


Today, there were no classes. It was Saturday, and I was stuck in my dorm room. Quiet, with nothing but the birds occasionally chirping filling my room with sound.

'They're so damn loud, and they aren't even inside.'

This feeling, this chance I get to relax. It's nice. It would've been even nicer if I hadn't met that Eudora girl.

Why does the burden of the entire world have to be put on a young boy like me?

Suddenly, 3 loud bangs could be heard from my door.

I slowly got out of my bed, trudging over toward my door. Just as slowly, I reached toward the door handle, pulling the door open.

A wave of pleasant scents filled my nose seconds after I opened the door. 

In front of me stood Cera, and Ian.

"Are you using your rest day to… rest?" Cera giggled. Ian had a light smile on his face as well.

'Do you even hear yourself right now?'

I rubbed my eyes, trying to make everything as clear as possible.

"What do you guys… require from me?"

"We require you to come outside of your dorm and hang around campus with us. Duh!" Ian patted my shoulder. 

I looked at his hand on my shoulder, then looked at him. Slowly, I lifted it off.

"Sure," I yawned. "just… give me a second."

I should've just used my free will and said no. 

. . .

. .


The school didn't change too much. Besides a few exterior design changes, the frame and structure were all the same.

I walked behind Cera and Ian, as they held hands.


It irritated me. I don't know why.

I guess I just wish I had a relationship as good as theirs.

I didn't pay attention, so unexpectedly, I bumped into someone.


We bumped, but I was unexpectedly the only one who fell.

I looked forward and up. In front of me, there was a boy around my age. His hair was dark brown with light brown strands here and there. His soft blue eyes gazed into mine, with a look more so of annoyance than anything else. Like everyone else, he was not wearing his uniform.

"Ah, my bad-"

"Watch where you're going."

He didn't reach his hand out for me and continued walking past. 

. . .

. .


[Undisputed territory, island between Sar and Anore]

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

There were three horses traversing within the thick forest.

The horse on the right was ridden by a now 16-year-old Oscar. He looked more mature than before, his hair just a bit longer. But, you could still tell that it was Oscar. He was equipped with a sword to his waist.

The horse on the left was ridden by the other escort for the king—a 17-year-old, with buzzed black hair and black eyes. Despite his young age, his face was riddled with scars, though not intense enough for his face to be unrecognizable. On his back, he was equipped with a spear.

The king rode the horse farthest back in the middle. He had a white cloak covering most of his body with his hood on, but you could tell it was a blonde-haired individual.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

The horses rode on, until coming to a stopping point.

"We're here." The king said, with a voice unexpectedly high pitched. It wasn't extremely high, but it wasn't something you would expect from a male king.

He dropped down from his horse. Oscar and Yezekael, the other escort, dropped down from their horses and followed behind the king.

"We don't even look like escorts. We're following behind the king." Oscar whispered to Yezekael.

"Be quiet. We're almost there."

They reached this kind of house, a log cabin of the sort. Yezekael stepped in front of the king, opening the door for him.

As soon as the door opened, a wave of scents flooded through. The trio walked in.

The log cabin was sufficiently sized and large enough to fit around 50 people. The interior was made out of wood like the exterior, and moss grew in certain parts.

Of course, with such an important political meeting being held, wood would not be the only thing protecting it. A heavy shield of mana, with several layers, surrounded the log cabin.

"You're finally here, King Caelum van Eustis." 

Caelum took his hood off.

His blonde hair fell past his ears, a little unkempt being shaken up from the horse ride. His eyes were grey. Despite the color, his eyes looked so full of life.

"To think the king of such a great country was so... young. Is the kingdom really doing that badly?" 

The advisor on the right laughed. His hair was long and white, falling down his back. His eyes were a very dark black, and his right arm was mechanical

"..." Caelum stood quiet. 

"The king sent his lackeys to come and meet us instead of a direct confrontation? Strange."

The advisor gritted his teeth. He was about to move forward until the advisor next to him stuck his hand out.

It was a man around the same height and age, mid 20s or so. He had black hair like Yezekael's, a tad bit longer. His eyes were low and gloomy, with purple-colored eyes.

The two of them wore a large button coat, with something to tie it at the waist. Sar's coat of arms was plastered on the coat, a shield split into four parts, black and white. There was a rod with two black snakes circling it. 

Under the shield, the initials "G.K.S" were plastered, curving in a way for it to fit under the shield.

"We have not come here to start any unreasonable conflicts. We are here merely to discuss territory."

"Right." Oscar nodded.

Next chapter