
Chapter 54: Before Final (1)

On one of the hills outside the academy was a blue-eyed young man with brown hair falling to his shoulders. His nose fit his face perfectly and his face made him very handsome. He was lying on the mountain with a broad smile on his face.

Suddenly he opened his eyes and looked up at the sky.

"I wonder how the tournament is going? I'll go and have a look." When he got up from his seat, crackling sounds came from his body. Cracking sounds came from all the bones in his body. Quentin looked at his body with a smile on his face. When he realised how weak and fragile his body was, he realised that he did not notice how time passed.

"I've been lying here for a week. How sad is it that I can't always improve so fast? Ah, I'd better go watch the tournament final." he said and disappeared. He had reached the centre of the blue lightning. In 3 months, he could switch to green lightning.

In another place, in a house, two people were standing on a bed. A tremendous aura was rising from the bodies of these two people, one girl and one boy.

The girl's black hair reached her waist. And her eyes were closed. The distance between her and the boy in front of her could be described with a few fingers. Although her height was not exactly clear, it could be said 168 cm.

The boy in front of him had blond hair, but his hair was slowly turning brown in the middle. His eyes were also closed. His height was not very visible because he was sitting, but he was taller than the girl in front of him.

These two people were Jack and Milah.

Milah was about to reach the centre of the blue lightning, absorbing the feeling of excitement in Jack's body. Jack, on the other hand, was trying to increase his absorption speed while absorbing the feeling of excitement around the Milah core. He had just reached the starting peak.

From the outside, it could be thought that Milah was the most profitable one. But the truth was that Jack was more profitable. Jack's rate of assimilation was increasing and would continue to do so in the future. But Milah would return to her old assimilation as soon as the feeling of excitement was over. In this way, it would take Jack a very short time to overtake her.

"I think we'd better leave now, Milah. You can come back later and continue to assimilate. Now let's catch the final match." Jack stood in front of Milah in his mind and spoke. Milah nodded her head in agreement. Her cold face was covered with a little more warmth as she spoke to Jack.

"Sure, but we need to meditate for a month after the tournament is over, that's the only way I can absorb all of this energy." Jack smiled and placed a kiss on Milah's lips. Apparently he had become cheeky and had no shame in taking more kisses than he had given in the past.

"As you wish." the two left in their minds. After a short shower, they started walking towards the arena.


Meanwhile, in another house, Boyd sat looking at his blue sword. He had an evil smile on his face. Every now and then, a tremor ran through his body, spreading a frightening sensation around him. It was like he had gone mad. He was not himself.

"Hahaha! I will destroy him no matter what! He doesn't even know the power of the Hell Sword of the 7 Dimensions. The first power of this sword may not be of legendary power, but the second power contains the power that will allow me to host an eternal demonic force. Wait for me Kai, you will pay for what you did to Raiya. " Meanwhile, Raiya had disappeared and no one could find him. He had realised Kai's true power, but after what Kai had done to him, what he had shown him, he had not recovered.

Boyd also got up from his seat and started walking towards the arena with a wide evil smile on his face.


The arena was packed because of the final match. Everyone was trying to get a seat. Half of the academy was here. Since it was the last tournament before the world tournament, everyone wanted to watch the final of this tournament. Also, everyone was surprised by the excellent talent of both sides.

It was well known to everyone that Boyd had an extraordinary sword and incredible potential.

Kai was the opposite of Boyd. No one knew his strength. He won every fight comfortably and most people had heard about what he did in the semi-finals. Some people hated him for it, but the older ones appreciated his behaviour. A man who is kind to his enemy is doomed to die. This saying was written on their hearts. However, another thing that caused controversy among the adults was Kai's brutal behaviour in such a simple tournament.

Kai's sword was considered by everyone to be a mana weapon. But no one could force Kai to pull it out.

After a few minutes, Michael rose into the air and began to speak for all to hear.

"Today is the final of this tournament. I know you're all excited, so I don't want to keep you waiting too long." After Michael spoke, someone appeared at the north end of the court. His blonde hair was blowing in the wind, but he didn't care. He was picking at his fingernails and looking around with a nonchalant expression.

On the south side, Boyd appeared, his sword glowing and emitting a wave of dark blue mist. He had a broad smile on his face and looked mad.

Michael smiled. He knew he didn't need to introduce both sides. So he said nothing. He just said the two words that would start this fight.

"Fight with justice."

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