
Chapter 104

--- 3rd Person POV ---

--- 22nd of August 1904 ---



"Madame Curie," Yuvraj Siagu began thoughtfully, "your work is truly groundbreaking. The Butuan Empire is committed to supporting your research. What do you require to advance this project further?"

Marie Curie hesitated for a moment, then spoke with determination. "We need more sophisticated equipment, a dedicated laboratory, and a team of skilled scientists. The potential dangers of working with radium also mean we require better safety measures. If these conditions are met, I believe we can make unprecedented advancements."

But despite how Yuvraj Siagu wanted to make things into reality by supporting Madame Curie and her husband on their research. Assurance and total loyalty are what Yuvraj Siagu wanted at the end, and with the end of their teacher-student relationship, the mere allegiance towards the empire by having a citizenship do not show total loyalty as citizenship can be renounce.

"But I am afraid with the end of our current setting, it would be hard for me to continually support you and your husband with your research, Madame Curie." Yuvraj Siagu stated while leaning back on his chair.

Marie Curie took a deep breath, steadying herself. Her mind raced as she considered the implications. She and Pierre had already made groundbreaking discoveries, but their work was far from complete. The support of Yuvraj Siagu had been instrumental, and losing it now could mean a significant setback. Yet, she knew that Yuvraj Siagu was seeking more than just their scientific loyalty; he wanted a deeper commitment to the Butuan Empire.

"Your Imperial Highness," she began slowly, choosing her words with care, "I have always admired the vision and progressiveness of you for the past years being your tutor. The opportunities you have provided us have been invaluable. If you are seeking a more profound commitment, I am prepared to discuss what that might look like for both me and Pierre."

Yuvraj Siagu's eyes narrowed slightly, a hint of curiosity mixed with the intensity of his gaze. "And what might that mean, Madame Curie?"

Marie glanced at Pierre, who gave a subtle nod of encouragement. "We could consider a more formal allegiance to the Butuan Empire, a dedicated role within the Riverbanks Imperial Institute. This would bind us more closely to your cause and ensure our continued collaboration."

Yuvraj Siagu leaned forward, intrigued. "A dedicated role within the Imperial Institute, you say? What exactly do you have in mind?"

Marie took another deep breath, feeling the weight of the moment. "We could establish a Radium Research Institute under the auspices of the Riverbanks Imperial Institute. Pierre and I would lead it, committing our discoveries and innovations to the betterment of the Butuan Empire. We would also train future scientists from Butuan, ensuring that our knowledge and techniques are passed on and expanded upon within the Empire. Exceeding what my husband and I teaches number of students."

The room was silent as Yuvraj Siagu considered her proposal. He saw the potential for unprecedented scientific advancement, but he also saw an opportunity to solidify the loyalty of two of the world's leading scientists to his Empire.

"Very well, Madame Curie," he said finally, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "You have convinced me. We will establish the Radium Research Institute, and you and your husband will lead it. In return, I expect your utmost dedication to the Butuan Empire. But I just want to have a bit of request."

With a curious look, Madame Curie replied, "And what is that, Your Imperial Highness?"

"The radium research institute," Yuvraj Siagu leans closer with a look of interest, "I want it to focus also on exploring the usage of the element called uranium."

"Uranium?" Madame Curie inquired, "Isn't just that much radioactive as the radium?"

"That might be true, but I believe uranium can be a much better element to study and focus more." Yuvraj Siagu leans confidently, "Although I am not prohibiting you and your husband to explore more on Radium, but I want you both to also explore along with radium the usage and of uranium. In medicine, electricity… or in military. "

Silence descended on the entire room after Yuvraj Siagu finishes his words. Madame Curie remains in silence after hearing the condition set by Yuvraj Siagu himself. She believes that uranium has already proven its purpose and have been thoroughly been explored unlike with the radium that shows excellent advancement in terms of medicinal usage and other things.

Madame Curie could not just see herself researching on uranium knowing that it has already been explored exhaustibly. But the possibility of losing Yuvraj Siagu as their main sponsor made Madame Curie creeps with worry. As the support that they have been receiving might be gone in an instant by not just accepting the condition set by Yuvraj Siagu himself.

"I have dream once, Madame Curie," Yuvraj Siagu stated calmly while taking his stand and moving towards the window, curiously being followed by the stares of Madame Curie and Senior Eunuch Radhesh; whom remains in silent, "Uranium would be one of the most valuable materials in the world. With its usage varies from being used for energy and also in warfare."

"For warfare?!" Madame Curie blurted in shock gaining the ere stares of Senior Eunuch Radhesh which she instantly seeks an apology for.

"Hahaha! No worries with that, Madame Curie," Yuvraj Siagu laughingly stated, "And yes, for warfare. I have seen cities flatten after being use as test objects for uranium as warfare weapons. I saw the western world being the one to use it for warfare after discovering its capabilities in battle, killing millions of people. And I, wanted to have that also as an advantage for Butuan and its allies, not for battle but to protect."

Lies, this is what Yuvraj Siagu is spewing. Without even telling his own purpose for wanting to research further on uranium in guise for protection, Madame Curie already know that the main purpose of uranium basing on her student's words is not for protection but for battle against western countries.

Madame Curie might not believe in God nor in any supernatural things and have put faith on science instead. But with how her student explained it, she understood the gravity of lethality that uranium has in terms of being a weapon. With millions died basing on her student's explanation, she can already deduce how powerful uranium can be as weapon.

And how much she loved to explore more things about science, Madame Curie still has a conscience of knowing and stopping on things that might cause harm on human beings. Making her in a dilemma of whether to accept her student's condition of hang on the her moral as human being and decline the offer.

"H-how about the other side of uranium's usage?" Madame Curie inquired, wanting to alleviate her feeling and a thought of focusing more on the possible good side of uranium.

With a smile covering his face, Yuvraj Siagu replied, "It can power a vast nation with little to no damage towards nature and its surrounding areas. With the electricity it can produce, it will bring more convenience towards the people of the empire. Making it more warm for the common people to have electricity and have a warmer house during the rainy seasons."

Hearing Yuvraj Siagu's words, Madame Curie could not help it but ponder more the conditions set by her student. With being in crossroad of exploring uranium that might result on a positive note and a damaging situation for human race, it took Madame Curie minutes to ponder and made decision.

Sensing his teacher's change of demeanor after minutes of pondering, Yuvraj Siagu faces his teacher with smile of confidence on his face before panning his attention towards Senior Eunuch Radhesh whom is smiling back at him confidently.

With deep breath, Madame Curie replied, "I agree."

A smile of success appeared on the face of Yuvraj Siagu, "Great! Thank you for making this possible, Madame Curie. The issue with facilities and budget might be answered in no time, but regarding with the skilled scientists? Why don't we use those students of yours and your husband?"

"They are still fledgling…" Madame Curie commented.

"But bearable, right?" Yuvraj Siagu replied.

As what Yuvraj Siagu remembers, Madame Curie and her husband; Pierre Curie currently have 5 students each under their direct tutelage. All of which are accomplished Butuanon scientist whom have excelled in the field of science.

As much as Yuvraj Siagu wants to have those original students of Madame Curie and Pierre Curie to be in Butuan. The idea of leaking important scientific information towards those whom Yuvraj Siagu knew are not loyal to his country do not sit well to his palate.

Thus, as much as possible, Yuvraj Siagu would source the personnel involved in such project locally to minimize the expense and the problem with communication. As after years of staying in Sooraj, Madame Curie and Pierre Curie have already learned how to communicate verbally and written in Butuanon.

With hesitation Madame Curie replied, "That is indeed true. As all of them have also been a huge help in our study."

"Then it's settled then!" Yuvraj Siagu exclaimed, "Well, then… this should be the end of our teacher-student interaction, Madame. It was nice being your student for more than 7 years."

With a gentle smile and a bow Madame Curie replied, "The pleasure is mine, Your Imperial Highness."

Yuvraj Siagu then take a stand from his seat and started to escort Madame Curie out from the room while tailing behind them is Senior Eunuch Radhesh and Senior Court Lady Mai Ying. Words of farewell and good tidings exited the mouth of Yuvraj Siagu and Madame Curie.

Now, left in the room with Senior Eunuch Radhesh, Yuvraj Siagu returns back to his chair before leaning a bit and closing his eyes to relax, subsequently releasing a deep sight of relaxation.

"Congratulation on attending the final class you have with your tutors, Your Imperial Highness." Senior Eunuch Radhesh stated with a proud smile and a gentle clap to show support.

"Indeed." Yuvraj Siagu ponders, "It has almost been 14 years of studies under the umbrella of my teachers."

"It's only been half a day have pass and I am already this exhausted. No wonder my uncle; Maharajkumar Sharvil never really dreams himself to be seated on the throne." Yuvraj Siagu then leans forward trying to watch the piles of papers on the table with exhaustion once again started to creeps on his body, "If only these papers can manage their own, my life as a regent would have been better."

A gentle smile appears on Senior Eunuch Radhesh's face seeing his master's reaction, "It has only been few days since you have become a regent, Your Imperial Highness. You have only also been spending time with these papers, you are still needed to do some visitation on some key facilities for inspection and giving of approval."

"Sigh… Okay," Yuvraj Siagu stated after composing himself and started taking some papers from the pile of papers on the table.

As lunch time came, Yuvraj Siagu also reaches his limits and have already feeling exhausted after hours of signing papers and stamping it with the seal of his family, reading the letters and laws content that needed the approval, budget request among other things. Exhausted, Yuvraj Siagu totally slouch himself towards the desk, not totally forgetting his composure.

A smile then forms at the face of Senior Eunuch Radhesh seeing his master's situation. It has been years since he saw this character of his master, opened and comfortable to be with. Although he knew that this might be another façade of his master, but the hopes that this is a change for the better lingers on Senior Eunuch Radhesh's heart.

"What are you smiling at, Radhesh?" Yuvraj Siagu inquired while squinting his eyes.

"A-ah, nothing, Your Imperial Highness." Senior Eunuch Radhesh replied while awkwardly smiling.

"Sigh… Spill it." Yuvraj Siagu stated while changing position and leaning towards the chair, "You know I hate tight lipped individuals. Be blunt and spoke up, nothing will happen if you will just keep it to yourself."

"Forgive me, Your Imperial Highness," Senior Eunuch Radhesh started, "But it's just that, I cannot contain my happiness to once again see you react like that after years of almost being indifference."

Yuvraj Siagu raises an eyebrow in confusion, "Really? It has been that long?"

Senior Eunuch Radhesh nodded intently cementing his master's words.

With a wiry smile, Yuvraj Siagu replied, "Really? Sigh… Time indeed flies by if that is the case. To tell you honestly, I have indeed realized that I have started to distance myself with something after the death of my younger brother. Blaming myself for unable to find solution for his illness.

Yuvraj Siagu really blames himself for that and decided to seclude himself and cage his inner self to avoid being hurt once more. Princess Khao might have saved some of his emotions but his pain at that time were too severe as he never really get over with death.

But seeing his father's situation last time made him realize that with him barricading, he has also neglected his living family whom is still with him. It made Yuvraj Siagu realize that instead of lingering to the past, he should have moved on and start anew."

With a pause and a gentle smile, Yuvraj Siagu take his eyes towards the painting of their family back when they were still complete, hanging on the wall of the room. The painting of the Shaja family, the epitome to power and grandeur in the empire, the only family that made the empire an empire.

"Besides, Arin would not be happy to know in the afterlife, after the Lord's return, that his kuya and family is still mourning his death and blaming each other years after his death." Yuvraj Siagu emotionally commented.

A gentle smile of joy exited the face of Senior Eunuch Radhesh as he finishes hearing the words and explanation of his master. Which he can related as he once mourned for almost a year after losing his parents due to old age and illness. And seeing his master finally getting back to his feet after years of mourning, made Senior Eunuch Radhesh content on his master's care and compassion.

A ruler might need to be strong and decisive, separating personal feeling from duty and honor of the family. But that doesn't mean that a ruler cannot be compassionate and caring towards his subjects, these were the thought of Yuvraj Siagu while heading towards the door of the room to have some lunch with his family at the dining hall of the palace.

The journey took Yuvraj Siagu and Senior Eunuch Radhesh a couple of minutes before laughter and giggles of children can be heard exiting the dining hall of the palace. With its extravagant entrance inlaid with traditional patterns chiseled on wooden frames and the door of simplicity yet elegance. Four assistant court lady and assistant eunuch guarded the entrance and opening it to Yuvraj Siagu and Senior Eunuch Radhesh to enter.

Upon entering, the dining hall resembles a mixture of traditional Butuanon and western style. What used to be small tables and cushion for eating, a long elegant dark table can be seen placed at the center of the room, surrounded by chairs of fine craftmanship. Three elegant and giant chandeliers adorned with gems can also be seen hanging on the roof of the room, while ornaments and furnitures decorated the entire room.

the room itself shows much grandeur and power than the previous dining hall that Yuvraj Siagu could remember. Basing on his estimate, the room can house a total of not more than 200 individuals due to its immense size and the amount of money pour in its renovation. But despite its hugeness, Yuvraj Siagu could still hear his younger siblings giggling and laughter while conversing with Maharajkumar Ainesh and Maharajkumari Mahati. Their parents, Maharaja Siagu XV and Maharani Alice smiles in amusement as both observed their children teasing each other.

As Yuvraj Siagu draw closer to his family's seated area, the argument between his younger siblings became more audible and louder. His younger brother; Maharajkumar Kiran is currently arguing with his twin sister; Maharajkumari Anaya about who is the most brilliant out from the both of them. This made Yuvraj Siagu recall the time where his younger siblings; Maharajkumari Mahati and Maharajkumar Ainesh argues about who is the most attractive out from the both of them.

"It's clear, Anaya," Maharajkumar Kiran insisted, his tone tinged with exasperation, "I excel in mathematics and sciences. Just yesterday, I solved that complex equation without any help."

Maharajkumari Anaya rolled her eyes dramatically. "And what good is all that if you can't even navigate your own way towards any part of the palace? Intelligence isn't just about numbers, Kiran."

Maharaja Siagu XV chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with fondness as he looked at his wife. "Do you remember when we used to have similar arguments, Alice? Times have changed, but the spirit of competition among siblings remains the same."

Maharani Alice nodded, her smile widening. "Indeed, my dear. It's heartwarming to see them grow, each with their own strengths and personalities."

Yuvraj Siagu finally reached the table, his presence immediately noticed by his younger siblings, who momentarily paused their argument.

"Ah, Kuya! Maybe you can help us here," Kiran said, a hopeful look in his eyes.

Anaya scoffed playfully. "As if he would take your side over mine."

With a gentle laugh, Yuvraj Siagu answered, "And what is it that made you both start an argument with each other?"

Maharajkumar Ainesh chuckles in amusement, "Same as always… One wanted to be top over the other."

"Hahaha. Again?" Yuvraj Siagu smilingly replied while taking his seat.

"Don't be like that, Ainesh," Maharajkumari Mahati interjected with a playful look, "You have once even competed with me and have Kuya Siagu mediate because you cannot accept the result."

Maharajkumar Kiran and Maharajkumari Anaya stops their bickering and stared at Maharajkumar Ainesh with a mischievous glint in their eyes. Maharaja Siagu XV and Maharani Alice on the other hand laughs in amusement and delight.

Ainesh's face turned slightly red as he stammered, "That was different! Besides, it was a long time ago."

"Oh? Kuya Ainesh lost to Ate Mahati?" Maharajkumar Kiran mischievously inquired while intensely staring with Maharajkumari Anaya at their older brother.

Maharajkumar Ainesh started to turn red causing the people in the table to laugh at Maharajkumar Ainesh's situation. Maharajkumari Mahati on the other hand answered Maharajkumar Kiran's words by jokingly raising her eyebrows up and down, further making Maharajkumar Kiran and Maharajkumari Anaya giggles in enjoyment.

As the conversation between the family continues, the food arrived one after another without interruption. Allowing the family to start eating and merrily while Senior Court Ladies and Eunuchs, along with few Junior Court Lady / Junior Eunuch and Apprentice Courtiers stands on the side, accompanying the family silently.

A few hours later after luncheon, Yuvraj Siagu made his way towards the Pavilion of Eternal Wisdom (Sanatana Paviliun), the biggest pavilion of the 4 pavilions in the inner court of the compound. The materials used to build the Sanatana Pavilion are the same materials used to build the 3-story pavilion that Yuvraj Siagu's grandmother liked to visit always. And the cat, Mayani, that used to reside on the pavilion is now dead after years of guarding the pavilion.

What replaces Mayani are the two towering dogs of Yuvraj Siagu himself, a male and a female. Seating on the cushion is Yuvraj Siagu himself while his dogs can be seen lying beside him, seeking for his continual rubbing on their skin. Fragrance coming from the burning incense mixed with the fragrance from the flowers in the garden and the fresh air of the surrounding relaxes the mind of Yuvraj Siagu himself, causing him to smile gently while rubbing his dogs.

But as Yuvraj Siagu relaxes and engross himself on his surroundings, his two dogs suddenly release a growl, making Yuvraj Siagu direct his attention towards the cause of the growl. Only to see his father and mother making their way towards the Sanatana Paviliun accompanied by their courtiers, whom remain outside the pavilion like the courtiers of Yuvraj Siagu.

"Mama, Papa," Yuvraj Siagu greeted as he takes his stand and bow respectfully towards his parents. "What brought you both in here, ma, pa?"

"Nothing much. Your father just wanted to have a fresh breeze of air while still on his recovery." Maharani Alice stated as the three of them started to take their seat.

Nisha and Arjun, dogs of Yuvraj Siagu, happily wag their tails as both went and shows their affection to Maharaja Siagu XV and Maharani Alice, making the couple giggle finding the dog's action adorable. Yuvraj Siagu on the other hand smiles seeing his father's recovering positively and his mother's accompaniment.

As the wind blew and touched the faces of those present in the area, a contented smile spread across the face of Maharaja Siagu XV as he glanced at the waters surrounding the pavilion. "The breeze of wind is indeed fresh on this side of the compound," he remarked.

Next chapter