
Kai Lane Chapter 28: 1st Region Tournament (1)

In the outside world, the tournament was about to start. The 4 teenagers were already gone. Only Lena and Jace were home.

"They were so arrogant. We had to do something," Lena said. She knew that. Many people who stepped into the world of development were going through the same thing. It was natural that they felt they had to help.

"We can't do anything. Those are the rules. We can only pray for Kai to come back soon." The people from Zone 2 could not interfere in any way with the people from Zone 1. They could talk to them, tell them not to do things, but talking was not enough. All activities that would make them feel weak were forbidden.

As Lena and Jace left the house to go to the tournament, Jace looked up one last time.

"I'd better wait a little longer, maybe she'll wake up. Then I'll take her to the tournament." Lena nodded and walked out.

As Jace went upstairs, he suddenly felt a surge of energy and his steps quickened with excitement.

"Or..." he saw her as he opened the door.

Kai was the same Kai. But it was obvious that he had changed a little more. He was taller.

He had two swords in his hand. He looked like he came out of nowhere. They were beautiful. So much so that even Jace admired them. They had a shiny black surface. You could tell their sharpness just by looking at them.

Kai wasn't wearing the clothes he wore to meditate. Instead he wore a long black robe. There were two scabbards on his back for him to wear the sword, and he put the swords there and looked at Jace. A charming smile appeared on his face.

"What did I miss?"


As Kai and Jace drove down the road, no one was around. Everyone had gone to the tournament. No one wanted to be late. It was very important for their future.

Jace had told Kai everything. How the four of them were arrogant, how they treated people badly. How their powers were only half a step away from blue lightning. Yeah, they were a long way from Kai.

Kai was furious. He couldn't believe how stupid they really were. A little bit of power and they were so arrogant. He didn't understand how they could have such thoughts.

As Kai entered the tournament area, the tournament also took the place of the participants. Jace went to the section where his age group was. Kai looked around but couldn't see his friends.

He turned one of them round. He decided to ask him where his friends were.

"Excuse me?" the boy replied in a condescending manner as he turned his head and looked at Kai.

"I looked! Go on, tell me!"

Kai had never seen such a rude person before. He frowned, but he didn't want to make a scene, so he ignored it. He described his friends to him.

But surprisingly the boy got angry.

"Don't mention their name, you rubbish! They've already proved they're much stronger than us! They're watching from backstage upstairs!" The boy growled angrily and walked away.

Kai couldn't get over his surprise at this. Backstage? When did these kids get so rich? Rich enough to stand backstage?

People moved to the spectator area as the fights began. Kai took his seat and started to watch the matches.

The only rules were no killing or maiming. The winner got to move into the second zone with the people back home. Michael was the referee. So no one would dare cheat. If they could cheat with Michael watching, that would show they were skilful enough.

After a while, the fight for the familiar name was announced.

"Fight 44, Cristina vs Melony. " Cristina's voice was heard from the arena as everyone looked at Cristina with pitying eyes.

"I give up." Melony didn't move a muscle. She was looking with a condescending attitude. Kai watched them in amazement. Cristina had already reached the peak of the yellow lightning. Had she really given up so quickly?

"Fight 45 Kai vs James"

As soon as they heard Kai's name, the four turned their eyes to the pitch. But they all looked with a condescending attitude. How much stronger could he have become at most?

Kai couldn't help shaking his head from side to side at these expressions. The sun must have hit their heads. Otherwise they couldn't possibly be this stupid.

His eyes filled with pity as he looked at Emma out of the corner of his eye. He hadn't expected Emma to change so much. In such a short time. It made him realise that the person he loved was the wrong person.

Jack and Kevin were already getting into these weird personalities every now and then. Kai thought if he gave them a good beating, they'd come round. But now was not the time for that. Now he had to take on his own opponent.

As Kai looked on, a girl in the audience suddenly stood up, recognising him.

"This is the other boy from the house of the Big Four. I heard they didn't take him in because he was too weak. Even if he's very handsome, it doesn't mean anything if he's weak."

'The Mighty Four? Powerless? What kind of a way of life is that?! Your mum's weak!'

Kai rolled his eyes. He felt he couldn't stand this nonsense. But the conversation didn't stop.

"Yeah, I've heard something like that. They say he was in the middle of the middle three months ago. How far along could he be now? "

These idiots were treating the four people who had not been able to pass from the peak of the yellow lightning to the blue lightning for three months as their parents, but were they underestimating him?

How had all this happened?

Melony was smiling as people continued to say such things. She had said all this. Even though it was just the truth, her plan was to humiliate Kai.

Kevin felt a little guilty inside. Melony had seen him telling this to the others, but she didn't stop him. Because he loved Melony. He didn't want to upset her, so he never interfered with her. Still, he was disappointed in her for saying such things about Kai.

Jack didn't know what he was doing. As soon as he looked at the people next to him, he realised what they had become. People had praised him and he had succumbed to his arrogance. Now that arrogance was inextricable. Even though there was some love in him, arrogance was also blocking his way.

Emma was very different. Even if she entered after the others, she still had the same power as the others, but she was the most changed among them.

She had completely forgotten about the boy she loved while Kai was away. She had been offered many things, but she had never accepted any of them. That was only because they were weaker than she was. She was much better at curiosity now. Thanks to curiosity, she had mastered close combat. She could predict all the moves. How could someone who only meditated defeat her?

That's what she thought.

Seeing Kai, something deep in her heart woke up again. As her body filled with regret, she realised her mistake a little more. But the arrow had already left the bow once. There was no going back now. So she continued her power filled with arrogance. She had no choice but to try not to regret it.

James revealed himself as he stood in front of Kai. He had blonde hair. His eyes glowed green. In his hand was a sword. It looked like a straight and steady sword. No one used swords in normal life, but here almost everyone used melee weapons. The reason for this was that guns could not do much damage to Healers. Wounds from small bullets could be easily closed. And it was best to start learning the sword skills you would need at a young age.

"James is really lucky! He will pass this round easily. He is at the peak of the yellow lightning and is really strong. But he was still expected to be eliminated in the first round. For him to face someone like that in this round... He's really lucky." Kai shook his head from side to side as there was talk of how lucky James was. A sad expression crossed his face. People attributed it to him being scared.

"Don't worry, it will be over quickly. You won't suffer at all. " James was running with the sword in his hand, moving at an extraordinary speed.

As he swung his sword towards Kai, Kai only took a step back. Everyone looked dumbfounded as the sword passed through the void. But Kai wasn't finished.

As Kai slapped James, James flew out of the area and was eliminated.

While everyone looked dumbfounded, the Four were not surprised. Kai had all six emotions. He couldn't be beaten at the beginning of the summit.

"Hmph, I could have made such an impact with just a few fingers, they haven't seen our power yet." As they all nodded, the next match was announced.

"Emma vs Seraf" Seraf didn't give up as Emma took the field. His power was in the middle of the peak. He didn't give up because he could beat her. Emma was the weakest of the four. Still, they were underestimating her.

"I'll show her the real power," Emma said and jumped on the field.

As the fight started in an instant, Seraf tried to attack directly with the axe in his hand like James did. His speed was much more than James.

Just as he was lowering the axe, Emma took a step back and hit Seraf's head with her hand. She slapped him just like Kai.

Seraf quickly flew off the dueling field and was knocked to the ground and eliminated with a skip. He looked hurt, but Emma didn't even look at him. She used all her strength as she quickly turned around. She had to use all her strength to defeat someone in the centre of the summit with one hit.

Nevertheless, she had achieved what she wanted.

People had completely forgotten about Kai and thought it was just luck. Now Emma had once again caught their attention.

As Kai got up from his seat with a sigh, there was nothing more he could do now. After the first round was over, there was a 30 minute break. This was enough time for Kai. His body had not reached its full form. He was hungry.

He hadn't eaten in 3 months. He tried very hard not to kill James on that hit. Otherwise, he was using very little of his power at that moment and could easily kill James. Likewise, since his body was hungry, the power he had was incredibly low. If he ate something, he would be relieved.

Emma was returning backstage as Kai walked out. Kai looked at Emma's hand and saw how red it was. How hard she had pushed herself to beat someone so weak.

It just showed how weak they were.

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