clenched into fists, and his feet made deep holes in the sand, into which water immediately flowed as soon as he took a step forward. A few times he growled softly for beauty and amusement.

Military planes immediately appeared above his head, but since he had his back turned to the city, they did not fire on him. But he didn't care.

Not even 10 minutes had passed when Kaiju got out of the water. His large horns and strange body frightened both ordinary people and the military. Obviously, this monster somehow evaded radar detection.

"It's you! I've been waiting for you for so long! Where have you been all these years?!" Seeing his enemy, Gamera was happy. On the other hand, although there was no emotion to be seen on the Kaiju's face, Gamera thought he grimaced unpleasantly.


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