
Chapter 46: Deep Anger

"Due to damage to the arena, the next match will take place in half an hour. " Kai got up from his seat as Jack and Kevin looked at him.

"What are you looking at? I'm going to the loo."

It was ridiculous to think that everything he did would have interesting consequences. Even though he was a developmentalist, he had to go to the toilet. After 3 months of training, when he went to the toilet, he thought he would never come back.

"How weak they are... well, at least this time they are quite strong. Two breakthroughs in a week is very good. Cronus has made very little progress compared to the others, though. I've got to whip the bastard from behind so he doesn't hold me back in the World Tournament. " Kai was about to go inside when a hand stopped him. Kai looked at the owner of the hand that stopped him.

"This time I'm going to kill you!!! There's no way you're getting away!!!" Kai laughed as Melony pulled her hand away. How could he not realise that Melony was really mad, he just didn't understand why. He never thought Melony was that arrogant.

30 minutes later the pitch was fully restored. Michael appeared in the sky again and everyone's eyes focused in that direction.

"First match of Group D. Kai VS Melony" When Kai entered the pitch, everyone's eyes were drawn to the sword on his back. Although no one said anything, everyone suspected it was a mana weapon.

But they also knew that he hadn't participated in Ariel's training. So it was unexpected that he had a mana weapon.

"So what if she has a mana weapon!!! Is she stronger than the people I trained? Melony always hated him. Her hatred will help her win this fight." Next to Ariel was a tall white-haired youth. He had red eyes and thin eyebrows. Nobody cared about him. Because he didn't let anyone care.

He was not an ordinary person. Certainly the power flowing through his body was of astonishing capacity and could make him a favourite in this audience section. Unfortunately, he didn't like that reputation.

"Are you really sure Melony can beat that kid? I think this fight will have an unexpected outcome."

"Why do you think that? It's not going to be mediocre. If it is, he's already a genius, Alan. I'd be shitting myself. " Alan smiled. As he pulled his hood over his head, he whispered so Ariel couldn't hear.

"I think he's on an even higher level."

Everyone fell silent as Melony took the field. People knew what she was like. Arguing with her? It was impossible. Melony was too vindictive. Melony took out her hatred for Kai on others. In dueling, she gave everyone broken bones without mercy. People never took dueling classes anymore, so there was no one to rival her. No matter how much they didn't care about Kai, they secretly pitied him because he was Melony's rival.

Melony had grown a few centimetres in height. She, like everyone else, had a remarkable growth spurt.

"You will be punished for humiliating me here today!!!" Kai looked at her mockingly.

"When did I ever humiliate you, Melony? Weren't you a loser when we first arrived? Why are you oppressing people now? You're the only one controlled by the Force. Don't worry, I'll finish this quickly." Melony frowned as the audience got excited. Everyone knew Kai was the Kingslayer. They didn't think he was a simple man. If anyone thought that, it was someone who had the ability to shit on his own head.

"Fight with Justice" Melony rushed forward, a simple dagger in her hand. Ariel hadn't given her a mana weapon because her behaviour was so bad. As much as it frustrated her, she couldn't stand up to someone half a foot in purple lightning.

Kai stood in place, doing nothing, while Melony went on the offensive. He swung his dagger as Melony appeared at his feet.

'I think he froze in fear'

That's what he thought, but it was complete rubbish.

The moment Melony's dagger struck Kai's body, a cloud of dust covered everything. Melony's last step had hit the ground very hard and the layer of dust from the previous fight covered them.

Ariel and Alan watched the field with curious eyes as the spectators wondered what had happened. They both knew it wasn't going to end that easily.

As the dust cleared, the broken dagger appeared first. Then Melony and Kai appeared.

Kai grabbed Melony by the throat and lifted him into the air. As soon as people saw this, they realised the difference in power. Kai had defeated Melony before he even took out his weapon. He had gained the upper hand so easily that even small children realised that Melony had no chance.

"You think I'm going to kill you? You're wrong." Kai threw Melony forwards. Melony gasped and grabbed her throat as she hit the ground.

"I'm giving you a chance. Attack me with everything you've got. Use everything you've got." Melony stood up angrily, vowing to kill him. She did not have the consciousness to understand the difference in power.

The audience now understood everything. There was no way Melony could defeat Kai. The difference in power was the size of the earth and the sky.

Ariel's eyes widened as Melony pulled another dagger from her back.

"Where did she get that dagger?"

Melony was crazy and this could have a bad effect on the mana weapons. That's why he hadn't given this crazy girl a weapon, so as not to throw away the mana weapons.

Kai looked at the dagger. Even though the dagger was powerful, Melony still couldn't kill her because of the level difference.

"Booster - Mind Blast! " Melony's mental strength suddenly reached a medium level as she struck Kai with the sword.

The sword bounced back as soon as it made contact with Kai's skin. While Melony looked on in disbelief, Kai turned around and started moving towards the shed.

"I can't wait for you any longer. "As Kai's eyes lit up, everyone saw him take a leap forward in peace.

Melony suddenly threw herself to the ground as the lightning in the upper right began to flash. As she began to hold her head, she screamed as if she was being tortured to death.

The screams grew louder as time passed. Kai really didn't pity her.

"Is that all you've got? I thought you were going to kill me? You really did follow a ridiculous arrogance. Melony you are far from my equal. "

The screams were still going on. While the spectators were happy that the woman who had caused them so much pain was suffering, they could not help feeling pity at the same time. How could they not pity her? These were just ordinary people before. They weren't used to such things.

"Kai!!!" Kai looked into the barracks and saw Kevin standing there. His eyes were red. Kai understood. He understood how Kevin felt. What he did to Melony wasn't just hurting her, it was hurting Kevin. Jack tried to stop Kevin, but he couldn't stop him. because he was in love with this girl.

"Please. "

It was a simple favour, but Kai had to accept the apology.

"Okay. "With a wave of Kai's hand, Melony's screams subsided as she lay panting on the floor.

"But you still have too much rage energy in you. So much rage in a mind thief. I need to take him."

As someone with 6 emotions, there were things only Kai could do. Kai suddenly took a deep breath and approached Melony. As he approached Melony's face, he saw the hatred on her face. She was gasping for breath. She was dying, but still burning with rage.

"So much anger that you can almost outrun even me. What have I done to you?" he spoke in his mind as he put his hand on Melony's face.

"What am I supposed to do now?" Kai asked. The sublime voice spoke in Kai's mind.

"Leave the rest to me. You're not ready for this yet." Elvis took control of Kai's body and at the same moment Melony began to scream. Her anger was so intense that it became one with her body. This intense rage made it difficult to absorb his energy. Someone like Kai could not succeed.

As soon as the red energy left Melony's body, it took the shape of a sphere in Kai's hand.

"I'm done. I've exhausted myself by entering your body. You can't see me for a while. I'm an old man, don't tire me with such things." Kai looked at the sphere in his hand while laughing.

"I'm already strong enough. I'd better strengthen the ones I'm with." As Kai turned and walked away, he started to feel like he had forgotten something.

"Oh, I remember now, the fight wasn't over yet." As Kai turned around, he picked up the sword on his back with a speed the crowd didn't expect and threw it into Melony's heart.

As the crowd tried to realise what had happened, Kai came back, picked up his sword and walked towards the hut.

"Kai is the winner of the first match of Group D. " As Kai took his place, Melony recovered and went to her own place in the hut, next to Kevin.

"I apologise." Kevin turned his head in Melony's direction as the others did the same.

"I'm sorry for what I did, for tearing you mates apart. I don't want to cause you any more pain, so I'm going to leave." Kai thought to himself 'she's been a really nice girl' while Kevin disagreed with what Melony had said. Kai had become the same person he was when they didn't talk about him. How sad. All this didn't have to happen.

"You can't leave." Kevin held Melony's hands as he looked into her eyes. The deepest ones. Jack and Kai were watching them like they were watching a film. Jack even asked the audience if anyone had a core.

"Why?" Kevin pulled himself closer. They were so close they could hear his breathing.

"Because I love you."

Kai and Jack laughed from behind, tossing aside the beans they had eaten. Melony's eyes filled. Was it the fact that someone still loved her after all this that affected her so much? Or was it the fact that Kevin was the one who loved her?

At the same moment, Kevin reached the peak of the beginning. The peak of the beginning of the blue lightning.

As the eyes around turned to him, none of them could believe it. If Kevin hadn't been eliminated, he would definitely be the top player this year. He would probably have been chosen as the genius of the 100 years from the red lightning academy.

When Melony and Kevin's lips touched, everyone turned their heads away. Because none of them wanted to see this scene. Or rather, they didn't care. It was both embarrassing and jealous.

Fucking Melony was a thing of beauty. Kevin wasn't a fatty anymore.

"I guess I'll have to ask your permission too." Kai pretended to be disgusted as he looked away when Kevin spoke.

"Okay, I accept your apology, just stop doing that in front of us." Jack complained angrily as Kevin started laughing.

"Why doesn't anyone ask me anything? Kai's not the only boss here, okay? You should apologise to me for doing something like that in front of me. "

Before anyone had a chance to respond, Michael's voice was heard.

"Last fight of the top 16. Elena VS Nora. Since Nora is dead, the top 16 fights will end here. "

Elena's on the field.

"The winner is Elena. "

"Let the last 8 begin!"

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