

On a battleship with huge sails, which was adorned with the word 'Marine', Magellan was standing, looking at the three fleeing ships.

A few moments ago:

Magellan had been called to escort a particularly dangerous criminal to impel down, Although, he didn't want to get out of his dark prison.

But, he received orders that all other qualified marines were busy regarding another matter, so he would have to fetch the criminal himself.

since it was a relatively nearby marine base, he couldn't refuse. The last time he had refused saying there were no other qualified personnel in the prison to keep it functioning properly, also due to Hannyabal, report about him, he was forced to come here. So, he would be sure to reward him with a poisonous breath, when he returns.

As he was busy spending his quality time in the restroom, dealing with his usual business of diarrhea, due to constantly eating poisonous food.

Someone interrupted him by saying "There was a pirate battle ahead."

Listening to this Magellan asked feeling annoyed, "Why don't you deal with them? I am busy."

But the marine replied in haste but the ocean is frozen where that are fighting and they seemed to have strong devil fruit users amongst them.

Listening to this, Magellon had a serious face, as he started to get ready for the confrontation," since those pirates seem troublesome might as well give them a ride to Impel down" Magellon mused.

On the pirate ship, Brook had already realized that there was someone strong in the marine ship.

Since haki can only discern the physical abilities and haki of a person, not the devil fruit, so he didn't know who exactly it was, in the enemy ship, but as Brook saw Magellan, he felt a bit surprised.

Magellan should be in the prison as its warden, so what was he doing here?

Brook thought, 'Maybe since we are near the area of the prison he is traveling for some official matters.' Eventually, Brook stopped thinking about it as it was pointless.

While the pirate ships were traveling slowly, due to their battered ships dragging them down.

The marine ship quickly caught up to them.

Now, with only a distance of 500m between them Brook and Magellan came face to face.

Looking at the inevitable battle Brook felt troubled, while it was easy for him to either run or even defeat Magellon, it was another case for the pirate crew.

Brook knew that with Magellan's poison, it would be over for the pirates once they get poisoned.

Brook on the other hand was a different story Magellan's advantage due to poison-poison paramecia devil fruit, didn't affect him much.

Brooks's body was unique, while experimenting he realized he was merely using the body to house his soul. So he could eat, get drunk, taste touch and hear all was the ability of his soul rather than a body. So by turning off those senses using the soul, he could neutralize any sensation he didn't need. such as eating, breathing, drinking, and crying.

The only thing he needed was soul energy which could be healed naturally by sleeping.

So by simply removing his senses of smell and related functions with the help of his devil fruit, he could neutralize the poison. But if Mgellon somehow secrets extremely corrosive poison it might be different.

Looking at Magellon facing off with Brook from 500 meters everyone could feel a palpable tension in the air.

This was the first time he felt this threatening. Even Acreus looked at him curiously.

"So, old man you know who that guy is he feels strong." Acreus inquired.

Listening to the question, Brook realized nobody knew Magellan as nobody was answering the question.

So, Brook replied, "Not really, but I can feel it he is somewhat strong."

Hearing this Acreus raised an eyebrow as this was the first time he had seen someone who is recognized as strong by Brook.

As Magelon looked at the Jolley Roger and was about to strike out.

Brook immediately realized it through the use of observation haki.

So he quickly gathered a cold aura from throughout his body in his palm compressed into a small blue sphere. He then started surrounding the compressed ball with thin tendrils of threads that rotated around the compressed aura.

It only took about 3 sec to do all this, while Magellan had already covered his entire body in purple poison and was about to strike

As the poison was about to manifest in what seemed like the head of a hydra.

Brook threw the blue sphere, shouting Rasengan.

As the Rasengam was traveling through the air, he turned around and started walking back. All the pirates were looking at him curiously, as he was walking back from the front row of the ship.

As all his crew was observing him an explosion of ice occurred behind him in the distance. There was a spherical explosion of around 120m in diameter in the distance.

He calmly walked steady steps with the explosion directly behind him.

As every one of the pirates looked at the display of power and charisma Brook had displayed.

Brook celebrated, "Yeah! fucking nailed it."

As he was walking the badass walk.

He noticed some movement from within the frozen marine ship.

Magellan seemed to be pissed as he was constantly releasing poison from his body, melting the ice, and covering the ship along with everyone.

Using observation haki to observe this,

Frustrated Brook thought" Shit! Mf Magellan already melted that much ice, if this continues I can't get in front of everyone at the perfect time to give my grand speech.'

Next chapter