
Chapter 52: Torture

The formation worked quickly and the two men came back to life. Boyd had a broad smile on his face. He sat in the final seat and started to look around.

The final seats were located on the other side of the arena, directly opposite where the manager was sitting. The two thrones were facing each other. Those who would fight in the final should have sat here.


Summer hit the ground in anger. There was an intense aura of rage radiating from his body. But this aura was not enough for him to reach the middle rank. Tears were falling from his eyes because of his anger.

"I lost." A pair of feet appeared in front of him as he looked angrily at the ground. The drops from his eyes were dripping on the shoes of the person in front of him.

When he looked up and saw the owner of the feet, he didn't know what to say.

"Losing won't change anything. If you don't want to lose next time, work harder and win the World Tournament. Maybe you will get a better result this time. Crying is not a solution," Kai said. Summer clenched his fists, but there was nothing he could do. He knew Kai was right.

Kai couldn't help but sigh at the awkward situation. If you're wondering which awkward situation I'm talking about, you'll have to wait another hundred chapters.

"You're right." Summer stood up and started walking towards the audience section. As he made his way to the audience, he spoke to Kai without turning around.

"I won't be this weak in the world tournament." Summer turned his eyes to Boyd, who was sitting on the final throne.

"We'll meet again in 3 months!!! I'll be stronger than you by then!!! Watch and see I'll win the world tournament." A smile formed on Boyd's face, but he didn't look at Summer too much and turned in front of him.

"By the way Summer!!!" Summer looked at Kai at Kai's call. Kai had a bright red orb in his hand. He threw the shiny orb towards Summer.

Summer was stunned by what she felt inside after catching the orb.

"Isn't this Melony's anger? Why are you giving this to me?" Kai waved his hand dismissively and came to the centre of the pitch.

"I've already progressed far enough, I need to stabilise my development. It's yours. It will take you at least a month to absorb it. In that time, I hope you can fulfil the promise you made at the World Tournament." Kai moved to where he would fight in the semi-final. Michael then reappeared in the sky.

"Boyd was the first finalist in the District 1 Tournament. Now Kai and Raiya will fight for the second finalist.

Fight for justice." At that moment, Raiya made his way onto the field.

"I don't know why you're helping me, but thank you." Summer also left the field and Raiya revealed his dagger.

The smoke from the red dagger showed how dangerous it was. This dagger was even able to pierce Milah's shield.

"I think this is the first time people from the same house will face each other in the final." said the red-haired boy.

A look of disdain appeared in Kai's eyes.

"Do you really think you can beat me?" Kai looked at Raiya and grinned. Raiya suddenly jumped up and tried to cut Kai down. But Kai dodged his attack by taking only one step. Raiya realised he had fallen into the void. The figure he had attacked had completely disappeared in front of him.

"W-this... How?"

Kai just smiled and started to approach Raiya with slow steps. Raiya realised that he was already a few steps closer.

"If the difference in strength between a person and another person is too great, it's easy for them to survive such attacks." Kai's eyes began to glow as he got closer. When 6 bolts of lightning appeared, Raiya suddenly opened his eyes in fear and tried to back away.

"Are you trying to escape? Hmph!! Can you escape?! "Kai suddenly jumped up and slapped Raiya. It was quite disrespectful and harsh. The teachers and older students frowned, but Michael didn't say anything and didn't change his expression.

"Red-haired boy, red dagger?? It's really very harmonious, actually. " Kai had a smile on his face and slowly extended his hand to Raiya. It looked like he was helping him. That's what he thought.

Raiya hesitated at first when he saw Kai's hand, but then he took Kai's hand. The smile on Kai's face looked very sincere.

With the disappearance of the smile on Kai's face, a crackling sound came from Raiya's arm and a scream was heard in the whole arena. Raiya had underestimated this humanity. Kai also underestimated their behaviour.

"But you're still too weak!!!" Kai threw Raiya, whose arm he had broken, to the other side like a piece of rubbish and turned towards him again.

"Actually, I don't need to exert myself at all. Why don't we do everything from your mind and see how cowardly a repeller like you is!" Kai suddenly pulled his sword from his back. and stabbed it into the ground.

A light wind filled the sky and the earth began to tremble.

In this slight trembling, Kai entered Raiya's mind. He sent him into a foggy world. He confronted him with ghosts and his worst fears. He made him taste the pain of hunger, thirst, burning and drowning. It traumatised him. A great fear.

"Your fears are your weakness!!! Destroy your weakness!! Turn it into strength!! You are an Exorcist!! Dominate your fears!!!" with a cracking sound coming from the mist, Raiya Blue Lightning was at the beginning peak. But that was nothing compared to the fears he was born with.

Even as Raiya grew stronger, his screams grew louder and louder. People couldn't look anymore. Only those who had been on missions and had seen too much of such things could look. The torture of a mind thief.

As Boyd gritted his teeth in anger, he was just now realising the mistake they had made so far.

"I underestimated him! We all underestimated him! He was always the most dangerous person in this tournament!"

Boyd couldn't imagine the pain his friend was going through.

The screams continued for minutes. After a while, the screams began to diminish. Raiya's voice was getting quieter.

Finally Raiya's voice was silenced. He placed the sword on his back and bowed to the unconscious red boy.

"It's good that you lasted this long. But you are an Exorcist. Being this brave limits your potential. At least after you overcome what I have shown you, you will be at the peak of blue lightning. Maybe you'll even enter the World Tournament as a green lightning. But this tournament... You've lost. " Kai slowly left the field. Raiya had fainted. There was no need to kill him. Everyone knew who won and couldn't believe their eyes.

"H-how can this be? Didn't this kid get this far by luck? " said Ariel. Melony had pinned her hopes on Boyd and Raiya after losing the fight. She didn't think Summer would win against Boyd anyway. However, that fight and this fight had changed her thoughts a lot.

"You were wrong from the beginning, Ariel. This kid! This kid is a legend!! There's no way Boyd can beat him!! You lost. He won." Alan said. Ariel clenched her fists in anger. The cracking sound of her fists clenching could be heard by everyone within ten metres. Most of them swallowed. This woman was a fifth year.

"No! Boyd still has that sword that I don't know where he got it from. That sword has 2 sword skills. He won't lose easily. Boyd can win!" Alan shook his head sadly.

"That boy hasn't used his full power yet. And that sword of Boyd's.... Why do I sense so much dark energy from him?"

Kai came to Boyd and sat on the throne opposite him. He had a smile on his face.

"Are you ready to lose? Don't worry, I won't do to you what I did to him. It was special." Boyd angrily squeezed the arms of the throne.


"Enough!! Now the final match will begin. Our finalists have been decided. There's nothing more than the final match. In 30 minutes the final match will begin." As the spectators slowly left the arena, the excitement on all of their faces was visible. Truly, the final match was always the most beautiful fight. This was the last arena and the World Tournament was usually not watched by the spectators. So this year they had come to the end of the exciting fights. So everybody was really excited for this fight.

"Believe me, this is not over. You will be finished in half an hour!!!" said Boyd and walked away with Raiya. Raiya was unconscious.

"What are you going to do, Kai? That sword is really dangerous, it has 2 abilities and the 2nd ability is very powerful. With his normal swing, he was able to match Summer's Infinite Light Slash. What if she has more moves. " Emma said. She had come to his side as soon as she entered the break.

"I don't care. He can't beat me, but that sword really looks familiar to me. I must have seen it in a book. Where did he get that sword? Anyway, it doesn't matter. I'm leaving." Emma looked after Kai.

"Where are you going?" Kai made an innocent face. He started ruffling his hair with his fingers.

"I'll call my brothers. I haven't spoken to them in a long time."

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