
Chapter Fifteen



P.S. this idea is part of one of the ideas from AizawaShoutaOvO (from Wattpad) I just added a little twist and will be breaking it in parts.


Whenever Shoto have a theory it usually sounds stupid and unbelievable. But this theory Shoto can guarantee that this one is true, at least he thinks it will. He can't say he really knows for sure, his curiosity won't let this theory go until he knows for sure.

'I must find out if I'm right or not about this..' Shoto thought to himself as he walked down the hallway to look for Enji.

But to Shoto's surprise, Enji was heading to the kitchen to get something to drink. He wasn't expecting to see Shoto heading back to his dorm or that where he thought Shoto was going. The two Todoroki's stop in the middle of the hallway looking at each other, neither one of them moved or said a single word. They both just look at each other in pure silence..

Enji was the first to speak and break the silence between him and Shoto.

"Ah, Shoto I didn't know you were up this-" Enji began to say but was cut off by Shoto.

"Are you and All Might Dating?" Shoto asked him bluntly.

This completely caught Enji off guard. He didn't expect Shoto to ask him that kind of question. To be fair Enji kind of see why Shoto would ask that just not in the dorms outside of people rooms where they can possibly hear them.

"I'm sorry- What gave you that idea?" Enji asked while his brain was short circuiting when processing the question Shoto had asked him.

"Early All Might wrapped his arms around your waist and then put you over his shoulder without a care in the world and you did nothing about it.."

"That doesn't mean we're dating Shoto!"

"Oohh... so you have a crush-"

This time it was Shoto's turn to get cut off by Enji putting his hand over his mouth and dragging him towards the kitchen. Once they made it to the kitchen, Enji removed his hand from Shoto's mouth.

Shoto looked at him in pure confusion, wondering why Enji would drag him all the way into the kitchen. It didn't help his confusion any better when Enji was making sure no one was in the kitchen or anywhere close to the kitchen.

"Umm...dad what are you doing?" He asked him.

Once Enji didn't see anyone he sighed softly and turned towards Shoto and headed his way.

"Making sure no one is listening.." Enji stated matter -of- factly.

Shoto couldn't help but look at Enji blankly, debating on whether or not he should take Enji seriously on that or not. But the look on Enji's face shows he was dead serious.

'I really kinda wanna laugh at the fact he only met my friends for a day and already knows that they're all noisy.' Shoto thought to himself trying to fight back his laughter.

Enji saw Shoto trying to contain his laughter and let out a sigh as he walked back towards him. Though it makes sense why Shoto thought what he was doing was funny, hell it's not like he got to see Enji be more himself instead of the serious 'I wanna beat All Might' persona. And if Shoto being honest he likes that Enji is slowly being himself with him. Even if it's because Shoto is trying to figure out if Enji has a thing for Toshinori or not (he totally does-).

Shoto was the first one to start back on the conversation before Enji had drag him into the kitchen.

"So do you, dad..?" He asked.

"I- what no of course not..."

"Okay so you do like All Might.." Shoto stated calmly.

Honestly, Enji isn't surprised that Shoto clearly knows that he was lying. But he is disappointed in himself for actually thinking he'll be able to lie in Shoto face.

'Dammit....I have no idea why the fuck I thought that would work...' Enji thought to himself in disappointment.

"Dad...stop lying to yourself..."

"Okay fine I like him a lot..." He huffs out.

So, Shoto now got his answer to his previous question which brings him to his next question that is now bugging him.

"So what's taking you so long to finally confess your feelings to All Might and don't you dare say 'cause he doesn't feel the same way' you'll have a better chance convincing that to a brick wall." Shoto stated blankly.

Enji doesn't know whose sass is worse, Shoto's or Shouta's either way he doesn't like that fact that feels called out. Especially if it is from Shoto, the same person who still hasn't confessed to Izuku and Katsuki. It's unfair and feels kinda petty for some reason.

Enji doesn't know whose sass is worse, Shoto's or Shouta's either way he doesn't like that fact that feels called out. Especially if it is from Shoto, the same person who still hasn't confessed to Izuku and Katsuki. It's unfair and feels kinda petty for some reason.

"Wow..no need to be rude about it and to answer your question I might be...kinda scared to be in another relationship again..." Enji explains.

Now this both confuses and surprises Shoto for multiple reasons. He didn't really think that Enji ever dated anyone let alone the person being the same gender.

'Actually I thought he was going to say that he had a commitment issue or something...' Shoto thought to himself.

Enji on the other hand just looked at Shoto as he was processing what he had told him. He knows that he needs to give Shoto an explanation before he starts coming up with random theories again.

Enji let out a sigh and rubbed his eyes. "It was around my second year in middle school and if you're wondering, yes it was a guy. I guess you can say he was kinda my boyfriend."

"Wait, what do you mean he was 'kinda' your boyfriend?" Shoto asked in pure curiosity.

Enji expected that Shoto would ask that question, but it still caught him off guard. Even though it had been years ago and he never saw him again it was still a touchy topic. Regardless, he feels like he own Shoto an explanation and because he knows that it'll be on Shoto mind for a while.

He leans against the kitchen counter top and lets out a light sigh. "Well, I never really have any feelings for him, but he decided to blackmail me in order for me to finally date him."

"He...blackmails you in order for you to agree to date him?"

"It's better if I just tell you the important parts to have a better understanding.."

'Did...did this bitch just call me slow without saying it??' Shoto thought to himself.

"I'm listening..." He said to Enji.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FLASHBACK STORYTIME~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Enji was sitting quietly in the school library by himself studying for his next class after his lunch break. Shouta, Hizashi, Nemuri, and Oboro are preparing to take their first year semester test for this term. And Toshinori is getting all of his tests and exams out of the way before his graduation. So they couldn't really hang out during school hours, but on the bright side they all can still hang out after school. Since Valk went back to Russia to handle some 'important business' Enji can hang out with his friends as long as he wants.

'I wonder if we're going to go check out that new arcade place that opened up recently..' He thought to himself.

He was enjoying his peace and quiet in the library that was until he felt a presence watching him, a presence that he knows all too well.

"Can you please stop staring at me? It's making me uncomfortable.." Enji saids without turning around to look behind him.

The mysterious presence rolled his eyes and let out a huff of breath. Already feeling annoyed with Enji.

"Don't tell me what to do Smirnov..." He snapped and walked next to Enji.

Enji mentally cringes after hearing being called by his last name, but he quickly brush it off as he tries not to pay attention to his school bully standing next to him. Well there goes his peace and quiet while studying in the library.

'Great...can this get any fucking worse' The poor readhead thought to himself.

However, little did Enji know he just jinxed himself without even realizing it and today would be one of the worst days of his life.

"Go out with me...."

This caught Enji off guard not in a million years would he think that his bully would ask him out. Which is why he finds it weird that his bully would've even asked him that. Now Enji's bully is good looking but personality and that fact he's a complete asshole, Enji wouldn't even consider dating the jerk.

"No thanks, I'm good." He said bluntly without looking at him.

Enji knew that it was a bad idea to reject him but to be fair he's not Enji's type. Not only that but he disturb Enji's studying time in the library.

"I don't think you heard me Smirnov, I wasn't asking.." Enji bully stated as he leaned close to Enji.

'I don't like where this is going and I already have a bad feeling about this..' Enji thinks to himself and realizes that he can never catch a break from his bully.


Enji hates everything about this and he knows for a fact that he's not the only one. If someone would've told Enji before he went to the library to go study that his bully would blackmail him into dating him. Enji would've probably called you crazy and laughed at your face. But sadly it's like one of Enji nightmares came to life to bite him in the ass.

"Oi! Fat ass hurry up so we can fucking go already!"

'Why did it have to be me???' Enji thought to himself as he walked out of the bathroom that is connected to his bully bedroom.

They are supposed to meet up with the gang to hang out at a cafe. Actually it was just supposed to be Enji. But his jackass bully, now boyfriend, wanted to go and didn't want to go by himself since Toshinori was gonna be there. Which Enji thinks it is a dumb reason, he may not like his bully and hate the fact that he is in a force relationship with him. But he wouldn't stoop that low and cheat; it's not one of his morals.

Though Enji can admit that Toshinori has been acting a little weird lately. Toshinori would sometimes avoid being around Enji whenever his 'boyfriend' is around him. Oboro told Enji that he doesn't have anything to worry about and Toshinori isn't avoiding him on purpose. Even if that is true Enji still helps but to think that he might be one of the reasons why Toshinori is avoiding him or his jackass 'boyfriend'.

'Maybe I'll be able to spend some time with Toshin-' Enji thought was cutted off by a voice he finds very annoying.


Enji feels the temptation to burn a current someone alive but he decides to ignore it, he refuse to stoop to someone's level.

"Stop rushing me asshole!" He snaps back at him.

Enji walks toward the direction of his 'boyfriend' while trying not to roll his eyes seeing him dress into something so tacky and lacking in fashion. While Enji on the other hand was wearing a black muscle shirt with a button up shirt over it, a pair of ripped skinny jeans and black converse. If there's one thing he actually learned is that matter where you go, always look good in what you wear.

"You're not fucking wearing that, go change.."

He also just remembered that he learned that no matter where he goes there will always be a hater in every direction. Just like how his 'boyfriend' is being a hater right now.

"The only one who needs to change is you with your tacky ass clothes."

"You dumb fucking-"

Luckily someone rang the doorbell before Enji heard the rest of what he was going to say and possibly do. But he do know one thing and that's who ever is at the door, he owns them one.

"I'll get it!" Enji says as he hurries to the front door to open it.

Once he made it to the front door and opened it, he was face to face with none other than Hizashi. Enji has never been so happy to see the loud blonde until now, he moves out the way a little so Hizashi can come inside.

"Heya, Enji!" The blonde headed male said happily.

Enji was both confused and happy that Hizashi is here, though he could not say the same for his 'boyfriend'.

"Ugh, why is the loud one here...?" The 'boyfriend' asked in disgust.

Hizashi did not say anything but side eyed him not planning to entertain stupidity. He's better than that and not worth his time.

"Anyway.. Shouta and the gang wanted me to see if you were still coming Enji." The blonde hair male said.

Enji feels like that wasn't the only reason why Hizashi is over here but either way he could care less. He was always more than happy to help Hizashi ignore the shit out of his 'boyfriend'.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Enji did not expect his day hanging out with his friends to be ruined in just a couple of hours. Or see Toshinori pissed off for the first time either. Everything was somewhat decent until he went to the restroom, and then all hell broke loose. When he comes back from the restroom he sees Toshinori and 'his boyfriend' being held back by Shouta, capturing scarf that he took with him just in case. Enji doesn't even know what happened to cause all of the commotion but he knows whatever happened could not have been good.

He wanted to talk to Toshinori to know what happened and if he was okay. But before Enji had the chance to do so he was pulled away from Toshinori and was dragged out of the cafe by his 'boyfriend'. His protest to go check on his friend went unheard to his 'boyfriend'. All of this happened two hours ago, and now Enji is trying to have a peaceful conversation about what happen with having to deal with screaming and insults from his 'boyfriend'. That is not going too well for Enji and now he just want to call Shouta and asked him what happened.

'This is completely fucking hopeless..' He thought to himself.

He decided to tune out his 'boyfriend' little heated temper tantrum until an object was thrown at him and barely missed him by an inch. This caused him to snap back into reality.


"OH SO THAT GOT YOUR FUCKING ATTENTION!" His boyfriend shouts back at him.




Enji runs his fingers through his hair out of frustration. The argument is getting him nowhere and he is debating on calling Shouta to ask him what happened. His 'boyfriend' let out an airy chuckle that caught Enji's attention.

"You know this is all your fault right." His 'boyfriend' said.

"What?! How is it my fault?!" Enji asked in frustration.

"All you had to do was simply not got hang out with them, but no you was to busy thinking about seeing that blonde hair fuck!"

"That's not true!"

Enji didn't want to meet his friends just to see Toshinori nor did he want to cause any drama to begin with. If anything he just wanted to hang out with his friends and have a good time.

"Oh really, so you just didn't dress all up to impress the person your dying to have sex with?"

"I did not!"

Enji couldn't believe what his 'boyfriend' was accusing him of doing let alone thinking.

"Oh come on we both know your fucking lying!"

"I'm not lying!"

"Then why are you getting so fucking defensive Enji?!"

Enji didn't respond knowing that it won't get anywhere. He knows that he is only being defensive because he is being accused of doing something he didn't do. However, he couldn't help but to think about what his 'boyfriend' is saying it's making him doubt himself even though he knows he is right.

Enji didn't respond knowing that it won't get anywhere. He knows that he is only being defensive because he is being accused of doing something he didn't do. However, he couldn't help but to think about what his 'boyfriend' was saying. It's making him doubt himself even though he knows he is right.

"Like how fucking dumb can you be, you waste of fucking space!" His 'boyfriend' said in a mocking tone.

Enji just looked at the ground and did not say a word. He feels a wash of guilt over the whole situation. The possibility that the situation was because of him gave him a very bad ick.

"Listen Enji, I'm only telling you this for your on good, if you actually think that you would have a chance with Toshinori then you must be the fucking dumbest person on earth."

"Seriously, why would that dumbass date someone thats there OWN father and HIS friends personal fuck toy!"

Those words hit Enji hard and brought tears to his eyes. He couldn't help but believe that his 'boyfriend' was telling the truth.

"You are nothing Smirnov…"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(END OF FLASHBACK)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Shoto felt his right eye twitch after hearing about Enji's 'Ex-boyfriend'. He wants to find the asshole and give him a piece of his mind. He also wants to have a little nice chat with him as well.

'The urge of committing murder keeps getting stronger…' Shoto thought to himself.

"Do you by chance still remember his name?" He asked Enji in curiosity.

"Yes, I still remember his name and no I'm not going to tell you Shoto nice try.." Enji stated.

Shouta made the chaotic friend swear to never mention his name again let alone spell it.

"Dammit…" Shoto muttered.

"And besides it's been years since I last saw him and as far as I know he doesn't live in Japan anymore." Enji said.

"I won't be surprised if that bastard is burning in hell.." Shouta said standing at the entrance of the kitchen.

Enji and Shoto both whipped their heads towards Shouta, being shocked to see him awake at this time of night. While Shouta on the other hand was wondering why both of the Todoroki's thought it'll be a good idea to have a private conversation in the kitchen when there's a possibility that someone would walk in and hear their conversation.

"Aizawa sensei, how long have you been standing there?" Shoto asked.

"That is irrelevant." Shouta responded.

Shoto wanted to make a snarky remark back but he decided against not wanting to suffer from it in class tomorrow.

"How the ever loving hell did you even know we were even in here?" Enji asked Shouta.

"Я слышал твои большие сиськи в чертовом коридоре." Shouta said in Russian with a smirk on his face.

Shoto only looked at him confused, not understanding what Shouta said in Russian. It wasn't until he heard Enji let out a dramatic gasp that he knew whatever Shouta said was a direct insult towards Enji.

"For the last time there are pecs not tits and they're not that big!" Enji said with his arms crossed around his chest and shot a harmless glare at Shouta.

Shouta let out a gremlin-like chuckle at Enji's response and Shoto couldn't believe that he heard that sound come from Shouta. He also doesn't know if he should be amused or terrified by the Shouta and Enji dynamic.

'Why do I feel like if I tell anyone about this they'll look at me like I am crazy…' Shoto thought to himself.

"Keep on telling yourself that Enji.."

"Shouldn't you be going to sleep already?" Enji questioned Shouta.

"Enji we all know that I don't have a good sleep schedule."

"He does have a point.." Shoto chimed in.

Enji let out a sigh in defeat knowing he won't be able to win this. Though for some reason it felt like some weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Enji feels a little lighter after telling Shoto that, and it also gave him some sense of relief.

'Maybe staying in UA dorms won't be so bad after all…' Enji thought to himself with a small yet soft smile on his face.

This smile did not go unnoticed by Shouta and Shoto but they did not say a word as they enjoyed the rare moment of Enji smiling. It was mostly rare to Shoto since he can't remember the time he seen Enji with any form of smile on his face.

"Quick question..what the hell am I doing in the dorms since everyone will be gone in the morning?" Enji asked them both.

Enji knows that everyone will be busy and he doesn't want to bother them when they are busy. But he also doesn't want to be alone in the dorms by himself with nothing to do.

"You can come and visit my class if you like." Shoto said out loud.

Enji was surprised with Shoto's answer. He didn't expect him to offer him to come to his classroom. Enji looked at Shouta to see if he would be okay with it in which Shouta shrugs his shoulders showing that he would not care if Enji decided to join his chaotic class.

"That sounds like a good idea Shoto, I'll come visit your class in the morning." Enji said as he turned to face Shoto.

'What could possibly go wrong in Class-1A..' Enji thought to himself.

Sadly, Enji just doesn't know how chaotic Class-1A actually is and Shouta and Shoto are going to let him find out on his own.

Next chapter