
Chapter 64: Dark Realm (2)

Michael told him what happened. He told him of his experiences in the war and how he had survived Feng's sacrifice.

"In the last 200 years I have disgraced this academy. I have abandoned it. Even though extraordinary geniuses have been born, until this year very few of them were in our academy. We were in such a bad situation that only one person in 200 years discovered the gift of peace. I wish I could tell them, but I don't know how. I've never had peace. This year is the World Tournament. But thanks to Kai, we have a chance this time. And this year the World Tournament will be very different. "said Michael. Gray looked at him curiously as he combed his hair.

"What do you mean?" A devilish smile formed on Michael's face.

"This year's World Tournament will be like the Malibu Institute back in the day. Even the Ancient Healing Formation will be used for it. They sent it to us for a while to see if it worked. We found out that it works. That's why it will probably be used in the tournament. "said Michael. Gray looked at the sky as he continued to comb his hair. Michael continued to explain. As he explained the plan of the tournament and Gray remembered stories from his childhood, he could understand the level of future developers.

"I think after a few years.... Hundreds of purple lightning youths will appear. "


In a dark place, a red-haired, red-eyed youth cowered in a corner in fear. He pulled his legs to him. There was a mark on his face that showed how scared he was. His eyes were looking around in fear. His body was trembling. He didn't even know how he got here. His mind was quite fuzzy. Demons were raging in his heart.

This person was Raiya. After Kai showed him scary things, he couldn't control himself.

"Are you looking for me?" A demon-like voice called out from the darkness towards Raiya. Raiya was pressing herself against the wall out of fear. Small cracks were already appearing in the wall. How had she become so strong? She couldn't think about it.

"You're afraid of me. You're such a coward. Is this what a repellent should look like? Hmph! I don't think so. The ones who awakened your blood before you were less cowardly than you. Maybe I should just cross you off the power list. Your brother is a better candidate for this power. "

When Raiya heard that her brother was going to have his own power, he began to glow. He never wanted her to go through this pain, this fear. When he entered this world, he wanted his brother to be like him, but now? Now he was in this horrible situation, cornered in the darkness by a voice that tore at his heart. He did not want to walk this path.

" NO!!! "

"I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared a million times. But not my brother. His body is already under severe illness. If he has a sudden burst of power, his body won't be able to withstand it. I am not a healer. I can't heal my own body. Neither can he. I... will get stronger!!! But please stay away from my sister!!!" A crackling sound came from Raiya's body. Raiya stood up with courage. But he got a superhuman slap in the face and was pinned to the wall.

What was that? A simple wave of courage? This creature didn't care about his pride. He didn't care about his thoughts. It wanted to break his psychology.

He wanted to recreate Raiya from scratch and give birth to the heir he dreamed of.

"You're going to get stronger?! Peh, look at you. You're only trying to get stronger through your fears. For an exorcist, this is the coward's way. You will stay here with me. Until you realise the true power of a hive."


1 month has passed. The person in the darkness still had not taken Raiya out of this world. Raiya was spending every hour of every minute of every day thinking. He was looking for a way to escape from this fear, a way to leave this world.

Raiya finally got up from his seat. He tried to walk a little, but the person in the darkness did not let him.

Raiya sat down again. But this time he was in the meditation position. Slowly he began to draw the darkness around him into his body. The person in the darkness was surprised at first, but then made a grunt that he liked it. He realised this faster than the other candidates.

Time passed quickly and Raiya completed 1 month in the meditation position. The darkness entering his body was dissolving into nothingness. Even though he continued to absorb the darkness, there didn't seem to be an ounce of reduction in the darkness.

"That's the problem," said the red-haired youth. The person in the darkness was looking at Raiya with really hopeful eyes while looking at him. Of course, Raiya or anyone else didn't see him.

"Repellers drive out the darkness. They bring people into the light. How can someone like me, who is afraid of the dark, become a Repeller? How can he evolve? Fear is not a bad thing. Everyone is afraid of something. But..... The main task of the Repellers...." Raiya couldn't even finish his sentence before his body started to make crackling noises. 2 times his eyes flashed. The dark world had accepted him before he finished his sentence.

"Our main duty is to fight, even if we lose, even if we cannot win, even if we die, we still hide our fears. To live and to keep alive, I must never give up. I must be a warrior who walks over my fears and be willing to sacrifice my body on this path." A cracking sound was heard from Raiya's body that could be heard in the entire dark dimension. Raiya's eyes flashed with blue lightning, while at the bottom of the upper left lightning there was a green base.

" Green lightning base. "

Energy from the dark dimension was entering him as if it had found its owner. The darkness entered the weak points of his body and strengthened them. Raiya was left screaming. This time his screams were at least 100 times the torture Kai had inflicted on him. Raiya writhed on the floor in pain. The darkness was transforming his entire body.

While Raiya's body was changing, the darkness came near Raiya's dagger. The darkness, as if it was alive, after standing in front of the dagger for a while, as if it did not like it, it entered into it and began to change it too.

So another month passed. Raiya was finally able to stand up. His dagger was also completely changed.

Ignis looked like a long sword. There were unreadable writings on it. Like traces of an ancient alphabet. Or, more accurately, runes. It looked like a gladiator's sword.

In the same way, Raiya's body had changed a lot. He became 1.78 metres tall. The muscles in his body were shouting 'I'm here'. It was quite surprising for a 14-year-old boy to have such beautiful muscles. His clothes were torn. He had some scars on his body. As cool as this made him look, he also looked like he had just come out of a battle. At the same time, the dark aura seeping from his body was as hard as a rock. His current appearance was 10 times more muscular than the previous scrawny Raiya. Not only in terms of development, but also physically, he had reached a different level.

Raiya was dumbfounded when he looked at his body. When he looked at his sword, he saw that it was in the same condition. For 1 month he had suffered unbelievable pain. He knew very well the power he felt in his body. He might be the head of the green lightning, but his physical strength was definitely much more than that.

"Hey! Person in the darkness!! What did you do to me?! Who are you?! " After Raiya asked the questions, the darkness dissipated and a woman with black hair came out of it. Not too long. Not too short either. She was of average height. Her eyes were also incredibly black. However, this blackness added beauty to her beauty. Only her eyes were visible and there was a curtain where her body was, but still the power and beauty of that body could be felt by Raiya. In the deepest part of her soul, she felt a sense of absolute reverence in the face of such a being.

"Welcome to the dark realm, Raiya. Don't worry, I'll get you out of here soon. I created the Body Art of the 7 Heavens by feeding your body with darkness. I developed your body in this way. But I can't do that again, when you enter the red lightning, you can develop your own body using this art. Now about who I am;

"I am Ul, the Guardian of the Body Path and your master from now on."

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