
Kai Lane Chapter 11: Questions And Answers

"I'm here."

Kai's eyes returned to their original state. As he stepped back, a black-clad boy with black hair and eyes appeared in front of him. He had jumped over the school. His face was also closed in many respects. Only his eyes and his hair were open. Kai was furious when he saw him.

"Why haven't you come out all this time? "

Kai was angry, but he controlled himself. Jace was very calm. And he answered calmly.

"I wanted to see what you would do."

Kai frowned and looked at Jace. For a moment he turned his head, not sure what to do. With a confused look, he looked at his friends as if to ask them, but got no answer. After a while, his frown relaxed and he looked up at Jace.

"Who are you first?"

Kai started an interrogation, thinking that he wouldn't show up if he didn't answer his questions.

"My name is Jace Quill, and I'm someone you wouldn't understand if I told you now. I want to take you to the Academy because of your dangerous situation here. I'm actually on vacation, but when I saw you, I thought I'd take you with me."

Oh, so he was going to go to an academy he had no idea what it was like, with a stranger he'd never met, a stranger with terrible abilities. It sounded like a lot of fun.

"Second, what are we?"

"We are people who gain powers through emotions. I'm sure you've noticed. There are 6 emotions. There is anger, love, fear, curiosity, excitement, and finally peace. Each of us can only have one of them. You, of course, are left out of the equation. "Jack and Kevin, whom Kai hadn't realized when they had arrived, came over to him. Kevin spoke. The three of them stood in a straight line facing Jace.

"Why is he different?"

"He comes from a special reincarnation cycle we call the Kingslayer. They come once every hundred years. They're quite interesting. They have some strange properties, but I think the scariest one is that if the previous life hasn't died within 100 years, the new one will come anyway. Imagine that you are alive, but your soul is reincarnated in another body. "

"We also have similar names. Those who control their anger, or think they do, are called Angerists. They are physically strong and resilient. However, their strength is only relative to their users. The users determine who is the strongest. "Kai and the others were about to ask about the development base when Jace started talking again.

"Those with the power of fear have many names. Ninja, Scarer, Assassin, Taijen, Taijen, Repeller, and I can't remember what else. I'm also a Repeller, and our strength is agility and speed, as you can see. Thanks to our sharpness and disguise, we live like assassins. "

"Love is healing. People with a feeling of love heal themselves, and it happens involuntarily. They are called healers. Even though they are called healers, some of them can take on the repellers in close combat. They train themselves for that."

"Let's move on to what you don't know. Let's start with curiosity. Those with a sense of curiosity can see the future in their dreams. After they master it, they can do it while they are awake. We call them visionaries. They are also very skilled in close combat. They can read their opponent's moves and fight against them. "

"I have done that."

Kai knew what he felt now. It was Curiosity that made him see the future, but Jack and Kevin didn't know about it.

"What do you mean? "

Kai told them about the bloody dream and Emma. He said that he had just realized that it was real and that Emma was the girl. Jack confirmed this. He said he'd heard of people experiencing similar things and that it was completely normal. Jace made chuckling noises, indicating that he was laughing in a corner with his face covered. Kai looked at him skeptically.

"You little brat, haha, are you in love?"

He had managed to deduce that from the details of the story. But Kai didn't like it.

"Brat?! You think you can look down on me just because your face is covered and you look cool and you can jump from the roof of a school and fight a murderer who killed dozens of people alone in the hospital?"

Everyone stopped for a moment. Pensive looks swirled around them. Jace looked at Kai suspiciously. Kai scratched his head and spoke.

"Probably, yeah. "

"Right? I regretted it after I talked to you."

"I'm two years older than you and I've been doing this for a long time. Of course, I'll be arrogant."

"Cut the bullshit. Jace, can't you just keep talking?" Realizing that these idiots were getting off-topic, Jack brought the conversation back on track.

"Then let's move on to excitement. Those who possess excitement are called mind thieves. Someone who has it can use many mental techniques, such as mental illusion, sedation, and hypnosis. He is weak against people with high willpower. He is also weak against people whose base of development is higher than yours. Curiosity and excitement are physically weaker than love, anger, and fear, but in various ways, they can also prevail in a fight against these people..."

Jace explained. Kevin and Jack listened intently. Their inattention to their surroundings gave Kai a headache. Something dangerous could take their lives at any moment. Maybe the differences in their recent experiences had also affected their attention span.

"Idiots. " he couldn't stop himself from muttering.

"And last but not least... There is peace, but it's complicated, so let's skip that."

Kai ignored the power of peace because his attention was completely diverted. He had already realized since Jace had arrived that he had a different feeling. It was quite intense and something that normal people didn't have. He hadn't paid much attention when he had met him before, so he might not have seen it, but this time he could recognize it. He could sense the same thing from Kevin and Jack, though a little less.

"I'm curious about something. They have powers too, don't they? What I feel are their emotions."

Kai said this to Jace while pointing at Jack and Kevin and watching him nod with a serious face. Kevin was quite surprised. He thought it must be quite rare.

"The slightly chubby one is the healer. The other one walking around all pissed off is a repellent. "

Kevin didn't mind being teased about his weight. The excitement of having a talent like Kai and Jack filled his body. Besides, in his opinion, the talent he had was better than the talent of those two.

Unless you forgot that Kai was also some kind of healer.

"When do we go to school? You mentioned going to a place with people like us, right?"

"Tomorrow, tomorrow morning, get your things and come back here. We'll go somewhere from here and then go to the academy. If you have no further questions, you should say goodbye to your family. You won't see them for a long time after tomorrow. After all, the academy is far away, and you are only allowed to leave under certain conditions. "The faces of the three fell. Being separated from their families was the saddest thing. And from what Jace said, it was unlikely that there would be anything like a summer vacation.

And why was that?

"See you tomorrow, Jace."

Kai said goodbye. Kevin and Jack said goodbye as well, and the trio went home.

Jace Quail

After Kai and his friends left, he took out his phone and dialed Michael, the director.

"Hi, it's Jace, I have some very good news. I've found the Kingslayer. I'm bringing him to the Academy."

"Are you sure it's him? If you give me the details, I'll send some units for security. By the way, what about Lena?"

Jace's face fell at the mention of Lena. He was annoyed.

"I found her and I'm not going to lose her this time, so don't worry. I'm hanging up now."

"Good luck, kid."

"I won't need it."


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