
Kai Lane Chapter 35: Never Again

Kai, Emma, Zack, Milah and Sarah were going home together. On the way there, they looked like they could barely walk. They were all holding on to something. Those who saw them on the road couldn't help but wonder what was making them walk so hard. Of course, the other upperclassmen knew the reason for this.

"About being a fifth year...." Kai tried to talk a little, but he didn't know what to ask. Zack answered his question. He had heard about Kai's situation from Emma. So he decided to explain the class system to him.

"The academy is a little different. Until 3rd grade, you go normally. Each class lasts a year. But things change in the 3rd year. Grade 4 takes five years. Grade 5 takes 10 years. The only way to finish the academy faster is to be stronger than the instructors, but this is not easy. Not at all. Fifth graders can't participate in the World Tournament, they're too strong. They all strive to be stronger than the teachers. That's why so many fifth graders destroy the tournament. They are much older, much stronger than the previous years. The highest year to participate in the tournament is 4th grade. It takes about 20 years to finish 5th grade. That's why 5th years are usually as old as our parents. Dera in the dueling class finished 5th year after studying for 20 years. That's why he's not that old. But very few people have surpassed the masters so far. So it's not right to underestimate Dera. " Kai suddenly began to drown in his thoughts. There was a possibility that he would stay here until the age of 51. But even now, he could beat anyone until the centre of the Green Lightning. That was very good for his age, but his academy was the weakest even among the other academies.

"Ariel's pressure was on the red lightning." everyone looked at Kai in shock, unable to hide their surprise.

"How could you tell in that pain? " Sarah said. Even she couldn't understand. And he had switched to blue lightning. Kai shrugged.

"Just a little caution." Milah looked at Kai a little more carefully.

"How did you survive that first pressure? That pressure alone was enough to knock us to the ground. You were able to get up in spite of it." Kai looked at her.

"I'm a little tough on pressure, it's hard for me to level up. That's why I put myself in the most difficult situations. That's how I've levelled up, but I've also suffered a lot. I level up because of my endurance."

"Who pressurised you? Looks like he's stronger than a fifth year. "Kai waved his hand.

"He's not important. " Sarah stopped suddenly and the others looked at her. Their expressions asked what had happened.

"We've come to our own house. Good luck with those three. "Zack and Milah also looked around and saw where they had arrived. In front of the house, 2 people from the 2nd region are entering the house with tired faces. They had also made it to the top 32 in the Region 2 tournament. It was a house with really talented people.

"See you later. "Kai just smiled as Emma waved her hand to the others. His hands were in his pockets.

While Emma was still looking after them, Kai turned around and started walking. Emma also noticed him and walked quickly behind him.

"Was the training hard? "Although it surprised Emma that Kai could ask that, she answered.

"Of course it was hard. You don't seem to have had any difficulty, but... " Kai sighed as Emma spoke.

"You're having a hard time with this. " Emma looked at Kai. She heard what he said but ignored it.

"Kai, how did you train yourself? Haven't you always been meditating? " Kai looked at her.

"You don't even know if I'm meditating." Emma's face flushed with embarrassment as they arrived home.

As they stood in the doorway, Emma put her hand on the door handle.

"Emma. " Emma looked at Kai.

"Just because this training was hard, don't stop working at home. Remember, they're all doing the same training. If you do nothing, you will always be the same as them. Maybe they'll even surpass you." Emma nodded. She was thinking at that moment. She would never be behind Kai. Not ever again.

Kai and Emma entered the house. Emma went straight to the girls' room while Kai went to the boys' room to find Jace. When he entered the room, he saw Jace crying. He was crying so hard that his face was completely red.

"Jace? Are you okay?" Jace tried to wipe away his tears as soon as he realised Kai.

"N-nothing, just a sad day. Don't mind me." Kai wasn't sure, but he didn't think much of it. He scratched his back as he lay on his bed. Ariel hadn't just stepped on him. She'd practically stomped on it. Even though he was healing fast, this situation between him and Emma was affecting his healing speed. Kai let himself fall asleep, not caring about the pain. This time it wasn't Ezra who pulled him. It was Auron.

Meanwhile, three people were sitting in the living room.

"I'm gonna beat him. I'm definitely gonna beat him." Jack and Kevin looked at each other worriedly.

"Melony..... Are you okay?" Melony shook her head from side to side.

"No, I'm not. I'm definitely not. I'll beat him." As Melony stood up, she stood up to work again. As she walked away the two friends looked at each other.

"I realise now, what are we doing?" said Jack. His sadness was evident on his face.

"I liked her, but she turned me against my best friend. Is this love? Do I have to lose to win?" While both of their souls were stirring, neither of them realised it.

"We were geniuses. We were the best. Now why are we being relegated to the background. We have become weak. We've become stupid. We've become cowards." A green and blue light suddenly flashed around in Jack's eyes. Only Lena noticed as the green and blue light faded.

"I let the woman I loved influence my development. Our friendship was always meant to strengthen us. We would have infinite power. If it hadn't been for my mistake, maybe I'd be blue lightning now. Most importantly, we wouldn't have pushed Kai so far away." As Kevin illuminated the house with green and blue light, they both switched to blue lightning. Now their goals had changed. They were going to get stronger so they wouldn't be left behind.

As they both leaned their heads against each other, 3 words passed through their minds and hearts.

"Never Again"


Kai suddenly saw the man in white. Looking around, he realised that he was in a white place. Auron had a smile on his face as he looked at him. His mouth, nose, eyes, everything was perfect. He could be the closest to perfection.

"No Ezra today, I'm afraid. I have about a week to go through." The smile on his face reminded one of his greatest fears.

Auron watched as Kai moved into the meditation zone.

"Don't try to jump degrees. If you jump degrees too fast, your body won't be able to adapt and you'll be weaker than people of the same rank. We don't want that. Your foundations must not be weak. " Kai nodded and began to meditate. Instantly his mind was safer as he channelled the power of mind energy into his mind. Even though he was stronger, someone in the orange lightning could still get into his mind.

He was still weak. He was still very weak.

For 24 hours he strengthened his mind with mind energy and then Auron took him out of meditation.

"I think that's enough. Learn to fight a little. It's not enough just to learn to swing a sword. I'll make you very strong. We'll put pressure on you like that woman did at other times. Of course, our pressure will be much greater than hers. The benefit and the pain will be greater. I don't know how we didn't think of that. And that woman was only half a foot of purple lightning. Even among the 5th graders, there must be some who are much stronger than her. Anyway..." Kai looked back at Auron with a question in his mind as he picked up his twin swords.

"How did that woman's aura not kill us? Someone's aura can kill someone two lightning bolts lower than them. Even though it was normal for me to survive, the others didn't die either. I could even lift my head." Kai didn't realise what was happening as Auron suddenly burst into laughter.

"Hahahhaha. That woman was really trying hard. Normally she turned those kids to dust even with her pressure. There were times when she could have killed you. You survived because she controlled her pressure in a controlled manner. If she had made a mistake.... You would have died. " While Kai looked at Auron in astonishment, Auron started talking again.

"This is training for the fifth years. You are not that important. Until 5th year, there's a chance you could die. Hunters sometimes even catch those in the academy. But the fifth years. They are the real power, the real power of the people who control emotion. It's not so bad if you die to empower them. Otherwise, don't you think his method would be used all the time? " Kai asked the two-metre man in surprise as Auron grabbed Kai by the scruff of the neck.

"Where are we going?" A smile formed on Auron's face.

"To the place that lights me up. "

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