
Chapter 49: Red Lightning Art

"Mum, buy me a chocolate bar." His mother shook her head from side to side.

"You can eat it after dinner. Wait for me for now." Milah didn't know that Jack was watching these memories as she walked slowly. As much as Jack was surprised to see how small he was, he forgot everything when he saw his mother.

Jack's mum dropped little Jack off at home. Jack immediately realised that something was wrong. He didn't remember anything like this. Jack's mum sat on the floor and came to Jack's height. She was an abnormally tall woman.

"Your mum has to go somewhere right now. When I come back, we'll go get your report card." Jack's brain was shot with the sentence he heard. This was the day. The day his mum died.

As his mother was walking out the door, curious Jack was looking after her. But his mother didn't pay attention to him, so he didn't see her coming after him. As his mother passed a few streets, Little Jack followed her. After going on like this for a while, he stopped in an alley.

"Come on out Black!!! What do you want?" Little Jack was looking at his mother from the corner.

"Okay, Maria. What do you think I'm here for?" Maria looked at him mockingly. There was someone in the shadows.

"We both know very well that you can't kill me. You're not that strong, even if the difference in power isn't that much." When Black appeared, his face and appearance appeared.

Black was a black man like his name. He had short black hair. He was a little taller than Maria. The blackness in his eyes penetrated her heart. He had a strange pistol in his hand.

"I may not be able to kill you, but that rule does not apply to our little guest here." Black pointed his pistol at Jack. Maria jumped in front of the trigger as soon as she realised what was happening.

Black had fired. As the bullet entered Maria's shoulder, no matter how fast Maria healed, the poison in the bullet was still travelling rapidly towards her heart.

As Maria's eyes glowed green, 1 lightning bolt appeared. The upper right lightning (lightning of excitement) took all of its green colour.

Black walked to the dying Maria without realising what was happening. He had been possessed by Maria. If they hadn't both been horribly repressed in this city, Maria would have killed him already. She just didn't want the common folk to realise it.

"You forget about Jack. You never come round here again." Black stood still without saying anything. Maria turned round. She had the tenderness of a mother. And little Jack was scared. He was afraid that something would happen to his mother because of him. He'd seen her hurt. He'd seen the blood. He'd never seen anyone bleed so much before.

"It's all right, Mummy." Little Jack stared at his mother's bleeding chest. He didn't hear his mum's words.

"But Mummy, it's bleeding. We have to do something. Wrap-" Maria silenced her son with her finger.

"Now you're going to go to school, get your report card and come home. Unless you're a developmentalist, you won't remember this memory at all. "Little Jack suddenly became dull and shook his head like a robot. Maria touched Jack's head with 2 fingers.

"I hope my consciousness will come in handy one day. " Maria stroked her son's cheek as tears flowed from her eyes. Centuries ago, she never imagined that she would die from a bullet. Back then it was impossible for someone like her to die.

If only she hadn't come to this city. Then everything would have been different.

"I love you, Jack. " Maria closed her eyes and Little Jack left.

Milah cried. Despite her cold personality, she felt sorry for Jack's situation and was disturbed by what he was going through. When the dark smoke cleared, she saw Jack. He had fallen to his knees. His mouth was full of strange sentences like 'because of me'. He was like a teenager who had been rejected for the first time.

Milah ran quickly to Jack's side. While trying to wake him up, she did not realise the intense excitement energy around him. Apart from the energy of excitement, there was also intense fear energy. This was the troubled place Jack had mentioned. If this place was opened, Jack's energy absorption rate would increase.

But Milah never realised this. Her eyes were on Jack. Jack wrapped in a sphere of energy.

Milah put her hands on Jack's cheeks while Jack's eyes looked blank. Jack stared at Milah.

"She died because of me."

He couldn't stop himself from saying those words.

Milah pulled her hands away and without waiting, she slapped Jack hard across the face.

"Yes, she's dead because of you! Can you change that fact?! Can you do something!? Cut the bullshit!! If you're her son, do the right thing!! Get strong!! Get strong so they don't hurt the ones you love again! Let go of your fears! Because you're a repellent. " Jack looked into Milah's eyes as he held his cheek where he had been slapped. Suddenly he grabbed her, pulled her to him and held her lips to his.

It was unexpected and shocking. Milah's eyes were wide open and she could not react. She did not expect such an outcome.

The surrounding mind barrier suddenly lifted and began to penetrate Milah's body. Suddenly, with two cracking sounds, Milah and Jack stopped kissing. They said at the same time.

"Blue Lightning start peak!!!" Milah raised her hand. And she placed the love energy around her in a place where it wouldn't slow Jack's progress.

"Then we'll ask Kai if he can do to you what he did to Melony." Jack nodded his head forwards and closed his eyes and left his mind. Milah absorbed the mental energy left by Maria all night long.

12.00 a.m. at Michael's house

Michael suddenly got up at the sound of a voice and appeared outside the house at an incomprehensible speed. After looking around for a while, he was relieved to see Emma.

"Emma!!! What are you doing here at night?" Emma looked directly at Michael's face after giving him a determined look.

"Master, I want to learn the Art of Red Lightning!" After Michael looked puzzled, a naive smile appeared on his face.

"This art is very difficult. It will be really hard for you to study it." Emma looked at Michael sternly.

"I'm determined!!! Everyone is getting stronger. I can't stand still while they are getting stronger. Sir, please teach me this art!!!" Michael had a serious expression on his face.

"Well then, starting tomorrow your real training begins. In order for a person to study the arts, they must first come to the red lightning. So I will only give you some information about this art first."

"The red lightning art has 9 levels. At the 1st level, you start controlling red lightning. I don't know about the other levels. This art was created by the person who founded this academy. We don't know where that person is now. Probably he has already broken the boundaries of the 6th step and reached the levels. "Emma pretended to have a question in her mind for a moment. But before she could fix her expression, Michael looked at her sharply. Emma realised she shouldn't be embarrassed to ask.

"Master, can you tell me more about the arts? You also said that I need to reach the red lightning to use the arts. What does that mean?" Michael sighed and began to speak.

"The arts are high level techniques. They determine your power, your future path. The arts can be sword skills. It could be a spear. It can be a divine energy or the laws of nature. There are no limits. A man can learn two arts, but it's too much strain on the body. If you don't have the right blood and body. You can never use 2 arts. Those who already have the right blood and body usually don't do it. Because it is very difficult to progress using 2 arts. There is no point in torturing the body like this. Your 2nd art will not make you strong enough to prevent your development. "

"As for your second question. In yellow lightning, you don't get a special ability. In blue lightning you get a special ability for each emotion. In anger 'earth running', in fear 'time freezing' or in love 'temporal healing'. Everyone who passes into blue lightning has these abilities according to their own emotion. These abilities are only developed and levelled up when you move to the next emotion. "

" In green lightning, each person's own body creates a technique in their minds specifically for them. These techniques focus on your weaknesses. You cannot develop this as you want. These techniques develop together with your body as you develop. The characteristic of the orange lightning is blood. He can use the bloodline of his bloodline when he reaches this level. But most people don't have a bloodline. Especially for a commoner like you, having a bloodline is less than one per cent. You should pay attention to people who only have blood ties. Because some traits allow you to fight with people one lightning bolt above you. "

"In red lightning you will begin to learn the arts as I have told you. Tomorrow I will begin to prepare you to study the art of red lightning. You must reach the red lightning as soon as possible.

If you harmonise with the mana weapons and items you have in purple lightning, you can possess some of the special powers they possess. This will allow you to use this power even when they are not present. Once you have the power of the stone I gave you, you will become much stronger. This will help you bridge the bloodline gap. " Emma suddenly took out a purple stone from her pocket. Everything was purple except the orange in the centre of the stone. It looked like something special. That's why Michael had taken it from a mission he went on when he was young.

Emma looked at the stone and whispered in a way that even Michael couldn't hear.

"Yue's Stone" Michael didn't understand anything, but he heard Emma say something. For someone at his level, this was a very simple thing. He could have heard what she said if he wanted to, but he respected people's privacy.

I really hope you don't believe that. Michael of course realised that Emma had said the name of the stone. He had given it to Emma because he had guessed it in the first place.

Michael had thought it all through. Michael always thought before he acted.

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