

(Logan POV)

"What?!" Hughie says jumping up and seeing me freaking out as everyone looks at me confused. 

"That woman, I met her during WW2. When my men and I were liberating the Dachau concentration camp… It was a horrible day, it started with–" I say before explaining to them the story of that day and how I found a paper referencing Frederick Vought in the camp and she killed my good friend before escaping. 

"Damn… I'm sorry," MM says shaking his head since he knows what it is like being a soldier. While Hughie, Kimiko, and Frenchie just give me sorrowful looks, Butcher gives me a hard look hiding his emotions. 

"To think we allowed some of the scientists amnesty and to live here," Hughie says shaking his head. 

"For the greater good," I say with air quotes as that was the excuse used by the higher-ups. 

"So, are we gonna kill that Nazi bitch?" Butcher says as everyone nods thier heads. 

"Yes, she is going to die. But not before we expose her to the world… Research her and do everything in your power to expose her, I'm sure Vought did her best to hide that fact about her. However, I doubt they could cover everything up from her past," I say as they nod their heads. 

"Aide! Aide!" (Help! Help!) We hear one of the gangsters shout as they come running down the stairs with one heavily injured. 

The one who is heavily injured looks like his arm has been crushed completely under a heavy item. The bones have all been shattered, leaving the arm completely limp. While the other gang member had some minor bruises and cuts. 

"What the fuck?! I can't fix this shit! He needs a hospital!" MM says running over and seeing the wound. 

"Frenchie, tell them they need a hospital!" MM says as Frenchie turns and shouts to them in French to go to a hospital. 

"They won't go!" Frenchie says as they argue for a few seconds. 

"Grab something to burn the wound and a tourniquet," I say walking over and bringing out a single claw in my one hand. 

MM nods his head immediately knowing what I plan on doing, as Frenchie runs to grab a welding torch and MM grabs a belt and screwdriver to twist it tightly. 

"Everyone hold this man down," I say as Butcher and Kimiko come to hold the man down. 

MM quickly ties the makeshift tourniquet before I cut the arm off. With one single fluid swipe, I cut through his completely smashed arm severing it from his shoulder. The man lets out a scream before passing out, then Frenchie burns the arm waking the man back up as he screams in pain. 

"Frenchie tell his friend he might just die from shock and needs antibiotics. Plus even with the meds and constant bandage changing chances are he might just die anyway," I say as Frenchie tells the other man since the one we amputated passed back out. 

"What the fuck even happened?" MM says sitting back with a heavy sigh now that the situation is temporarily handled. 

Frenchie then talks with the friend asking what happened before he runs off for the meds. The two have a quick but heated argument, as we all sit and wait for Frenchie to explain what happened. However, I knew French and knew what was happening, I just let Frenchie talk with them since I already had a lot to deal with. 

"He said they were smuggling some product in and things got out of hand! He won't tell me exactly what happened or what they were smuggling," Frenchie says as the man already ran off for meds, maybe. 

"Did he tell you where this happened?" Butcher says as Frenchie shakes his head.

"Well, we have another one right here," I say pouring water on the man's face making him jump back awake as he looks down at his now missing arm. Frenchie then gets him to focus as he tells Frenchie where this happened. 

"He won't say what happened either, but I know where we can look," Frenchie says as Butcher, Hughie, Kimiko, Frenchie and I all head to the location, MM is staying behind to watch the new amputee. 

We arrive at the docks where this happened, we then bribe the dockmaster to see the security camera footage. We see the two men from earlier escorting people out of a boat before one freaks out and attacks them. The man uses what appears to be telekinesis to raise the boat and throw it at the one man who gets his arms crushed by the boat. 

"Well, shit," I say seeing the footage as everyone nods their heads with Kimiko looking at it with a conflicted face. 

"A fucking supe terrorist… Here I thought shit couldn't get worse," Butcher says with an annoyed sigh. 

"I need to call Grace," I say taking my phone out and calling Grace. 

"Logan… I heard what happened to Raynor, where you there?" Grace asks me since it was only a few hours ago since we saw Raynor get killed. 

"Yeah, though no offense but we have a bigger issue," I say as I hear Grace mumble 'fuck' under her breath. 

"What happened?" Grace asks me. 

"We found footage of a group taking part in human trafficking. The worst part is they smuggled in a supe, who just might be a terrorist," I say as Grace goes quiet. 

"Fuck! Ok… Shit, here I thought I could retire in peace… Seems I have to come back for now atleast," Grace says since apparently they contacted her after Raynor was found dead. 

"Sorry Grace, but shit is getting worse and it seems Raynor was killed for finding out about something," I say explaining what Raynor told us before getting killed. 

"Fuck… Ok, find this terrorist and capture them for questioning. I want to know how they got Compound V, but you can kill them if it becomes impossible to capture them alive," Grace says before hanging up. 

"We need to track this guy down," I say turning to them as they nod their heads with Frenchie looking at the screen. 

"I recognize these guys here… They should be using a costume store as a front for their money laundering," Frenchie says pointing to the two new men on the screen who we didn't see before and they look of Asian descent. 

"Ok, let's go and get them they should know more, seems they might know something about this new guy," I say as Frenchie drives us to the costume store where we pull up from the back. 

Butcher grabs a rifle with Frenchie doing the same, as Hughie follows behind them with Kimiko and me going in first since we don't need weapons. I use one claw to cut the lock and open the door and we sneak inside to the half-lit costume store. I motion for everyone to split up as we sneak into the store. 

As I'm walking through the store I hear several voices with my super hearing and make my way to them. I see several gang members with tattoos on their bodies, tattoos of Shining Light Liberation Army, the terrorist group. I rush them before they can react, however, right before I reach them Kimkio jumps in and starts killing them in a blood rage. 

"You good?" I say as she tears off the last man's head and tosses it to the side, she turns to me and nods her head. 

"Good, next time try not to make a mess," I say as we walk past a door with another man coming out at the same time. 

My instinct kicks in as I swipe at his face slicing it in thirds as he falls to the ground dead. Kimkio stares at the brain matter everywhere then back to me with a deadpan look. I shrug my shoulders as we then hear crashing from the center of the store, we rush over and see Butcher and Frenchie have been thrown back into several racks. While Hughie is hiding nearby with a nervous look, we see the supe terrorist from earlier ready to kill Butcher and Frenchie. 

I bring out my claws as Kimkio places her hand in front of me stopping me, then she runs over to the man who turns to us. At first, he looks ready to kill, but then he sees Kimiko before his eyes widen and Kimiko rushes him pulling him into a hug. The man freezes up before returning the hug as we all stare at the scene confused for a few seconds. 

"Kimiko?" I say as the man snaps out of the surprise before making the place come crashing down on top of us. 

I use my body to shield Hughie who screams as the building collapses on top of us. With a grunt, I threw the part that crushed me off of my back and removed the steel beam that embedded itself in my right lung. I then run over with Hughie as we dig out Butcher and Frenchie who appear to have only minor cuts from the building collapse. 

"What the fuck was that?!" Butcher says shouting and standing up. 

"Her brother," Frenchie says before we all run to the van. 

"Follow me, I have their scent," I say running after the smell of Kimiko and the man while they drive after me in the van. 

We turn the corner to see Kimiko and her brother in a park sitting on a swing set talking. Then he sees us before running off, but Kimiko stops him he argues with her as I run over. He quickly sends a street sign my way but I cut it in half and keep running toward him. 

In a panic he starts drawing on all his power but before he can do anything major Kimiko hits him in the back of the head knocking him out. The others quickly pull up as we use duck tape to cover his hands and handcuff them together. As it appears he uses his hands to use his powers. We then pack into the van before quickly heading back to the hideout. 

"We got them," I say making a call to Grace as Kimiko is staring at her brother with a guilty look. 

"However, there is a slight problem. They are the sibling of our new member… so I might need to make them join us if possible," I say to Grace as Kimiko gives me an appreciative look. 

"Logan… not sure I can authorize that, however, I can come personally with a team to ask questions. If he is cooperative then you can keep him otherwise I will need to take him for more intense questioning," Grace says to me. 

"I understand," I say as we arrive at the hideout and bring him inside.