
Chapter 44: Shadow And İce (1)

As the two sides attacked each other, their eyes showed their degrees. Jack was the middle of the beginning of the blue lightning. Zachery was the beginning of the beginning.

When everyone saw this, they realised the outcome of the fight. They still didn't understand why Jack had brought out his sword. Clearly Jack had power beyond Zachery.

"Fight with Justice."

Jack rushed forward and cut Zachery in the stomach. As he healed again, everyone realised why he was fighting with his true strength. Zachery's healing abilities were far beyond his level.

"I know you're a healer, I know the ability you had when you switched to blue lightning, but you can't beat me."

Everyone was watching as Zachery took his spear in front of him.

"I will try." Zachery jumped out of his seat and suddenly appeared in front of Jack. Obviously, he was quite fast. His skills had increased even more when he switched to blue lightning.

As Jack took a step back, Zack tried to strike again. One more time. And again. And again.

With each of Zack's moves, Jack easily dodged him. Not because he was a seer, but because he could anticipate Zachery's moves. Zack swung his spear once more, and Jack dodged it once more. But this time Zack threw himself forward and tried to touch Jack.

Jack smiled as if he had been waiting for this moment and swung his sword, severing Zack's arm.

Zack quickly retreated as he threw himself back. His arm remained in front of Jack as he stopped bleeding. No matter how abnormal his healing abilities were, he could not heal a severed arm in such a short time.

"I told you I know your ability, now it's my turn."

Jack's eyes shone as he held his sword with both hands and brought it to the level of his eyes. Time slowed down as he stretched his legs. Only those above his level could move. Their speed increased according to the level difference.

"Now feel the majesty of my sword! Point Strike!" As Jack started to see ropes from his eyes, the sword moved at an unbelievable speed. And it passed through his neck where the ropes showed.

As Zack's neck fell to the ground, everyone was looking at him. Jack was standing comfortably. He had used both his repellent ability. and his sword skill. Despite this, he was still able to stand comfortably.

"Jack, the winner of the 2nd fight of Group B" Kai had a wide smile on his face as Jack took his seat. Jack sheathed his sword before sitting down and then let himself drop into the seat.

"I guess it was a little rough. Hehehe. " Kevin laughed as Jack ignored him and went to sleep.

The smile on his face slowly faded as Kai looked at Jack.

"His next match is with Boyd. He better be ready." Kevin tapped Kai on the shoulder as he stopped laughing too.

"We're definitely trying hard not to get behind you. We're not gonna lose." Zack's parts were picked up and he recovered and took his place as Michael took the field again. The formation was working really fast, but there were still rough edges. The healers were taking care of that. Still, all the kinks would probably be ironed out by the world tournament.

"The first match of Group C... Raiya VS Milah" Raiya had his hand on his waist as he walked onto the pitch. He was wearing a green shirt that came up to his hips. It was unbuttoned. It was open at the chest. There were tears at some points, but this gave Raiya a more attractive air. Although his mana weapon was not visible, everyone knew he had one. Ariel should have distributed it to everyone, and Raiya had already reached the blue lightning before. He should definitely have a mana weapon. Raiya's red hair was flying in the air.

On the other side, Milah had also grown taller as she walked into the arena. No expression could be seen on her face. She had her black hair in a ponytail and was wearing a jet black outfit. She had her sleeves rolled up.

"Fight with Justice" Raiya instantly pulled out a dagger from his waist and a fierce aura spread around him as he pulled it out. When people saw that his mana weapon was a dagger, they began to watch carefully. It was not a weapon like a sword and they could get good results with less work.

Milah also attacked with an ordinary sword in her hand, and everyone was trying to figure out where her mana weapon was. As Milah and Raiya's swords clashed, Milah's sword broke. At the same speed, Milah pulled another sword from her waist. She attacked again this time.

"Hahahaha..." Kai started laughing as Jack and Kevin looked at him.

"This is the first time I've seen such a mana weapon. It's really amazing." While the others were surprised that Kai could notice the mana weapon, Kevin asked out of curiosity.

"Watch it. You'll realise where it is. "

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