
Kai Lane Chapter 13: Accident (1)

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Kai suddenly opened his eyes. He looked around and realised it was dark. It was as if he was drunk...

"Am I asleep or what?

"Where am I..." Kai looked around a little more and his memories started to come back.

"I was on the bus. Then the rocket and the explosion. I'm wearing a red outfit. "

"Shouldn't people be wearing white dresses at a time like this? Why is mine red? Anyway, I'm dead. It doesn't matter after all," said Kai. He seemed to have already accepted that he was dead.

Suddenly, it started to light up. Kai was on one of the streets of Seattle. For some reason, this place looked very familiar to him.

"Where is this place?" There were houses on both sides of the street. The snow-white houses really gave you an air of extinction. When Kai saw these, he was sure he was dead. There were no people here. And life was so pale.

As Kai walked slowly through the houses, he felt that someone was watching him.

Suddenly a white light flashed in Kai's eyes. When Kai opened his eyes, the people who had died because of him suddenly appeared 30 metres away from Kai. Every one of them looked dead and the more Kai saw them, the worse he felt. Someone was rubbing his mistake in his face.

The people in that hospital, maybe some of them had wanted to come to the gym. The crowd on the bus. These people didn't deserve to die. They'd come for him.

Kai felt drunk. He was in the mood to do anything the dead wanted.

Suddenly the dead man at the front held out his hand.

To Kai, this man looked familiar. Soon he realised who the man was. This man was the doctor who looked after Kai in the hospital. His brown hair reached his shoulders. His face was not perfect. He was ugly, but he had worked hard to reach that point in his life. He'd spent days and months studying. In the end, he died because of Kai.

Kai forgot for a moment that this man was dead and started walking towards him. Who would believe that this man was dead, the only change in the man was his whitened body. Other than that, he was completely fit. Even though he looked dead, Kai was too confused to realise it.

As Kai approached them, he muttered quietly. Who knew what he was muttering?

Ten metres before Kai reached them, the doctor spoke. His voice sounded in such a way that it was as if the voices of everyone there had been merged. It was divine.

"Come to us. Be one of us. We died because of you, you deserve it. "

Kai didn't find this conversation strange and continued to move forward like an idiot.

When he was 1 metre from them, he heard a voice behind him. This voice was so thin that it was easily recognised as a girl's voice. But who exactly was this girl's voice coming from?

Kai turned round and saw Emma. She was looking at Kai.

He saw Emma shaking her head from side to side. There was nothing else she could say. As Kai looked at her, he suddenly realised where he was. Jack had told him. He had to remember. When he looked into Emma's eyes, he remembered.

It didn't have to be love, but the love he felt for her wasn't a lie. He loved her. As a friend or otherwise. It didn't matter.

"I'm not dead. I just lost consciousness."

'How can I survive?'

That was the question. He looked at Emma. He walked towards her. He ignored the dead people coming towards him from behind. Everyone had a destiny. For these people, they were destined to die. Kai wasn't the one who killed them. He hadn't done anything. He wasn't guilty.

"Help me heal, Emma."

Kai reached out and wanted to touch Emma's hand, but there was a transparent wall in front of him. A wall that seemed impenetrable. Emma looked into Kai's eyes. The two locked eyes once more, but this time Kai knew that the eyes he was looking into were not Emma's.

"Do you love me, Kai?"

Kai looked at her. She was small and petite and cute. She had an incredibly beautiful face and would make any man's hands sweat. But her voice, her voice was different. Kai realised that it was quite old and cold. It was different.

"I don't know you. How can I love you?"

Emma smiled.

"You're right. I'm not Emma. I'm Ervin."

She reached out and touched Kai's skin. Kai instantly felt the energy flowing through his body.

"I'm going to help you."


"AGHH!" Kai groaned at the pain he suddenly felt in his chest. Opening his eyes slowly, the first thing he saw was the sky covered in black clouds.

As Kai slowly lowered his head, he saw a 3 metre long and 15 cm wide iron bar standing on his chest. The energy he felt along with the pain in his chest was fluttering madly. The healing energy was trying to heal his body. At an incredible speed! Kai wasn't supposed to have that kind of speed. He was still in the early stages of development. His strength was definitely not at this level. When the wounds on Kai's arms and legs healed, he immediately grabbed the iron and tried to pull it out of his chest. Of course he shouldn't have had the strength to pull it out. He had to feel the pain.

When Kai removed the iron bar, he took a deep breath and put his hands on his knees and began to breathe. At the same time, the hole in his chest was closing on its own. Kai was still at the head of the Yellow Lightning. That's why he shouldn't have had such a speed of healing. But an unknown force was healing him.

Kai turned his head and was shocked. Because he was nailed to the ground, he could only look at the sky just now. Now that he could see all around him, he realised what was happening to the crowd.

There were people with severed limbs on the ground and the smoke from that gun was so thick that Kai immediately turned his head and started to vomit. His strength and adrenaline didn't matter. This was unbearable. He had never seen a scene like this in his life, and for someone like him, who had just turned 14, it was terrifying. He felt so much remorse just for the people he had caused to die. It was impossible for him to look at these people with a cold heart.

But Kai couldn't linger any longer. He stopped himself from vomiting and moved to find the others.

While Kai was searching at full speed, he suddenly heard a voice and hid behind one of the large parts of the bus. It sounded like a middle-aged man's voice.

"Find that boy now, don't let him get away. You've already lost enough time."

"If you still can't find him, grab one of his mates and use him. If you fail to do that, I will kill you!"

Kai was trying hard not to get his shoes in the blood as he listened to them, but when he finally realised it was unnecessary, he let himself go. He shouldn't be afraid of getting covered in blood. Especially not at a time like this when the lives of his friends were at stake.

As the men moved away, Kai was about to move to follow them when he realised in the mirror in front of him how he had looked since waking up.

Not normal. It was like when he'd gained the other traits and his eyes were red, but this time it was much more. He had changed much more.

While his skin was white, his eyes were purple. The simple purple pupil and white whites were frightening in themselves. At the same time, his hair became lighter and his blonde colour became white. His lips were red like a ripe cherry.

His current appearance reminded him of the devil. Cunning and dangerous. He looked strong. His body glowed with even greater power.

"Oh, good, the survivors will be scared to death when they see my face."

To become an angel of death now, he only needed to wear a black robe and a scythe.

He also needed the heart to kill people.

Kai didn't linger any longer and started to follow them without losing his opportunity. After a little while he saw a man.

This person, whose body was covered with wounds, was another attacker. Not the one who attacked Kai. Kai wasn't looking for him either. For some reason, he felt he could easily catch him in his current state.

Although Kai didn't know it, he had entered the King Mode of his past lives. His physical strength had jumped from Yellow Lightning to Blue Lightning. If Kai wasn't in King Mode. he could see the lightning bolts in the six directions of his eyes. But in King Mode, his eyes were only purple.

Kai was about to rush forward to beat him up when one of the men from earlier appeared beside him. The second, the third, the fourth, the fifth, and so on until there were 20.

As strong as Kai was already, he couldn't beat that many people with his current strength. At least he thought so...

Even that axe murderer alone could force Kai, but this many people...

Even though he knew they weren't as strong as the axe murderer, it was still a dangerous job, and Kai was definitely at a disadvantage in this situation.

As Kai looked around, he glanced in the direction the men were slowly advancing.

There he was! There was a little blood in his blonde hair and he was unconscious. Next to him were Jack and Kevin again. Kevin seemed to be shielding them with his body. Kai looked at his friend in shock. He was lying on the floor, blood pouring down his body.

"You did this just because you knew you were going to get better? You haven't even awakened that power yet!"

It didn't matter. Kevin wasn't the coward he had been when he met Seth. He might be afraid for himself, but never for his mates.

Kai quickly reached them before the men. When he felt the purple colour fade from his eyes, he immediately turned his attention to the others. But lightning had shot out from the six corners of his eyes, and this time his eyes had taken on a red colour. Still, without Kai wanting them to, they faded away and Kai had normal human eyes.

Jack was a little sober. Thanks to being a repellent, his body was releasing a lot of adrenaline. This prevented him from feeling pain. The only wound on his body was a huge gash on his arm. He probably couldn't stand it and fainted.

Emma hit her head. The blood from her head was in her hair.

Kevin was undoubtedly badly injured, but he was healing better than the others. That meant there was nothing to worry about. When Kai pulled the pieces of glass and iron from his back, the wounds began to heal more easily.

"So you're the owner of the six emotions!!!"

Kai turned round. His eyes turned red once more. As the 6 lightning bolts appeared, he seemed to be getting used to controlling it.

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