
Chapter Six

Something wasn't right and Fuyumi know this, but she can not figure out what is wrong with Enji. He has been avoiding her, going home late, and stay in his room for the rest of the day only to leave again with out saying a word to her. She tried calling and texting him but he does not respond to it, and when he do Enji hardly say anything back. When Fuyumi told Rei about Enji's strange behavior, she agrees with her and thinks something must have happen to him for Enji to be so distance. She just hope that nothing bad happened to Enji, and that Shoto and Natsuo had nothing to do with their dad avoiding them every time he gets the chance. 'Maybe he's just busy with work, he did just became the #1 pro hero after All Might's retirement.' Fuyumi thought to herself while grading papers. Her students are at recess so that gave her time to think and hear her thoughts. She still couldn't shake off the feeling that something is terrible wrong with Enji, even as a child Fuyumi all ways knew that some thing is up with Enji the feeling got stronger when Touya died. She knew that Enji is not good with emotions or expression them, and if Fuyumi is being honest she does not know anything about Enji childhood.

Now that she thinks about it not once have Enji ever bring up anything about his childhood, nor does he bring up any stories about what he did as a child. Fuyumi don't even know if Enji have siblings or if his parent's are alive.

'Maybe I can ask later when I get off from work.' she thought to herself, her and Enji usually all ways spend father and daughter time together whenever they both are free.

*RINGGGGGGGGGGG* the sound for the bell pulled Fuyumi out of her thoughts recess was over and it's time for her to bring her students back inside. She gets up from her desk and walks out of the classroom to pick up her students from recess. Still Fuyumi could not stop herself for worrying about Enji, hopefully he'll tell her what is bothering him instead of keeping all bottle up. Once she made it to the school playground she waited for her students to form a straight line so they can go back inside. Once she made it to the school playground she waited for her students to form a straight line so they can go back inside.

"Alright class please get in line so we can go back inside the building." she said to them as they begin to get in line.

One of her students raise their and Fuyumi looks at them. "Yes?" she asked softly.

"Ms. Todoroki may we go get some water?" the student asked feeling very thirsty and forgetting to go get some water while playing with their friends.

"Sure and we can a little restroom break as well." she said as she walked her students back in the building.

Her students form two separate lines for bathroom and water, they got a little but they calm down afterwards. Fuyumi class is very sweet and always eager to learn she can all ready tell that her students have a bright future ahead of them.It made her remember when she was younger and she would all ways beg Enji, Touya, Rei, and sometimes Natsuo to play school with her. That's some of the good memories she share with her family before everything went down hill, but at least Enji saw his wrongs and is willing to chance his ways.

'If only Shoto and Natsuo can just see that instead of thinking he just doing it for fame.....' She thought to herself sadly, both Shoto and Natsuo have been ignoring and avoiding Enji instead of trying to build a bond with him.

Fuyumi pulled herself from her thoughts once her students are done getting some water and using the bathroom. She walk her students back to the classroom and they all sat down in their assign seats. Fuyumi then begins their last lesson for today and trying not to worry about Enji avoiding them every time they come home to visit. Looks like she going to done a little investigating by herself then once school is over and when Rumi come to picks up her after she's done patrolling for the day.


School was over and all the kids went home and Fuyumi was outside waiting on Rumi to come pick her up.While she was waiting for Rumi, Fuyumi could not stop herself from overthinking about the reasons why Enji have been avoiding the past three weeks.

'Did something happen to him and I did not notice? Is he stress out about something? Did Shoto and Natsuo did something to upset him? Should I ask him what's wrong or just wait until he tell me himself? What should I do?' She thought to herself beginning to stress herself out about all the possibilities and reason why Enji have been avoiding them.

Fuyumi was to deep in thought to notice that Rumi pulled to the school, she only realized when Rumi the horn to get her attention. *BEEP BEEP* She jumped a little bit startle when she heard the car horn only for her to realized that Rumi is here to pick her up.

'I must have been so lost in thoughts that I did not notice that she was here...' She thought to herself as she walked towards the car as she was doing so Rumi rolled down the passenger window as grinned.

"About time! I was thinking about scaring you like I did last time." Rumi said laughing a little bit at the memory, Fuyumi is easy to scare and her reactions are all ways funny and cute.

Fuyumi huffs a little and decided to not ignore what Rumi said no matter how much she wanted to protest about it.

"My bad Rumi I guess I got to deep in my thoughts and I did not realize that you was here." She said as Rumi drive away from the school heading to their apartment.

"What was you thinking about Yumi, if you don't mind telling me." Rumi said as she hummed softly.

She would admit she is a little curious of what Fuyumi was thinking about. Usually when Fuyumi be thinking about something she still know her surroundings but she hardly ever be so deep in thoughts that she forget where she is and it gives people the advantage to scare her.

"Umm... well it's about my dad...." Fuyumi stated while twiddling her fingers nervously, as Rumi looks at her through the review mirror with a questioning look.

Fuyumi sighs softly and continue to explain to Rumi, "He has been acting really weird lately and hardly talk to me at all. I don't know what's wrong with him because he is not the type of person to show or say how's he feeling." She said with sadness in her voice while leaning back on the passenger seat.

Fuyumi did not realize how much stress she is in about Enji strange behavior until now. Rumi furrowed her eyebrows in a mix of confusion and angrier. She does not understand what is wrong with Enji but what ever it is Fuyumi is clearly stressing out because of it and Rumi don't like it.

Once they was at a red light Rumi pulled out her phone and unlocked it, Fuyumi looks at her with curiously.

"Rumi what are planning on doing?" She asked knowing Rumi it can be either bad or good when she plan on doing something.

"You said that Enji have been distance lately so I'm going to text some one who might can help." Rumi stated while scrolling through her contacts looking for the person number.

"AHA! I found ya little devil." She said happy with her self as she click on the person name and call them while putting them on speaker phone.

Fuyumi couldn't help but wonder who is Rumi calling that might figure out what is wrong with Enji. *RING RING RIN-* During the middle of the third ring someone answer the phone on the other line hearing stuff being moved around in the background.

"Hello there Rumi! Need anything?" Toshinori said while trying to organized his paperwork and grade paper at the same time, luckily he have Rumi on speakerphone.

Fuyumi eyes widen in surprise as she realized who was on the phone with Rumi.

'She called All Might?? I thought my dad can not stand his guts?' Fuyumi thought to herself in confusion wondering how on earth will Toshinori can help her figure out what is wrong with Enji.

"Yo Toshinori I got a little favor for you." Rumi said calmly if there's anything she knows about Enji it is that Toshinori can make him do anything and if Rumi is being honest it's fucking hilarious to see Enji reaction everytime.

"Sure why not what is the favor?" Toshinori asked while grading Denki paper already feeling bad for giving him his grade.

But Toshinori also want to know why Rumi want him to do her a favor usually they would make dumb bets but favors was rare between the two.

"Can you figure out what have been going on with Enji lately for me?" Rumi stated while almost heading towards their apartment as Fuyumi is listening to their conversation.

"Rumi are you sure this is a good idea? He sounds a little busy.." Fuyumi protested the last thing she wanted is to pile all her problems on someone and she does not want to be a bother to Toshinori.

Rumi look at Fuyumi from the corner of her eyes with worry they talked about Fuyumi feeling like a burden and right before Rumi could say something Toshinori responded.

"It's alright Fuyumi I don't mind helping you guys out, now care to explain how Enji have been acting lately?" He said leading back in his rolling chair.

If he is being honest he want to know what happen between them and Enji for Rumi to ask for that kind of favor not that he don't mind.

"Ummm..... well he have been very distanced lately and have been avoiding me, Shoto, and Natsuo a lot, he also haven't been writing to my mom recently either...." Fuyumi explained not knowing whether or not it was a good idea to tell Toshinori what has been going on with Enji lately.

But Toshinori on the other hand felt his eye twitch after hearing what Fuyumi told him there is no way in hell is he going let Enji slide with this.

"Sure thing I'll go see what has been up with Enji recently." He said calmly to hide his anger, there's not need to let his anger out on them.

"Alright thanks Toshinori." Rumi said while pulling up to their apartment parking lot, Fuyumi smiled softly being thankfully that Toshinori will help her find out what is wrong with Enji and hopefully she can talk to Enji about it afterwards.

"No problem Rumi I'll let you guys whats been going on with Enji once I ask him." Toshinori said and ended the call.

He let out a deep sigh and rubs his temples, now he have to figure out how in the hell is he going get Enji to talk to him.

'Maybe I could text him? No he'll just leave me on read or try and change the subject. Call him? Nah that'll give him the advantage to fucking hang up in my face.... Shit fuck it I'll just show to his agency unexpected then.' He thought to himself liking the idea of going to Enji agency unexpected and try not to scold him in Italian.

Then again Enji would deserve it anyways for avoiding his children and not writing letters to Rei. Toshinori knows that the only way Enji will avoid them if it have something to do with his 'father' and there's not telling what that bastard did to him. So now there is a 50/50 chance that Toshinori will commit manslaughter and get arrest it or he can commit manslaughter and get away with it. More likely, he would probably get away with by saying it was self-defense but he can't assume anything well not yet any ways.

"I really need to finish grading these papers first and the fill out some paperwork." He said stretching a little and continue to grade his students paper and decided to go to Enji agency tomorrow afternoon.

'Well looks like tomorrow is going to be interesting.....' He thought to himself knowing shit is about to go down tomorrow.

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