
Chapter 790 Emergency Rescue

"Director Cao, how long until we can restart the positioning?"

"Captain Wu, this is an issue for the netizens of the beautiful country!" Director Cao also had a troubled expression on his face.

Upon hearing this, Captain Wu Peng immediately understood that they must have been blocked by netizens from the beautiful country!

"Captain Wu, head towards the position of the Antarctic, and I'll do my best to solve this!"

After saying this, Director Cao hung up the phone and then nodded to Alf, the man responsible for operating the satellite navigation for large agricultural purposes!

"Why did you shut down our navigation equipment!"

"Mr. Cao, you know why we had to shut down the navigator on the Antarctic. If we conduct a full inspection, we can ensure their safe arrival at the destination in the shortest time possible!"

"Mr. Alf, we have now entered the Pacific Ocean's waters. Our research vessel is not subject to your investigations!"

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