
The training to face the Saiyans

In a grassy plane where no intelligent life existed.

"Is that all?" Raditz said as he looked at Piccolo, Krillin and Tien who were huffing and puffing.

"That guy is even more powerful than I thought. How did Goku even defeat him." Krillin said.

"Neo-Kikoho," Tien yelled out as he launched a Kikoho in Raditz's direction.

"Too slow. How are you going to hit your enemy with that kind of attack?" Raditz said as he jumped into the air to Dodge the attack.

"Weekend," Raditz yelled out as he launched a red beam from two of his hands at Tien.

However, Chaiotzu pushed Tien out of the way.

"Tein san. Are you Okay?" Chaiotzu asked.

"Yeah. Thanks, Chaiotzu." Tien thanked Chaiotzu.

"Tch. With my scouter, it is hard to locate them." Raditz said as he didn't expect Chaiotzu to save Tien before his attack hit.

"Behind you," Piccolo said as he smacked Raditz in the head from behind.

Raditz turned back as he felt pain.

Piccolo noticed that there were still no noticeable injuries on Raditz even though their spar had been going on for more than twenty minutes already.

"Tch." Piccolo backed off as he dodged Raditz's arm swing that was aimed at him.

"Krillin, Tien and Chaiotzu. Buy some time for me. I still have a trick in my arsenal." Piccolo yelled at the other three.

"Buy some time!! Easy for you to say." Krillin complained.

"I don't have much stamina left. I already used Kikoho once and that attack drained most of my energy." Tien replied.

"Tien san don't give up." Chaiotzu encouraged him.

"Fine Let's go Krillin, Chaiotzu," Tien said as he flew towards Raditz.

"Right." Krillin and Chaiotzu followed Tien as the three started to engage in hand-to-hand combat with Raditz.

The three exchange fists to fists kicks to kicks and fists to kicks until Tien lands a powerful uppercut on Raditz.

Taking that opening that Tien made as an opportunity Krillin attacked Raditz with a knee to the face.

It connects and a few drops of blood start to appear around Raditz's lips.

"Impressive but still not enough," Raditz said as he started to counter-attack Tien and Krillin who showed a few gaps in their defence after going for powerful attacks.

"Do you see now? Training is useless. If you are having that much trouble against me you would not be able to beat Nappa and Turles let alone Vegeta." Raditz said.

"Any time now." Krillin who was already low on stamina said to Piccolo.

"Take this. Special beam Cannon," Piccolo yelled out as he launched a powerful energy beam at Raditz.

"Cheap trick," Raditz said as he tried to Dodge the attack.

"As if I let you." Tien who was near Raditz grabbed Raditz's body to prevent himself from dodging the attack.

"Your grab is weak," Raditz said as he easily broke out of Tien's restraint.

"Dondonpa," Chaiotzu said as he launched a Dondonpa ray at Raditz.

The beam grazed Raditz's face as a cut was made below his eyes.

He was distracted by Chaiotzu's attack and the special beam cannon hit his right arm.

"Pass," Raditz said as he got down from the air.

Raditz knew that if Piccolo's attack was aimed at his head or his heart he would have died. And if Chaiotzu's attack was aimed at one of his eyes he might be even in more trouble.

"Wait. It's over." Krillin said.

"Yeah. This is just a spar to see how would we fair against the Saiyans. Not a fight to the death." Tien said to Krillin.

"Chaiotzu. Nice one." Tien said as he gave a thumb up to Chaiotzu.

"Phew. Man, you are strong." Krillin said to Raditz as he tried to approach him.

However, Raditz just glared at him. Making Krillin stop.

"Here have this," Piccolo said to Raditz as he threw a Senzu beam at him.

Their spar was being monitored by Kami who smiled at the progress that they made.

"Mr Popo. It seems that there is still hope for Earth after all." Kami said to Mr. Popo as they continued observing the training of the others from the lookout.

During that time both Goku and Dai were also making progress in their respective trainings.

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