
Chapter 103: Ice Prince John

Kai's arrival on the field brought a huge shockwave. With his bare hands, Kai stopped Jack and Kevin's all-powerful attack. It took some serious power.

In fact, Kai's power was more than enough to do such a thing. Jack and Kevin might be talented geniuses, but there was a lightning difference between them and Kai. This was not a difference that could simply be crossed.

Kai smiled as he looked at his two friends and then stood up and spoke.

"This fight was supposed to be a draw. Neither of them need to die. So let's get on with the fights." said Kai.

As Kai spoke, a small tiger emerged from under his robes. It licked Jack and Kevin's faces and went back into Kai's robes, but this time its cute little head was showing.

Kai returned to where he had been while a few girls were lost in the sweetness of the Little Tiger. Jack and Kevin also got up and went to the Healer for their wounds. They were both terrified by Kai's power, but they were too weak to speak. They wanted to watch Kai's fights as he recovered.

Emma turned her head to look at Kai, but he didn't look at her at all. It was as if she didn't exist. No matter how much Emma looked, no one but the little tiger was looking at her.

Meanwhile, the fights in the fields were going on. There were interesting matches as well as boring fights like Melony and Milah's fight.

"Do you want to go out, Alvar?" said Reina. He had trained with all his strength after his defeat with Kai. Still, he knew he couldn't fight Kai.

"If you're talking about fighting Kai, you're talking rubbish. The great monk may be the greatest genius of the monastery, but this boy, this boy is a monster!!! I've reached the orange lightning half a step. But what I'm afraid of is not that I can't fight him now. It's that I can't even fight him as he was two months ago. "said Alvar. He had an angry expression on his face. For the first time in a long time, Kai had proven to him that someone was more skilled than him. Still, it was driving him crazy.

Reina sighed deeply and continued to watch the fights. Neither of them had any intention of taking part in these fights. They had only come to watch. Orion didn't even think about watching, he continued to train.

At that time, a young man landed on the field. Most people didn't recognise him because he had been in training for 3 months. Boyd was a little surprised to see his housemate, his appearance had changed and he had grown taller. Hiran had indeed made it to the Green Lightning.

Hiran used to be one of the worst in District 2, but now he was in the top ten outside of Kai's friends.

Hiran raised his head and looked at John. Those who saw him had already realised his target.

"I challenge John! Do you accept?" said Hiran. John made no reply. He turned his icy gaze on Hiran, jumped up and landed on the pitch, and an icy air was emanating from Xues. Hiran couldn't help shivering.

"Let's begin."

There was a flash of light. John reappeared ten metres ahead of Hiran. He slung his sword across his back and started walking back to the stands. Just as someone shouted, Hiran's body froze, starting at his feet. The fight was over as soon as it started. Hiran was frozen.

When Hiran was completely frozen, Boyd jumped onto the field and quickly moved to his friend. Unfortunately, he didn't have the heat to melt him. Kai didn't have his sword and Quentin was with Elena. So there was no one to melt Hiran. Only John could turn him back.

"Turn him back! " Boyd said, breathing furiously. John stopped and turned his head to look at Boyd. He had an icy expression on his face. I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Why would I do that?"

When John spoke once more, Boyd looked at John with his eyes. There was a wild expression in his eyes. Even his gaze seemed to think that he was invincible. It was just like 'how dare you do such a thing?' John, seeing the true meaning in Boyd's eyes, looked at Boyd curiously.

"Can you force me to do this?"

Boyd stood up. The aura of Boyd in Green Lightning surrounded him. It was truly frightening. Even if it was only the beginning of the beginning.

"I challenge you! Do you accept?" Boyd said. There was a flash in John's eyes and he turned round and looked at Boyd, took his sword back from his back and pointed it at Boyd. Boyd unsheathed his sword and looked at John.

"Let the fight begin."

Both men stepped forward and swords clashed. Boyd balled his left hand into a fist and swung it at John's stomach. John dodged the attack by turning to Boyd's right side and pushed Boyd's sword away, hitting Boyd in the face with his elbow.

As Boyd took a few steps back, a bolt of lightning shot from the bottom right of his eyes into his pupil. The eyes showing the green lightning also showed how angry Boyd was.

"Is that all you got, Boyd? Come on, I expect more from you," John said. He swung his sword once more, but this time Boyd hit Xuen much faster than the other time. Boyd rushed forward and kicked John in the chest with his foot.

John did a couple of flips on the floor and got up. Blood was dripping from his mouth and he was laughing. He had a mocking look in his eyes.

"Are we really going to fight our rages, Boyd? Will you be able to deal with my anger?!?!?!?"

John's eyes widened. Ever since he had switched to green lightning, he hadn't been trying to jump degrees either. He was getting stronger at his own level. That's why he was still at the beginning of the green lightning.

John's anger turned into an aura and scattered into the sky. Boyd and the people above the Green Lightning were stunned by the anger they felt. They looked at John once more. What could make a person so angry?

John disappeared from where he was and reappeared in front of Boyd. As he shook Xues, icicles began to appear around him.

As Boyd recovered, he defended himself with the Infernal Sword of the 7 Dimensions. Still, it didn't stop him from flying 20 feet away. John raised his sword once more, but this time it was not thrown at Boyd. He drove his sword into the ground. An ice-blue formation formed on the ground, covering the entire field. Even from the formation full of shapes, the cold aura continued to emanate.

"Ice Formation!!!"

As white smoke travelled from Xues to the formation, Boyd felt that something bad had happened and attacked John. But when he was halfway through the formation, something he never expected happened. John dropped his sword and attacked.

John rushed forward and tried to hit Boyd with his fist. Boyd swung his sword at John's fist. John's hand could have been cut off from this blow, but the head healer could heal such a wound until the World Tournament. At the same time, it would be seen as John's fault and Boyd would not be penalised at all.

A few centimetres before John's fist collided with the Inferno sword, a pillar of ice rose from the formation and wrapped around John's wrist. Then his fist. The sword and the icy hand collided and John was dragged back to where he had been standing. Boyd had only taken a few steps back. But Boyd was horrified, while John had a normal expression on his face.

"I couldn't steal your power."

John grinned and looked at Boyd. Then he tapped the surface of the formation on the ground with the palms of both hands.

"Zero Effect Pit!!!!"

A black wave spread from John's hands to the entire formation. When Boyd realised what was happening while looking at the ground, he quickly turned his head and looked at John.

"What did you do to me?!?!?!" he said. John smiled slyly and stood up. He stretched his legs and turned his palms towards Boyd.

"This is my ability from when I was in Green Lightning. When you're in this pit, you can't use energy. You can only use your physical strength. I will show you the true face of defeat.

Icy Prison!!!"

The formation trembled. Boyd's legs started to freeze. Boyd realised that he couldn't do anything to move. He was frozen by the Icy Prison.

John straightened his stance and looked at Boyd. Suddenly 4 pointed pillars came out from all four sides of Boyd and stood threatening Boyd.

"It's over Boyd, I win," John said and turned and started to walk towards the audience. As Boyd clenched his fist, a pillar came out of the formation and hit Boyd hard under the chin, knocking him unconscious. The formation then began to disappear. So did the layer of ice surrounding Hiran. A few people came and picked them up and took them to the Healers.


Michael couldn't contain his amazement as he watched the fight. He was amazed. John's skill on the ice was too great. If he fought anyone at the beginning of the green lightning, he wouldn't be able to defeat just a few people.

"Master, this kid is really talented. He's just like the others. Do you know why there are so many geniuses this year?"

Behind Michael was a handsome man with black hair who looked to be about 20 years old. Hearing the way he addressed Michael, anyone in the Academy would have been shocked. Because this man was Sword Lord Dera.

Michael didn't answer Dera's question. He kept his eyes on the field and continued to watch.

"This kid is talented. In his current state, people will call him the Ice Prince. Or something like that. What I'm really curious about is different. I wonder when he will become the Ice King." said Michael. Dera did not hide his surprise at the words he heard. He was a Lord, but a King? Being a king was not a simple thing. It had never been easy. Not millions or billions of years ago.

Lords became Lords with a weapon. Dera had become a Sword Lord, and this had increased both his development and his power. Of course, he became a Sword Lord because the universe chose him.

Kings were those who emphasised a skill or element. Such as the King of the Seas, the King of Fire, the King of Ice. In the same way, their potential increases. This is an order of magnitude higher than that of Lords.

Protectors are those who have absorbed the Talent of a certain person or law. Such as Anger, Fear, Curiosity. Paths such as the Path of the Body and the Path of the Heart may also have the protection of Protectors. Protectors can use the full power of the community or law whose balance they maintain. Protectors also develop potential. On a par with Kings.

Gods are very rare. You only need to meet one of them to learn about them. They're like kings, but they rule over a wider range of things. Like the seas, the Earth or the sky. Their potential was not comparable to that of Kings or Protectors.

"Master, so you are sure that this young man will become a King?" said Dera. Kings were incredibly rare and 200 years ago almost all Kings had died. At this time there were only a few kings, and they were the heads of large families or people in high positions in the Army.

Michael didn't say a word. He shook his head. Dera's gaze changed a lot with that nod. He looked at John in a very different way.

The fight was over. Some people looked at John with glowing eyes. Others were looking at Milah and Melony with pitying eyes. Both of them were still stalling.

At that moment, another person came onto the field. Her blonde hair was coming down her back. Her eyes had the look of someone who had committed murder. When Clara stepped onto the field, all eyes turned to her. Because this year's freshmen were remarkable.

When Clara landed on the field, her eyes were looking at a single point. The person in the place she was looking at started to land on the field as if he was already expecting it. Nevertheless, Clara challenged him, even if it was a formality.

"I challenge Quentin. Do you accept?"

I don't know why the readership is so low. I don't know how to solve it. I think I'll just keep posting chapters.

But maybe you'd like to use a power stone?

TheWriterMeacreators' thoughts
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