
Kai Lane Chapter 30: 1. Region Tournament (3)

Everyone was gathered in the arena. 32 people were waiting in their places. Everyone was looking at them. They were the strongest of the 1st Classes in District 1. They were certainly not unique, but they were stronger than most of the 1st Classes in the crowd.

All tournaments were held on the same day. So there wasn't just one arena. Up to 5th grade, countless students were fighting. There were thousands of people and the number of arenas was more than 10. Each one was as big as a football field. Without a doubt, the academy was a gigantic structure. Michael was the first principal in the academy's history to referee a tournament in District 1.

Even though the people here were the strongest in Zone 1, they could only compete with the weakest in Zone 2. Maybe they couldn't even beat them. It was strange for the academy principal to referee such an ordinary tournament. On the other hand, the District 2 tournament held by the 5th graders to determine the strongest students of the academy was much more exciting and action-packed.

Michael was flying in the centre of the arena and everyone was looking at him. How incredible it was for him to fly. Every one of them dreamed of being able to do it one day.

There were at least 30,000 people in the arena. About 20,000 of them were the other eliminated. The rest were people from their homes in District 2 or other people who wanted to watch the game.

"Yes!!! Since everyone has arrived, we can start the last 32! The participants of the first place fight... " everyone was eagerly waiting. It was hard to believe who was going to fight first. But everyone wanted it to be Boyd and Melony. Melony was the strongest of the four. but she was only a small distance away from Jack and Kevin.

"...Kai Lane VS Toma Sanchez!"

The people whose expectations were disappointed were upset, but there were also those who were happy that Kai would finally be eliminated.

Toma was a girl. She was exceptional with a spear. Her skills were clearly the best among the 1st years. This made her better than others at her level, and she could even compete with anyone under the blue lightning by using the spear well enough. Her auburn hair fell to her shoulders. Her blue eyes were very similar to Kai's.

Although the limits of his true power were unknown, everyone believed that he would make it to the next round.

When Kai took the field, everyone booed him. When Toma took the field, everyone cheered him. Toma didn't care about any of that. She cared about winning. Kai gave a middle finger to the crowd. What right did these people have to boo him?

"Fight with justice." Toma took her position as the fight began. Her legs were broken as she held his spear backwards. Her eyes glowed with green light as a yellow bolt of lightning appeared from the top left, travelling towards her pupil.

It was certainly not half a step, but it was at the peak. The peak of the peak of the yellow lightning.

Kai bowed his head. His eyes were not visible.

As Kai disappeared, Toma flew into the air. He tumbled to the ground. He could no longer move.

The fight was over in an instant. Toma was off his feet and out of the arena. He was eliminated. In one move...

Kai reappeared a little bit ahead of Toma. Still with his head down. He was about 20 metres away. He was over 40 metres away from him at the beginning. It was truly astonishing speed. He moved tens of metres a second.

Kai just stood there. He didn't have to say anything. He looked up. He let the crowd, shocked by his power, see the truth. He wanted to bask in the glory. But when he saw his friends, he realised he had to be careful. If he did not live consciously, he might weaken and come to a standstill in his development.

The red eyes appeared. 6 yellow lightning bolts were trying to reach those eyes. 6 emotions were also at the beginning of the peak of the yellow lightning.

On the spectator's side were the advanced classes. Even they were shocked. They knew who he was. Anyone who paid any attention in history class knew. He was a king-killer. reborn in this century.

Kai looked at the crowd. He wanted to show them off with a proud expression on his face. But he couldn't overdo the smile. He was a big man. He had to be cool here and not bully the little ones.

He turned to his four friends. He shook his head from side to side, embraced Toma with the speed of tens of metres per second just a second ago and returned to the participants.

Emma was uncomfortable with this. She wasn't in love with Kai. Not after all he'd done for her. Toma was a beautiful girl. Her auburn hair fell to her shoulders. And her eyes were blue. Just like Kai's eyes. They would have made a beautiful couple.

Toma was unconscious when Kai brought her back to the recruitment area. Some retreated, others stood firm. Zachery carried no malice as he approached Kai.

"I'd better heal him," he said. He was about to heal Toma with his hands when Kai's hand grabbed his wrist. He was scared for a moment and his heart squeezed.

"Don't be stupid! Are you going to show everyone here what level you are?! And save your strength for the fight. I'll heal him." Zachery stepped back, shaking his head. He was just now realising how stupid he had really been.

Kai's eyes glowed red again, but this time only the bottom lightning bolt appeared.

As Kai put his hand on Toma, Toma began to recover. 20 minutes later, there was nothing left of him. But he was still unconscious. Kai learnt how to do this from Lena three months ago.

While Kai was going to Zachery, a girl was returning from inside the arena. This girl was Milah. Kai got information about 32 people.

"What happened?" said Kai. Zachery had a smile on his face as he looked at her. It seemed that he and Kai had become a little closer in a short time.

Zachery was a brown-eyed boy about 1.65 tall with blue hair.

"Milah attacked the moment the match started. She doesn't use weapons. But she has other ways to defeat her opponent. He's a mind thief. She has secret techniques. But she didn't need to use them in this battle. He defeated his opponent in one move while moving quickly. But in doing so, his rank was also visible to everyone. "

"And what was his degree? " As a smile formed on Zachery's face, he answered with that smile.

" Half a step Blue lightning. "Kai was surprised. He didn't expect one more person to be like this.

"He's also from the same house as me. House 790. Me and Milah trained behind closed doors. That's why we're not well known, but we're strong. "

"I didn't ask. "

"The other members other than Milah and I..."

Zachery went on, though Kai wasn't really interested. Unfortunately, this person wouldn't shut up.

Zachery held out his hand as Milah came up to them. Like a high five. Without saying much, Milah slapped Zachery's hand and walked past.

"I think it's a little cold. " said Kai. Zachery told him not to worry about it and Michael flew out onto the field again.

"Okay, fight three, Clara vs Elena." As the two girls took the field, they were both more beautiful than each other. There were spectators in the audience watching intently as if their eyes were going to pop out. Some had even brought binoculars now. With the width of the arena, it would not be easy to watch comfortably and they would not want to miss this scene if any part of one of these beauties was torn during the fight.

Clara was a girl with blonde hair a little above her waist. Her eyes were orange. Her height was 1,70. While her physique was extraordinary, she even attracted some attention from Kai. This girl had trained herself physically. Kai wanted to see under her dress to see who was more muscular.

Elena was different. Her black hair fell to her shoulders while her eyes seemed to shine. Her eyes were brown. Even if she couldn't exactly be called beautiful, it was obvious that she was very sweet. Unlike Clara, she was smiling everywhere.

"Yes, for the first time in the 1st district tournament, people from the same house will fight. Watch closely because they are both very talented beautiful ladies." Hearing Michael's voice, everyone focused on the fight. Michael's praise was worthy of scrutiny.

As Clara's eyes lit up, her lightning bolt appeared at the top left.

Everyone was shocked as the lightning bolt formed. Because full lightning could only mean one thing. Half a step of blue lightning.

In Clara's hand was a double-edged dagger. The tip of the dagger was pointing in both directions.

Elena's eyes lit up and everyone was surprised again. The lightning from the bottom left was fully formed. Both of them were half a step from the blue lightning. This was going to be the highest level of combat ever.

In Elena's hand was a claw-like weapon.

Everyone was waiting with excitement as they both took their battle positions. 2 half-step blue lightning would fight each other.

The quartet felt shocked. They did not expect to see so many half-steps. Their arrogance was like a slap in the face. They had already been slapped by Kai and these girls in the first 32. And the fights weren't over yet.

"Fight with justice" Elena looked at Clara with a smiley face. She moved into an attack position.

"I'm coming!" Clara smiled as Elena jumped up. Only in a fight against this close friend could she smile. Those were the two things she loved. Fighting and Elena. As she jumped up as well, they had surpassed the level of the previous eliminations by leaps and bounds.

Metal claw and double-edged dagger clashed as the last 32 matches saw the climax.

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