NOTE: Friends, the 1st step is the 1st emotional people. Step 2 is the people who pass the purple lightning and take 2 emotions and reach the 2nd step. It goes like this until the 6th step. Good reading.
Kai had a bad feeling going to bed. For some reason he had a feeling that something was going to happen. He just felt like a bear had sat inside him.
"If he didn't sleep-"
He could not finish his words. Suddenly he lost consciousness and fell asleep. At first he thought that someone had cast a spell on him, that someone was plotting against him. But he didn't know how opposite it was for such a thing to happen inside the academy.
"It's not an attack, kid. We've come to pass through you again. Don't beg for mercy once again. " He came to his senses when the divine voice was heard. It was him. Master Ezra.
"Don't be afraid, this time the training will only be tens of times more difficult than the other one. Hahaha" Master Ezra laughed as Kai cowered in fear. Remembering the pain and torture made him want to run away. And run he did. But even in his own mind, Ezra was much stronger than him. He grabbed him by the scruff of the neck in one fell swoop and swung him around like bird shit.
When he stopped laughing, he got a serious look on his face. This time he seemed to be explaining like a teacher again.
"You might be the strongest person in District 1 right now. With the combined powers of 6 emotions, I am sure you can defeat these novices at this level, but it is not enough. You need to reach orange lightning before you're 20."
Kai pretended to think as he looked at Ezra in shock. The reason he was shocked wasn't because it was difficult. On the contrary, it was easy. Even Lena had reached orange lightning at only 16. Before the age of 20, orange lightning might not actually be that difficult.
"It's very simple. Even in your academy, there are many people who have achieved it. Even most of the third years are in orange lightning. But it won't be that easy for you. Your energy needs are much higher than other cultivators. Since you're immortal, age doesn't matter. Others may endeavour to get their 2nd emotion before their lifespan ends, but you are already at the 6th step. Except for the weakness of your power, you will live as long as them. You'll always look young. Until you have 100 years left. After that you will start to look old. So even if you reach that power in your 40s, it won't be a problem. As long as you do. But of course, if you reach it that late, your friends will be strong enough to blow you to death. " While Kai was breathing a sigh of relief, Kai started to be afraid again with what Master Ezra said next. He was cursing inwardly. Wasn't he condemning him to hard work?
"Of course, that doesn't mean I'm going to leave you powerless. Start running now. "
It had been five days since Kai started running. He didn't need sleep in his mind, but he was still tired and bored. This willpower training was undoubtedly like torture and he didn't know how it would end.
He could feel energy building up around his body, but because Kai kept running, this energy was not entering his body. Kai didn't know exactly what it was. Perhaps the willpower training was also helping him to strengthen one of his emotions.
Kai was getting soaked all over, and Kai refused to let go. Then it occurred to him what he could do while running. As he channelled the energy of anger into his arms, they swelled, strengthened. He felt much stronger than before. He channelled the anger into his stomach. An eccentric smile formed on his face.
"I wonder if the academy offers swimming lessons? "
3 While running for hours, he also sent anger energy to his arms and stomach. Kai's abdomen and arms became very muscular. Of course, he had long forgotten that this was a mental effect.
"Okay, brat, you can stop." As Kai stopped, the Anger that entered his body accelerated even more. He still couldn't make a breakthrough. But his arm strength had doubled. However, it was only mental. Only his mental strength had increased.
Master Ezra looked at his arm and stomach as he watched Kai. A smile formed on his face, causing Kai to look at him curiously.
"Well done, brat. You've got your wits about you for once. The anger you sent to your arms doubled your body's strength. The energy you sent to your stomach strengthened your body. I didn't think you could think of such a thing. This kind of thing wasn't taught to you by me. Aaron was going to teach you. " Kai spoke with a proud look on his face.
"Of course, Master, you're the one who-"
"Don't talk too much, bye." Kai woke up from his sleep as Ezra waved his hand.
"Boy, get up! What time is it? We're gonna be late." Emma nudged Kai, trying to wake him up.
"Okay, okay, okay. I'm awake." Emma moved away from him as Kai opened his eyes. Kai started to take off his clothes without a care in the world. Her presence here only stopped him for a moment.
Kai had taken off all his clothes while Emma looked at him dumbfounded. He was only in his pyjamas and underwear. Surely it was a miracle he hadn't been sued by now.
"W-what are you doing!?" said Emma. But she said no more. Kai had a very impressive body, and since he was a developmentalist, his body discharged more waste than normal people. His body was very smooth and impressive.
When Kai changed and joined the others, everyone was ready. Emma was waiting in the corner with an embarrassed face.
Jace was talking to Lena. Lena hadn't been at the academy for a long time and was getting information about the new term.
Jack, Kevin and Melony also talked among themselves. Kai ate thoughtfully. Emma didn't say anything either. Kai was clearly resting after this torture training.
By the time they got to the school, everyone was staring at them. They realised they were his housemates, especially as they were with Melony. And they thought he was weak like her.
When they entered the school gate, a few boys of the same age appeared directly in front of them.
"I see your flatmates have finally arrived, little Melony." said the boy in front. He was a little tall. It was a thin thing, though. Jace was about to step forward when Kai stopped him.
"I'd beat the crap out of you here, but I'm sorry, I guess the teachers don't allow fighting except in duels," Jack said. As Kai and the others nodded along with him, some, if not most of the men were staring at Emma. How could they not? Emma was a delicate girl with a rather unique appearance. Her beauty undoubtedly made her unique. Both Lena and Melony were quite beautiful women, but clearly not on the same level as Emma.
Kai did not like these looks.
Emma, on the other hand, was looking in a different direction. In that direction, she had made eyes at Kai in the first years at the academy. How could they not? This boy had a very impressive air about him. He was looking around as if he had nothing to do with this. Even the upper years were impressed by his sexy face when he arched his eyebrows. It clearly made Emma uncomfortable.
On the other side, Jack, Kevin and Melony were giving Boyd's group dirty looks. But Kai looked around and didn't see Boyd. Apparently this impressive person had other business.
"Then I'll see you at the duel and we'll see who's beating the shit out of who."
Kai and his group walked past them. There was no one here to give them a fight.
While trivial lessons came and went, lessons 6 and 7 were dueling lessons. As Kai and the others entered the classroom, Boyd's friends entered behind them. There was no one with them. The person who was not with them was the one from District 2. Lena and Jace left with Kai and the others.
"Melony, what do you know about those who have peace?" Melony looked at Kai while the others focused on them.
"Not much is known about them. No one knows about their emotional powers. Because no one in the Red Lightning Academy has ever used this power. At least in the known 200 years of 1 sentient people. People who have already passed to the 2nd step are not very visible. 4 years ago, a man used this power for the first time and resurrected his son, but because he was injured, he paid for it with his own life. That man was in Purple Lightning. So the only thing known is that they can resurrect the dead. Maybe it is much different, but this is my guess and what everyone thinks. Probably in the years to come, when we meet people from different academies, we may learn the real answer. " everyone nodded in agreement.
Kai started thinking. 'It was four years ago. The same time Lena and Jace broke up. Maybe they had something to do with it.'
Everyone was standing at attention as the duel teacher arrived.
He was a brown-haired man with blue eyes. He looked like he had just entered his twenties. At 188 cm tall, he was really taller than Kai and the others. Unlike them, he was a real adult and much stronger. He looked at Kai and the others with a smile on his face.
"Looks like some new friends have arrived. Firstly, let me introduce myself, I'm Dera. I graduated from the academy a few years ago. They called me back to teach, and I didn't refuse. I'm the weakest of the teachers, but I can still blow you to death. So don't be disrespectful. " he introduced himself by saying. He thought it was funny and laughed. But it was definitely not.
In turn, the others began to introduce themselves, but they passed by just saying their names.
It was Kai's turn. He fell asleep on Emma's shoulder. His mind was still tired from his training. He certainly didn't realise that he had just made a rather disrespectful gesture that violated the rule.
"What about you? " asked Dera. Kai woke up as Emma nudged him. His attractive looks made the girls in the class who hadn't seen him before blush.
"How handsome he is! Was he a model before?"
"No, I know all the young models, I couldn't have missed one so handsome."
"I wonder if he's talented? Even if he isn't, who cares! As long as he has that face, all the women will line up to protect him."
Dera silenced the conversation between the girls. While Emma was fuming, Kai sleepily introduced himself.
"I'm Kai. I'm from New Seattle. I used to be a regular student."
Dera nodded. He didn't explain to the class why they were late. Dera already knew.
"So what are your feelings?" she asked. This time Jack spoke instead of Kai.
"I'm Fear, Kevin is Love, Emma is Curiosity, Kai is... mixed. " Jack wanted to say what Kai was, but Kai answered without opening his eyes.
"I'm a Rage." He clearly knew he shouldn't reveal it to everyone. It was for safety. There were some very powerful figures who hated their past lives. And Dera didn't care that he was a rage-maker anyway.
"So who's going to open up?" Melony spoke up just as Jack was about to jump forward saying 'me'.
"I... I challenge Boyd." Dera looked surprised and said 'are you sure? Jack was surprised too. But he understood. He wanted to prove that he was stronger than him now.
Dera turned his head and looked at Boyd. Boyd was a 1.63 tall muscular blue-eyed brown-haired boy. He was the one who reached the middle grade in 1 week. Still, he didn't really make fun of Melony. His friends just played around with him. He didn't mind making fun of Melony.
Boyd was looking at Melony with his sharp gaze while nodding. This person he had ignored all this time was now his opponent.
"Then the first fight