
Kai Lane Chapter 6: Hunter

Kai was soaking wet from the rain. His clothes were clinging to him and his nose was running. At this rate he could have been sick.

"I think it's time to go. "he said quietly and walked towards the school. He was supposed to pick up his bag, but he was still confused. He didn't know who this boy was. He didn't know how strong he was. He didn't understand many things, but at least now he understood that thinking would never work. Now there was an open door. He should have found this person once more.

As Kai walked, he suddenly bumped into someone and caught the fall at the last moment before she fell. He didn't know when he had been so careless. Maybe it was because she was standing in front of him. Maybe it was because Kai was concentrating on his thoughts. Maybe both. Kai regretted that he had grabbed the girl by the waist. She looked very shy. Her face was flushed and she found it difficult to look at Kai. Finally, with one hand on her chest and the other on her ear, she spoke.

"Thank you. ", she said first. When Kai looked at her, he noticed that she was a beautiful girl with green hair. Her eyes were the same green as her hair. She was really beautiful, but Kai wasn't the least bit interested in her. He could get excited about outward beauty, but in this case he only needed to see a pretty girl to be impressed. A beautiful personality was more rare.

"I'm sorry. I walked without looking ahead. Are you all right?" Kai said gently. He didn't want to impress people, but it wasn't up to him anymore. He could see her eyes. And he knew what would happen if you took into account what he'd been through in the last few weeks.

"Actually, I was looking for you," she said.

"Why are you looking for me?" asked Kai, even though he knew everything.

"Maybe we could have a drink..." Kai didn't let him finish. In the past, these people hadn't cared about him at all. Even if he was handsome, they wouldn't even look at him. What was the reason for that? Success? Talent? Politeness? They could not understand kindness. They didn't want to. He could do nothing but get scattered by a bunch of adolescent communities.

"No, I'm sorry I bumped into you, but I have to go. My friends are waiting for me," Kai said and left her. He couldn't even look at her face. It didn't matter how she felt. He didn't care anymore. Still, he didn't want to see her face and those broken looks.

Kai entered the school and picked up the bag he had left on the floor. Kai didn't think he could see the school right now. Yes, it was the last days of school and Kai was going to graduate. He had already received letters from many schools. He didn't need to come here anymore. He turned around and looked at his school, which had brought him to an important point in his life for the last time. It was sad that he would never come here again.

The rain had stopped when Kai left the school and set off. And yet the landscape was plunged into darkness by the shadow of the clouds. The darkness of the air made me think it was night.

That's when Kai heard a speech before he got home. He was just passing by, but there was no way he could not have heard it from the people who were following him. Apparently, a child had disappeared. Kai shook his head.

'How sad. I hope they find the boy soon.'

"Help!" a child's voice cried. Kai felt his head hurt. He looked in the direction of the voice and saw a child in the tree. It was a little boy. How did he get up there?

"Are you all right? How did you get up there?" Kai shouted at the little boy. The little boy sniffed at first, but then he spoke openly.

"The lightning struck and I got scared and climbed up the tree and now I can't get down. Can you get me down?" Kai's face went dark. The lightning struck and you got scared? What are you, a cat? How can you climb a tree because it's been struck by lightning? And how can a child your age climb a tree like that?

There were no branches under the tree for you to climb. It was a flat wall to the eye.

The clouds had parted. The sun was shining everywhere. Kai went up to the tree. He climbed a straight wall for this child. It was ok to shed a few more tears because his clothes were already torn. When his hand was slightly punctured by a splinter, he thought about calling the boy's parents, but by the time his brain could think about it, the boy had already climbed the tree. That's very annoying. He knew he shouldn't have tried so hard. But in the end, it had already climbed the tree and there was no point in moaning.

"Now, go where I tell you and move with me. Don't worry, I won't let you fall, okay?"

The little boy nodded and began to move with Kai. First they went to the right branch, then to the left branch and went down. And when it was too flat to moan, Kai took the boy in his arms and jumped down with him. Then Kai started walking to take him to his father. He held the little boy's hand and looked like his older brother. The boy had green eyes and brunette hair. Kai looked at him and realised that the boy could be quite attractive if he hadn't suffered a setback. Those chubby cheeks would have disappeared and those jaws would have been a rebellious charm. But the boy was only five.

"What's your name?" said Kai.

"Henry. " The subtle, anxious voice replied.

"So, Henry, can you tell me a little about your father's appearance?"

"Sure, he had green eyes and black hair, and I think... I think he wore jeans and a red shirt. He was a bit taller than you. "Henry said. He spoke with an amazing fluency.

Kai remembered the man who had just spoken. He was exactly as Henry had described him. He was supposed to be his father.

When Kai and Henry got to where the men were talking, Henry jumped out of Kai's hand and ran to the man. When he saw Henry, he hugged him. Henry looked at Kai. He had found his father. His father must have searched for him for hours.

He said, "Thank you."

"It's okay. In this case everyone would have done the right thing."

The man laughed. Then, as Kai walked away, the man and Henry looked back. They both had smiles on their faces. Perhaps because father and son were together again, perhaps for some other reason.

'Not everyone would do that.'

Nobody was home when Kai came home. He dropped off his school bag and got ready for the gym.

When Kai was ready to go to the gym, he took the duffel bag and went outside. He walked to the gym at a slow pace.

But when Kai arrived at the gym, there was surprisingly no one inside. The gym, which was full every day, was empty today. But there was not much time after hours. Those who left early should already be here.

"Teacher Stephan! Teacher Stephan!" Kai shouted, but no one looked at him, no matter how hard he called. He thought it was strange, but he didn't think much about it. His absence was no hindrance to Kai's work. Kai walked over the sandbag. Then he started his usual training.

Eventually Kai got carried away and it was two hours before he realised how time was passing.

Kai was in the same position again. Facing the bag. Normally he would train longer, but today he decided to finish early. It was because of the strange loneliness here and the desire to spend more time with Kevin and Jack. He was also afraid of a suspicious trainer who rarely came around.

The footsteps weren't light enough. Kai had a terrible feeling inside and he could hear the sound of footsteps approaching from behind. Reflexively, he bent down with the knife and went to the back of the bag. The knife was in the bag right in front of him! As expected, this man was a suspicious trainer running around! His muscles were all bruised and his attack nearly tore the bag in half. The door was gone. It was impossible for him to prevent his fear of power! When he turned around, he tried to escape without saying a word, but another knife appeared in his hand and he threw it into Kai's leg.

Kai could only run a few metres. With the knife in his leg, blood spilled on the floor and tears streamed from his eyes. He was stuck to the ground like a sh*t.

Kai had to think quickly. Fear didn't help in the night. He crawled quickly on the floor. He picked up the towel in front of him, took the knife out and wrapped it in the towel. As he did so, he noticed how lethargic he was where the knife had entered. Could that be because he had been poisoned? It didn't matter. Whatever it was, he felt little pain and that gave him a chance to escape. Kai wasn't going to wait until he was caught. He crawled to the lift before the man arrived. It was his only chance to get away.

Kai thought he was getting away from him, but it wasn't true. How could it be? There were only a few metres between them. Kai knew it when he suddenly appeared in front of the man and cut off his path.

"You think you can get away from me that easily? No, it's your unlucky day, son. "said the hunter. Kai examined the man quickly. He was no longer hiding behind the black clothes he had just left. He was about two metres tall. He covered his hair and his face. He had one eye. His dark brown eyes were the biggest proof that he wanted to kill Kai.

"Who said I ran away from you? "Kai said. Even though he said it, he was shaking with fear. But in a way, Kai was still strong. Suddenly, he turned around and kicked at the man's legs, letting him fall. Even those muscular legs couldn't stand such an imbalance. Kai got on top of him. His fist was right around the man's neck, but apparently the damage was minimal. How could a blow to the neck prevent him from testifying? It was a lethal area!

"Die, you asshole," he said, and he choked on it. The guy wasn't damaged, but he could pass out if he was out of breath. But when Kai held his throat, he gave Kai a hard punch. Kai felt his consciousness shaking. For a moment, his vision was gone. He could have exploded with that fist, but the guy underneath had him by the arm. Before Kai knew it, a knife was plunged into his shoulder.


Kai screamed in pain, but for some reason no one heard him. No, everything was clear now. It was obvious why no one was here. Everything was a trap. A trap set for him. When Kai fell to the ground, the hunter climbed on top of him and threw the first punch into Kai's face. Kai felt like he was dead with that one blow. He felt his bones being crushed. He mumbled on his beautiful face.

It was hard for Kai to breathe because of the blows he took one after the other. He took another knife from his pocket. When he zoomed his face a little closer to Kai, the blonde-haired boy - whose hair was quite red at the moment - saw his face. And his smile. That scary, psychopathic smile. When he saw Kai looking at the knife, he tried to cover his smile with his hand, but his smile was much wider.

"Don't worry, I won't stab you. It won't be that easy. This is the last knife. But if you tell me how you keep my feelings down, maybe I won't stab you with this one. "he said. But he knew that Kai wouldn't know the answer. If Kai knew the answer to that. He'd probably be the one to die. Kai followed the knife to his heart. Apparently, it was that easy.

At that moment, Kai's eyes changed colour and turned red. Kai didn't notice, but there was a yellow spot under the eye, but that was just for a moment. It went as it came. But still the man saw it. And the moment he saw it, he was afraid. But when he saw it go, he breathed in. It was as if something had blocked the yellow ground in his eyes, but it was enough for Kai. And the hunter knew that this yellow ground would give him instant power. After all, this yellow ground was the lightning ground of rage.

Kai pulled the knife out of the hunter's shoulder before the hunter plunged the knife into him and tried to stab him in the neck. He didn't care about killing him. He wanted to live. But instead of his neck, he stuck it a little further down there. Still, the wound was fatal.

Kai crawled from where he was, got into the lift and pushed the button. It didn't matter what happened to the man. Even he was barely breathing. The whole lift was covered in blood. He threw himself into a corner of the lift. The scar on his shoulder was bleeding profusely. And there was a lot of blood coming out of the scars on his face. And his leg. Kai vomited a mouthful of blood.

The door opened on the last floor. As soon as the lift door opened, the blood started pouring out. The only people who saw Kai leaning against the elevator wall were his only friends, Kevin and Jack. Their eyes slowly opened and seconds later they were able to push forward and shake Kai. Kai couldn't hear them. He turned 14 today. But he had the scariest night of his life. He was scared. He was still scared. Before he lost consciousness, he kept repeating the same word in his head.

'I'm alive...'

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