
Chapter 156 No possibility of cooperation

"Xu Zhen, how about this, I'll send you the script, and when you have time, take a look. Trust me, this film won't disappoint you." Wen Muye couldn't persuade any further, so he had to let Xu Zhen read the script first.

He believed that as long as Xu Zhen read the script, he would definitely be drawn in.

To push aside other acting offers was a very real possibility.

It was quite rare for an actor to come across a good script.

And when there was a good script, turning down other offers didn't count for much.

"Alright then, send me the script, and I will take a look before deciding," Xu Zhen conceded.

Xu Zhen, feeling helpless, couldn't blatantly refuse, so he agreed to look at the script.

After all, it wasn't good form to reject an offer outright without even reading the script; they might not approach him next time.

No matter how busy, he needed to make time to read it.

This showed that Xu Zhen's approach to dealing with people was much more mature than Wen Muye's.

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